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Greek radio straight from Mittagong, Australia.
Our community runs a 2 hour Greek radio program (nicknamed ENTAXI) every Tuesday 8:00pm on a local radio station SouthWest of Sydney.
We are heard in a 90Km radius, from Goulburn to the SouthWest suburbs of Sydney, from Wollongong to the Blue Mountains.
We first broadcasted on 12 January 1993 from 2WKT-Highland FM 107.1. We have now made available our March '97 broadcast
on-line. We hope you will enjoy the program. We would love to take your request.
Please note: Due to problems with our server, Netscape users will need to download the whole file. Internet
Explorer users just click on the link bellow.
If you are using Internet Explorer 3.0 with ActiveX, you do not need to install the True Speech player. Just click here to listen to the program.

Else, you will need the TrueSpeech Player plug-in in order to listen to us.
We basically try to entertain with:-
- Plenty of Greek music - All types including modern and older.
- Many quizzes (Enigmata)
- Jokes and laughs
- Crazy comments and poems
- A light and friendly atmosphere
Every now and than we select a Tuesday night broadcast, pick the best moments of the show
and make available an 1 hour on-line version. So drop by to hear a fun and crazy show.
Requests and dedications
If you have relatives or friends in our area and want to send them a message, we would be happy to take your request and dedication.
Or, you just might want to hear your favourite song or say "Hello" to us. Just send us an e-mail and we will play your song and dedication
on our next Tuesday program.
Our e-mail is gogaras@hotmail.com
Our phone numbers are 0248-721119 and 0248-721118 (the second goes on air).