
"Good help is so hard to find."
Herthed on why he regrets killing people.

"But that's what I wanted."
Herthed on being overthrown.

"His captains would follow him over their own good sense, and their crews would follow them over their own good sense, so I got some idea of royal obedience."
Zarryn on his father's kingdom

"For the past day and a half I've been walking around these docks exchanging greetings with those folks, and they had no idea who I was. Today you gave me away. Now they'll constantly be looking over their shoulders, uncertain if that fellow over there is a pirate or the stone mason he appears to be."
Camden, on fear

"You mean besides the rescue of Mherianne and the overthrow of Dragnoki Kan?"
Camden, on what he's up to next

"It's just that you make so few mistakes, and when you do we remember it."
Lera to Gamalin.

"The most monolithic, militaristic country on the planet."
Gamalin on Dragnoki Kan

"Then I'll throw them around like rag dolls until they acknowledge the superiority of women."
Lera on soldiers taking orders from a woman

"It's a dangerous game, but I think I know all the rules."
Angard on being insubordinate.

"Mherrianne. The captain's Mherrianne is here, in your cabin. We haven't even started the war yet."
Lucee on Mherrianne's appearance to the Pirates

"Too bad we didn't think of this sooner; it would have been more efficient to have just stayed there in the first place."
Gamalin on returning to Dragnoki Kan

"Tobee'll have to buy me a new shelf if you wear a rut in that one."
Wymbli on Tinsl's pacing.

"Work hard today!"
"Fight hard tomorrow!"
"Work fast today!"
"Escape fast tomorrow!"
Viran work chant

"So what would you have me do now? I'm allied with half the other kingdoms to bring down Dragnoki Kan, and you just trumped my motivation."
Camden on messy political situations

"Not that I disapprove of your sudden interest in saving people's lives, but why?"
Tobee on Rae's change of heart regarding assisting Khamer'Yu

"Your move, white."

"My opinion as your son and heir, for the best future of this band, Captain, is that we stay in the good graces of the majority of the nations."
Zarryn, on good business sense

"And God have mercy on anyone between me and that goal, because I cannot afford to."
Daara on freeing the Viran soldiers

"It'll just get dirty again."
Ristrofilian servant on why not to do a job perfectly

"One sword against an army leaves an army with an extra sword."
Tobee on discretion

"I just said Momma a lot and they left me alone. I'm too little to fight. An' they didn't ever see the sword til it was too late."
Ace on the advantages of being a six-year-old soldier in a battle

He should be home putting honey in his sister's hair and claiming all girls have cooties, not planning her rescue from an unspeakable fate.
Tobee on Ace

"Ye're Captain Windy, Camden, you ain't got the right to be indecisive. Specially 'bout something like this. An' don't say you made a wrong decision. You don't got the right to make them neither."
Evrt on Leadership

"Find me someone who wants to marry me, not marry the Queen, and I'll consider it."
Daara on Marriage

"I hate charades."
Tobee. Many times.

"Have you taken up rolling in dirt as a new hobby?"
Wymbli on Tobee's beggar disguise.

"Zar, there are some things that you just can not let off with only a warning, no matter how repentant or close a friend the offender is."
Camden on punishment.

"Only now? If I were you, I'd always feel foolish."
Gamalin on being Lera.

"I want to know what's going on in the world, and I want to know now. And I demand you tell me, because I know you know."

"I don't think I fully trust that kid."
Wymbli on Zarryn.

"Of course, Camden commits very few of his crimes personally."
Rae on Captain Windy's innocence or lack thereof

"I would kill you, but that would just strengthen your point."
Lera on being a sociopath.

"The winds and storms we can handle. Camden's mistakes are much harder to ride. Thankfully, he doesn't make a lot of them, but, despite the opinion of the Harness's crew, he's still only human."

If your country's pleas had come at that point, we would have gladly sold them back to you at a reduced price in the interests of peace."
Kylla on returning the Virans

"We were trying to be honest and forthright with our ally."
"You're pirates."
"We are Camden and Zarryn Bavol, too."
Zarryn to Lucee on why Camden turned himself in

"I know very litte."

"Chocolate. Good stuff."
Kylla on the quality of Dragnok cookies

"Is your Majesty sure he's useful? He seems a bit of a coward."
Viran General Baatoz's first impression of Camden Bavol

"I think I just accidently upsurded the throne."
Kylla on her rise to power.

"Nothing personal, your Majesty."
the assassin to Daara, on killing her and the guards.

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