The Inner Circle Coven of the Laiad

Written by Calia


Faith is important in all human lives. Whether you are a Satanist, a Christian, an Atheist, each belief system belongs to that one and that one alone. Every human being has his/her own path to follow. Many individuals feel that it is important and necessary to dedicate themselves to their faith through ceremony. For us, the following ceremony is our way of showing our devotion to our religion. Although we do not all follow a "god-form", we each respect the human characteristics that these entities represent. We hope that you will find this useful in your own quest. Please keep in mind, this is a simplistic description of how our group performs this ceremony.


Ritual Items needed: Goetic Sanctum, Invocator (preferably one who has already been baptized), standard items for altar (include but not limited to: candles, gong, athame [sword, dagger], brassiere, Symbol of Kali and/or Baphomet, altar cloth, robes.


Items needed by Petitioner: oil with scent of new sign/attributes, incense of birth sign/attributes, mojo containing fives stones representing the points of the Baphomet and their attributes [ fire/ambition, air/wisdom, earth/stability, water/emotion, and spirit/spirituality], white cloth to coven entire body, wine, dirt, one black candle, a letter of requests and offerings, symbol of faith, and one witness.



Altar Cloth: used to cover the surface of the altar. Usually a color of power or a color appropriate to the working being done.

Altar: a table or flat surface on which items used during rites are placed. It is set in the following way: In the center of the altar, place five black candles in the shape of a pentagram. To the right, place the earth, mojo (stones), oil, incense, letter of requests and offerings, and Symbol of Faith. To the left, place the chalice, with wine. At the front of the altar, place the athame.

Athame: a sword or dagger used to call the cardinal points (North, South, East, West).

Black Candle: this represents our passion and ambition as the Petitioner travels the path as their altered self. It is used to light the fire in the brassiere and represent Kali's Torch in the Darkness.

Brazier: a large non-flammable container in which incense is burned.

Candles: preferably black. At least five, each representing the points of the pentagram, with as many additional needed to light the room.

Chalice: a goblet of some sort to hold wine or beverage.

Earth: this represents the mundane and material side of human nature. It is mixed with various items to represent the new with the old.

Goetic Sanctum: private room which one conducts worships, rituals, and rites. It should be a place that is not generally disturbed by casual association. It is set up in the following manner: A symbol of the corresponding Goddess of that element and direction is placed on the appropriate wall. The gong is hung left of the altar within arms reach of the Invocator. The brazier is placed in the center of the room. Symbol of Kali and/or Baphomet is hung on the West wall. (This is the setup of the ICCOTL, preferences may vary.)

Gong: a bell or gong used to purify the room before ceremony.

Incense: The incense is made with scents that represent the birth sign of the Petitioner to remind the Petitioner of the self that was born as this human and to acknowledge its worth. Part is used to scent the room prior to the Rite. The rest is mixed with the Earth to represent the new with the old.

Invocator: one who performs the ceremony

Letter of Requests and Offerings: This letter is personal. It may contain desires that the Petitioner has, and/ or it may contain attributes that the Petitioners wishes removed.

Mojo: This does not necessary have to be a bag, but may be a box or some sort of formal container as its contents represent the human and the essences that make us what we are. It is mixed with the Earth to represent the new with the old.

Oil: The oil is made with scents that contribute to the attributes the Petitioner wants to attain. The Petitioner is anointed during the ceremony with the oil to demonstrate the addition of this new self to the old. It is mixed with the Earth to represent the new with the old.

Symbol of Faith: this should be a piece of jewelry (ring, amulet, etc.) that will become a symbol of you and what you represent. It is placed the Earth to represent the new with the old.

Symbol of Kali and/or Baphomet: usually a visual display of Kali or Satan used as a focal point for energy.

White Cloth: this represents the shedding of the old and making way for the new, the wisdom and intellect that we choose our path.

Wine: this represents the emotional side of human nature and its lack of inhibitions. It is mixed with the Earth to represent the new with the old. (Note: it does not necessarily have to be wine; it can be any beverage pleasing to the palate.)

Witness: this should be someone close to you and who understands your dedication and how important this is to you.




Kneeling before the altar, clothed in a white cloth, the Petitioner reflects briefly upon the life s/he is about to give in exchange for a life of Eternal Fire. During this time, the Invocator makes ready for the death and rebirth of the Petitioner. Witnesses may meditate on the person they have known, what influence s/he has had on their lives, and may give "creative" energy to the "birth" of this new human being.



(Invocator strikes gong once.)

Invocator: We have all traveled here this night to celebrate the birth of a new soul. This one has journeyed hard and long on the path and has found her/his way to darkness. I, (name of Invocator), come before the Goddesses of Darkness tonight to bear witness to the birth of this new soul.


Witness: We also bear witness this night to the birth of this new soul.


Invocator: As we begin this Rite of Baptism, we ask the Goddesses of Eternal Fire show their favor upon all gathered here as we celebrate the beginning of a new life of darkness.



Invocator: From the South, we call to you Kali, Goddess of War, enflame us with passion so that we have the ambition to do our work for the Infernal Kingdom. From the East, we call to you Hecate, Goddess of Magick, show us your wisdom so that we may have the knowledge which we seek. From the North, we call to you, Ishtar, Goddess of Fertility, show us independence so that we may be balanced in our daily lives. From the West, we call to you Lilith, Our First Mother, grant us the emotions to explore our way along the Darkened Path.


Invocator: Oh, mighty Goddesses of Darkness, hear us this night, as we call to you. We ask you to come upon this celebration of this birth, to become part of us, as we strive to become part of you. See us as we truly are - your Son and Daughters - true worshippers of the Infernal Kingdom. We live our mundane lives, as you would have us live - in our humanity, our consciousness, our vitality. Your children have come together to worship you and honor you as befits you. Join us this night and hear our homage as we call to you (Witness and Petitioner repeat):

Ankou (f)

Asmodeus (f)

Astaroth (f)

Bast (f)

Ereshkigal (f)

Hathor (f)

Lamia (f)

Mahr (f)

Mania (f)

Maya Danawa (f)

Metztli (f)

Mother Khon-ma (f)

Naamah (f)

Naoman (f)

Nasu (f)

Pele (f)

Penanggalan *f*

Proserpine (f)

Ran (f)

Sedna (f)

Sekhmet (f)

Tunrida (f)


Invocator: We call to you tonight to join us and be part of our celebration!


Invocator: To all who have been called, we welcome you to our celebration of new life. We dedicate our lives and our souls to you and work for your Kingdom. Grant us your favor on this night.




Invocator: It is at this time that this one will take her/his vows to the Infernal Kingdom.


Invocator: Child of Darkness, on this night you will pledge your soul to Depths of Darkness. It is a decision not made lightly and you have come to this place through perseverance and strength. This path is not for the weak and will not be easy. Know that you will be guided by your own hand and your faith.

(Invocator faces Petitioner)

Invocator: Child of Darkness, on this night, you kneel before the Goddesses of the Infernal Kingdom. I must ask you, before these witnesses, do you come to the Kingdom of your own free will?


Petitioner: I come of my own free will.


Invocator: Child of Darkness, on this night, you kneel before the Goddesses of the Infernal Kingdom. I must ask you, before these witnesses, why have you come to the Kingdom?


Petitioner: I come searching.


Invocator: Child of Darkness, on this night, you kneel before the Goddesses of the Infernal Kingdom. I must ask you, before these witnesses, what is it you seek?


Petitioner: I seek Kali, Goddess of War. I seek her passion, her ambition and her strength. For with that, I am human.

Petitioner: I seek Hecate, Goddess of Magick. I seek her wisdom, her counsel, and her insight. For with that, I am human.

Petitioner: I seek Ishtar, Goddess of Fertility. I seek her stability, her vitality, and her security. For with that, I am human.

Petitioner: And I seek Lilith, Mother of Humanity in its truest sense. I seek her emotions, her consciousness, and her understanding. For without that, I am nothing.

Petitioner: I seek life and the humanity in which to live it!


Invocator: Child of Darkness, why do you kneel?


Petitioner: I am trapped by the Light of Ignorance and Deception.


Invocator: Then free yourself, for you are no longer ignorant, nor deceived. You now see yourself as you truly are. You are a Daughter of Darkness, bound only to those you serve by your own hand. Rise and break the chains that bind you!


(Petitioner stands and casts off the white cloth. Witness helps Petitioner into POTH Robe [Pall Of Truest Homage - a name given to a simple, non-decorative robe of black with a hood and sleeves, usually floor-length. It represents the physical body, "shell" or "carriage" of the soul. It is used to help manifest the true nature of the human spirit, without the distractions of the physical body getting in the way. Its name was given to it by the Eternal Coven of the Path of the Left].)


Invocator: The Eternal Flame of Darkness burns bright within you now. You are now a soul of the Kingdom. Now is the time to declare you desires and bestow your offerings to the Kingdom.


(Petitioner places letter of requests and offerings into the brazier [flame] and burns them.)


{Invocator mixes dirt, mojo, wine, incense, and oil. Symbol of faith is placed into the dirt.}


{Invocator places thumb in dirt and makes sign of pentagram on chest of Petitioner.}


Invocator: With this mark, the power of the Infernal Kingdom is bestowed upon you. Do you accept it?


Petitioner: I accept it.


Invocator: This dirt represents all that you have been, are now, and will become. It is the physical aspects of who you are. From this, you must pull yourself free. Feel the power you have created by your faith. Take up the symbol and make it part of you.


(Petitioner takes symbol from the dirt and hands it to the Witness. The Witness places it in the appropriate place [amulet around neck, ring on finger, etc.].)


Invocator: Your name as you will be known from this point forward has been chosen. It represents who you are now, a soul of the Eternal Flames. Child of Darkness, what have you chosen?


Petitioner: I have chosen: (name).


Invocator (to Witness): Do you bear witness to this Child of Darkness?


Witness: I bear witness to the birth of (name of Petitioner).


Invocator: Do you see her/him as s/he is?


Witness: I see him/her as a Son /Daughter of Darkness.


Invocator (to Petitioner): Do you understand this undertaking? Do you know that you are now a Son/Daughter of the Kingdom?


Petitioner: I understand and I know.


Invocator: (raising chalice) Let us toast the Goddesses of the Eternal Flame and their new Son/Daughter. For this night, (name of Petitioner) has been born to darkness. S/he has made his/her vows and is truly devoted to the Infernal Kingdom. Let us now go forth and celebrate this birth into the Kingdom of Hell!


Hail Kali! (repeat) (Invocator strikes gong once.)

Hail Ishtar! (repeat) (Invocator strikes gong once.)

Hail Hecate! (repeat) (Invocator strikes gong once.)

Hail Lilith! (repeat) (Invocator strikes gong once.)

So it is done. Welcome to the Infernal Kingdom, (name of Petitioner)!

(Invocator strikes gong three times.)



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