

Part of the royal family of Ahnalahkhasan, Qili was captured by King Herthed and has been living in the dungeons of the King's castle for 3 years.

T'Sani's older, disgruntaled brother.

Ambassador T'lhm:
The Ahnalahkhasanian ambassador to Vira.

stuck up lower royalty from the outer reaches of Ahnalahkhasan. Injures Xrqmfhl while trying to impress her.

King Uhilpa and Queen Xneenya:
The King and Queen of Ahnalahkhasan

Qili's twin sister.


Angard Temill:
Soldier in the Dragnoki Army. Raised a farmer, his practicality has often served him as a soldier. Temill was killed serving his country in Khmer'yu.

Soldier in the Dragnoki Army. Taken prisoner by some Youngests when he fell behind his companions, he stood no chance against withholding information from his interrogator.

Former servant of Venkatagiri. FirstSon of Dragnoki Kan.

King Herthed:
King of the Dragnoks and owner of the Dragon's Eye. Trusting the predictions of the Eye, Herthed knows the end of his family's reign will soon come to an end. He will stop at nothing to see this line continue.

Herthed's seven-year-old semi-legitimate daughter and advisor.

The Head Servant's son. Works in Vira.

A healer who deserted the Dragnoki army.

Ambassador Perimn of Dragnoki Kan:
The Dragnoki ambassador to Vira.


More commonly known as Caelyi, all of her relatives who had lived in Dhieval had been killed while traveling through Dragnoki Kan. She escaped and is looking for her distant realatives in Ahnalahkhasan.

Ambassador Monveda:
Dhievalian ambassador to Vira.


Wymbli's six year old cousin with an obediancy problem. Played a small role in the Battle of Stilvick, then was sent for outside help by his cousin who was hoping - vainly - to keep him out of trouble. Returned after delivering his message in time to join in the Battle of Yuvia, this time with a real, if broken, sword. He then enlisted Tobee's help in the rescue of his sister. That wasn't even complete before he re-entered Yuvia to find his brother.

Stilvick's town gossip who doubles as Khamer'Yu's interrogator.

Jack Hamilok:
Ace's Youngest brother. Two years old. Lost somewhere in Yuvia.

Lotis Hamilok:
The Oldest of the three Hamilok brothers who run the town of Stilvick. The Youngest of which is Wymbli's father and the Middle of which is Ace's. He doesn't like war, and his archery skills are abismal. In the battle, he did more fleeing than fighting.

Shelly Hamilok:
Ace's little sister. Four and a half years old.

The Little Girls:
Approximately a dozen Yuvian girls rescued from slavery in Dragnoki Kan by Ace, Tobee, and the Virans, Kel and Rarur. Trycha (aka Anna), Prenni (aka Tara), and Flit (aka Lyn) were in Tobee's group. Shelly (Ace's sister) and two others, one who was very young and the other of which was older than Ace, were in Ace's. Kel and Rarur also had about three girls each in their groups.

The Tavern Mistress:
A large woman. Leader of the Pots and Pans Platoon. As skilled with her boiling water as with her deadly darts. Keeps seven darts in her apron. Wymbli's second in command.

The King's son and heir.

Wymbli (Wymbleton) Hamilok:
A mercenary and professional rebel known to disguise as a fruit merchant in Dragnoki Kan and other countries. Born in Khamer'yu, he soon became bored with farm life and left home for adventure. Has been employed by Tonaylillibee and Gamalin in the past, but currently working for himself as the General and President of Ryshobi. Drawn to trouble like a moth to flame. Doesn't take more than one job at a time, but will perform 'favors' for other people while in the employ of somebody. He expects payment at a later date in the form of work, amnesty, or political asylum. Took charge of Khamer'Yu's defense against the invading Dragnoks while his government just fortified the capital.

Wynni Hamilok:
Wymbli's aunt, Lotis's wife. Shows a lot of natural, if untrained, talent with the bow and knife.

The King's thin advisor. Can get away with insulting the king. "Yovi" is a name that comes with the job. The king's advisor has been called 'Yovi' for generations. He retained this name when he became Wymbli's advisor.


Ambassador Mharke of Ristrofil:
Ristrofilian ambassador to Vira. Little power or clout within the Ristrofilian aristocrasy. Got the post because he couldn't bully somebody else into taking it.

The only surviving member of the royal family besides Tobee and Rae. Their great aunt.

Tinsl diLongeford:
The Royal tutor for two generations and one of the most learned people in Ristrofil, it has been said, usually by Tinsl herself, that she was the only person the Royals had ever feared. The victim of spell gone wrong which resulted in her transformation into a bee, though she refers to her new self as a "bumblebody".

AKA Tobee. Only remaining Prince of Ristrofil and identical twin brother of the king. Blond hair, blue eyes, just under average height. Skilled at disguise. Publicly, he supports his brother's policies. User of magic since he turned seven. Until they turned fifteen, he was The Evil Twin. For the last five years of his father's life, the king would not use Tobee's name, substituting it with 'demon', 'witch', and other uncomplimentary terms. Until they turned fifteen, it was a common belief that the younger twin was from the Dark Realm and the crown prince had fallen from the Valley of the Light. When they turned fifteen the populace decided they were both from the Dark Realm. That was when they carried out the diRistrofil massacre.

King of Ristrofil. Killed father, mother, aunts, uncles, and all siblings except for Tobee before ascending the throne at age 15. Now 24. Warlock since he turned seven. Really a nice guy once you get past the murders. Considered a pleasant and thoughtful child, though he had been inclined to participate in some of his twin's terrible acts. The most horrible of these being their selling themselves to become warlocks. The populace was, of course, horrified when they discovered the crown prince and his twin were witches from the Dark Realm and even more so when the king and virtually all his family were slaughtered by the twins. However, fear of the demons prevented any kind of uprising. The already dubious feelings toward twins in general took a turn for the worse.


In the raw edit, Ashtar was a native of Sar Dasht, his full name is Ashtar d'Orlynar. He can see much better in the dark than he can in the light. He will probably be cut out of the final edit.

Ambassador Zagheh:
Dasht Ambassador to Vira.

from VIRA

The Queen of Vira. Gamalin's kinswoman. Skilled in swordfighting. Highly competent leader, keeps control of government and admiration of her people. Twenty-four years old, became queen at seventeen. Still single, despite multiple proposals by power-seeking noblemen.

Baron Danthon:
Daara's prime minister. Logical and reasonable.

Duke of Madav, Prince of Vira, Commander of Intelligence, and Royal Champion and Kinsman of Her Majesty Daara. Married to former peasant, Lera. Overprotective of both his wife and his cousin, the queen. Suspicious of strangers but enjoys joking around with friends. Other than Lera, no one in Vira can find him when he's hiding. Never leaves home with less than a dozen concealed daggers. Near-perfect aim, unimpressive in shock combat. Dark hair, green eyes, fairly tall.

Admiral Jotaz:
Commander of the Viran fleet. Career soldier/sailor, loyal to his men first, country second, queen third; Daara approves. Dark-haired, tall. Views the slaver attack as an act of war. Easily and severely angered, especially by threats to his sailors, soldiers, and ships.

Dwarfed Viran scout, chief of intelligence in Khamer'Yu. Presently offering assistance to Wymbli.

Former peasant, now married to Gamalin and therefore a Dutchess. Second-in-command of the Intelligence Service, under Gamalin. Frequently leaves castle along with him on missions or for vacation. Enjoys teasing Daara and Gamalin. Ammused by Gamalin's protective attitude, as she can easily fight off several enemies herself. Skilled in hand-to-hand combat. Slightly below average height, dark hair, brown eyes.

The late general. Intensely loyal to Daara. Had a good sense of humor. He died in defense of his queen.

A Viran scout working in Khamer'Yu.

Daara's steward, handled day to day affairs and took messages; her critics complained that if the woman held Daara captive, she could run the country. One of the four - no, three - people the queen trusted most, behind Gamalin, Lera, and until recently Ranov.


Bavol, Camden:
Known also as Captain Windy. Just over average height and of average weight. Never married but does have a son (Zarryn) whose mother supposively died shortly after childbirth. He is probably the only pirate to ever have hired a nanny and kept her aboard his ship. Of unknown origins, but he can pass as a Ristrofilian (blond, blue-eyed). His earliest memory is as a slave aboard a slaver ship run by Jervawl the Bold. Running away at age seventeen, he got a job/apprenticeship with an old pirate named Glumore. At Glumore's death, he used his accumulated wealth (including what he stole from Jervawl when he ran away) to renovate the Wind Harness for piracy. Camden keeps a tidy ship and his clothes are nearly always impeccable if simple. For a pirate, he's unusually polite. His band is quite fond of their leader, especially his personal crew.

A member of the Wind Harness's crew.

One of Windy's top Captains. His crew is best at land based tactics. Assigned to gathering intelligence on Venkatagiri practices and habits as well as any details he can get about their movements in Khamer'Yu. His people should also spread the rumour that Chial the mercenary has been hired by the Yuvians. Formerly a Viran Scout until he left under a cloud of suspicion for embezzlement.

The former second mate who was made first mate when Landire lost his position and became acting Captain when Camden went ashore. More a figurehead for Zarryn than a real captain.

One of Windy's top Captains. He doesn't attack small, unimportant ships. Assigned to keep up Windy's presence in the open waters. A large, unsubtle man. Enjoys battle strategy more than war strategy.

A member of the Wind Harness's crew. One of those sent for news into Dragnoki Kan.

Mae Lyn:
The new second mate after Erral took Landire's position. The new first mate after Camden went ashore in Vira. Lyn is the first woman to become an officer on the Harness. Parts of her duties include mediation and watching after Zarryn.

Zarryn's mother, previously believed dead. Recent discoveries suggest she may be still alive, imprisoned in the Dragnoki Dungeon. She and Camden never formally married. Before her disappearance, she was a very shy waitress, with homely features and a big father.

The former first mate of the Wind Harness. Windy's best friend and closest confidant for fifteen years. Huge in physical stature. Sentenced to land duty for lying about Mherianne's alive status.

A member of the Wind Harness's crew. Promoted from Teeth's assistant to second mate when Camden went ashore.

One of Windy's top Captains. Assigned to harass Dragnoks and unallied ships in Naahala Bay. Good with details and strategy but lacks charisma.

Camden's son. Brown hair that hasn't had time to have bleached as light as his father's, though it is as unruly. Blue-grey eyes that sometimes look violet. Eight years old. Cabinboy on his father's ship and being trained as heir to Captain Windy's name and band. Occassionally is allowed to take spying or scouting missions. Always secretly observes all of his father's business deals and reports, usually with permission.

from the BLACK TRIBE

Formerly of the Lavender Tribe. One of the three original faeries in Windy's service who founded the Black Tribe, and his personal bodyguard.

Formerly of the Green Tribe. One of the three original faeries in Windy's service who founded the Black Tribe. The founder and fey leader of the Black Tribe. Initially left the Fey Lands with Lucee when they were banished for 'accidently' killing their tutor. Lucee was an accomplice after the fact. Currently acting as the Black Fey recruiter in the Fey Lands, with occassional drop-ins on Windy.

One of the new Black Fey. Formerly of the Pink Tribe. Assigned to assist Dev.

Formerly of the Blue Tribe. One of the original three faeries in Windy's service who founded the Black Tribe. Arrogant like most faeries, she delights in turning Glynn in a toad, usually while he's flying. Currently acting as fey coordinator aboard the Harness.

One of the new Black Fey. Formerly of the Violet Tribe. Assigned to assist Gamalin.

One of the new Black Fey. Formerly of the Green Tribe. Assigned to assist Jotaz.

One of the new Black Fey. Formerly of the Yellow Tribe. Assigned to assist Kel. Five and a half inches tall. His familiar, a sparrow by the name of Mistress Wurm, is remarkably long-lived, smart, and fast for her species.


Mizzankai Forest:
The living forest / the spirit of the forest. She has the power to take a human form. In her own form, her most destinctive feature is her triple pointed ears. The precise description is as follows: "When she returned her brown hair seemed somehow to have a green tinge to it, though if concentrated on, this quality disappeared. Dispite her eternal youth, wrickles had appeared on the outside of her shining blue moon eyes resembling crow's feet. Her gentle features were exotic. Small, three-pointed ears stuck out slightly more than the average human's might, making it look natural to tuck her green-tinged hair behind them." NOTE: Mizzankai will probably not appear in the final edit.

The faery who taught Vernibillirae and Tonaylillibee to use magic. Violet hair, porcelin face. A simple lavender dress matches her eyes exactly. Approximately six inches tall. The Judge and Jury for all transgressions occurring within the Fey Lands. All two of them every century.

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