Dragnoki Kan:The people of Dragnoki Kan are called Dragnoks. Their King, Herthed, rules with an iron fist. He roots out all corruption and encourages his people to be fanatically loyal. If they fail to be so they will regret it. His people believe their king is invunerable and has eyes everywhere. Dragnoks can be easily identified in all parts of the world by their red hair and grey eyes. The guards and soldiers of Dragnoki Kan are well trained and notorious for being unbribable. It's a large country so their armies are huge, but mobility is not their strong point. The closer the people are living to a city the more afraid they are of bringing on the king's wrath. Not a generally happy people until you come to the isolated farmers. The Dragon is part of their religion: this is partially apparant in the country's name and it's state colors, which are "green, red and grey...the colors of the dragon. Green for her majestic scales, red for her breath of fire and grey for the destruction she leaves behind." Home of Daqyn and Herthed. Tonay and Qili are imprisoned here. As Gamalin's and Leara's predicament suggests, this country entertains the slave trade.
The home of Prince Tonaylillibee (Tobee) and King Vernibillirae. Island nation. Strong navy. The people have very few rights. Army recruitment happens without the recruitants' permission. Passport required to travel anywhere, even to the next town. Special passport required to leave country. Heavily superstitious and believe everything they don't understand must be from the Dark Realm. Including their King and Prince. Twins are seen as an ill omen. The religion believes in a Valley of Light and a Dark Realm. There are priests and church services and people can be forbidden entrance; Prince Tobee being one of those. (They were too afraid of repercussions to forbid the king himself.) Until Rae became king, witches were burned at the stake.
Vira's neighbor. Dualarchy run currently by a king and queen. The heirs are their twin daughters.
Ruled by a hereditary monarchy. Some balance to power by nobles. Current Queen Daara is fair and unlikely to be revolted against. Army below average, spy/scout network excellent, navy decent. Situation better than many other countries, but far from democratic. Home of Lera, Gamalin, Daara, Zol, Jotaz, and Danthon.
Birth country of Tabak and home of Raven's grandfather. Highly commercial with strong merchant fleet. Capitol city of Dhiev is the largest trading city in the world. Anything and everything can be bought or sold on its streets, regardless of its legality in Dhieval itself. Strong monarchy, but the king is elected, and can be voted out of office under rare circumstances.
Wymbli's home country. In very deep trouble with Dragnoki Kan. The majority of the county is made up of isolated farm towns. Town heirarchy is familial, and great emphasis is based on birth order. Northern towns were once part of a country called Ryshobi and nationalism runs deep, if forgotten.
Windy's Pirates:
Founded and led by Captain Windy (Bavol Camden; the High Boss Captain). A large band of pirates, smugglers, and other ne'er-do-wells, comparitable in size to the population of Vira. Elitist organization in that only a quarter of the applicants are accepted (selection based on loyalty, skill, and ethics; no slavers allowed). The only pirate group to dare to have its own flag and fly it while docked in major harbors. The design is light blue swirl on black, symbolizing wind on a dark night.
The Fey Lands:
Located somewhere in Ristrofil, they are the home of the Faeries. Faeries keep mostly to themselves except when humans tresspass on what they currently consider their territory. (It changes from year to year and sometimes even day to day.)
Sar Dasht:
Sar Dasht can be found on the map(on the home page) just above Vira. It's quite far north, and always covered with snow, even in the summer. During the summer, the glare from the sun's unceasing rays made living their difficult in early times. Between that and the chilling windshield factor, the first Dasht retreated underground. Their eyes adjusted to the torchlight slowly, and it improved over the generations. Dashtians only leave the warmth and safety of their caves during the dark season and between the twilights of the first and second Changeovers(the seasons between Light and Dark).
The smallest nation. Located on the continent containing Vira and Analahkhasan. Bordered only by Mae Sot.
Mae Sot:
A pennisular nation on the continent containing Vira and Analahkhasan.
A nation bordering Sar Dasht and Analahkhasan.
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