Membership in the Inner Circle Coven of the Laiad is a serious undertaking. As humans, we each contemplate our lives in search of the truth as to who we are. For the individual, it may mean study of various paths, different yet shared beliefs, and ideas that may simply belong to that one. The Inner Circle Coven encourages all of these things, within parameters of its own beliefs. We do not condone the harming nor influencing of innocents, and we encourage responsibility for one's own actions. For without these ideals, the individual is not an individual at all, but simply another of the many who are caught by the "herd-mentality" of society. For this reason, it is necessary to be thoughtful in choosing this path, and to be certain that this is the path for you.
Our group requires that each human that chooses this path put on paper their feelings and understandings of this religion, what one hopes too offer this path and gain in return, and why each individual has decided to make this choice.
Upon receipt of this "Letter of Intent", our group reviews it and decides if we are a suitable choice for the individual. If we do not feel that this is the best place for this person, we will make every effort to find a more appropriate place better suited to that particular persons needs and ideals.
If we find that you have ideals and understandings similar to our own, we then begin an educational process. We have study groups called Guilds, which offer group discussion and study of various esoteric subjects, such as meditation, tarot, astrology, etc. - basic subjects that aid the one just discovering this path into better understanding of the alternative religions.
We also offer an information exchange system. We post philosophies of members on the ICCOTL Website, as well as various other occult studies (see Buttons on Main Page). Information posted must have a bibliography unless written by the individuals themselves (such as poetry, rituals, and philosophies). All postings are by member option.
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