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The authors

Meet the authors of this Web site

This web site was designed as part of a summer holiday project. Well, it was finished in three weeks, but who would spend the whole summer holiday in front of a computer anyway? We had alot of fun, and learnt heaps while working on this project. This was for both of us, our first attempt on the web. We tried to make this site as easy to navigate through as possible while maintaining clarity and being informative. We hope you enjoy browsing through it, as much as we enjoyed building it.

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GeorgeGeorge Lamaris is an undergraduate student at the University of Western Sydney, Macarthur. He is currently on his third year of a Computer Science degree (B.Sc). He was also an active member of the Southern Highlands Greek Community for two years. This is his e-mail address.

MariaMaria Pourniotis is an undergraduate student at the University of Western Sydney, Macarthur. She is currently on her third year of a Business Computing degree. This is her e-mail address.

Created by George Lamaris
For any comments, please feel free to drop me a line.