Camden's Sword:
Unworn since Zarryn's third birthday, and unused since Mherianne's disappearance. The blade is in perfect shape, neither rust nor nicks marring its edge or shine. The hilt was made of a fairly simple design, with only two engraved flourishes and a sapphire embedded into its pommel. On one side of the blade a less skillful jeweler, namely Camden, had engraved the word 'Mherriane'. The other side has the name 'Herthed' carved into it by the same hand.

The Dragon's Eye:
Dragon protector statue w/ crystal ball that was a gift from an order of magic wielders. It can, and does tell future to the King of the Dragnoks, but it only reveals that which it deems strictly necesary for him to know. The future is, of course, open to interpretation and forever changing.

Dungeons of Venkatagiri:
The dungeons are extensive. However, most Dragnoks lack the imagination to come up with methods by which someone would attempt to escape and thus are hardpressed to prevent against it. All the cells on the same level have the same lock and the dungeons are poorly lit so as to make hiding in the shadows fairly easy. The ingenious feeding method dates back to when the palace was built and might have fallen into disuse because of it's blatent usefullness had it not been tradition. In short, escapes from the dungeon happen more often than the king would like to admit. But....to speak as such is forbidden.

Healing Stream:
Water in the mountians of Ahnalakasan is know to have healing qualities. Reason unknown, but the special mineral composition of the mountian is suspected.

Soul Stone:
A transparent stone, usually a precious gem, that give users of Faery magic their power. Though faeries can create diamonds, emeralds, etc., from common stones, a soul stone must be made from a genuine gem or it is considered inferior and does not work as well. As a result, there are always two faeries in Windy's band of pirates to maintain a healthy supply of the jewels. Loss of a Soul Stone deprives the user of magic and causes failing health, that will eventually lead to death if not recovered within a certain amount of time. Once returned, health immediately turns back to normal. If the stone is destroyed the magic user losses his magic until a new stone is created. There are no medical side effects to broken stones.

Speech Stone:
A gem, usually clear, though occasionally opaque, used for communication. Also known as 'fey stones' by the pirates. Communication can only be initiated with a faery's help. A faery can seek up to ten other Stones to join into a conversation. These other Stones will make a high pitched squeal. When the Stone's owner, or anybody else, touches it, the sound stops, and s/he can hear and be heard by whomever else has their Stone connected. If it is one Stone to one Stone, visual is also included, otherwise it is a single point of light for each Stone involved. This light is dim until a summoned party touches the stone, but becomes bright when they arrive. Stone contact is lost when the faery releases her spell.

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