About us . . .When I started the CRC in June 1998 we had four members. We all knew each other well, and we all liked to write. Me (Cindi), Kristy (my sister), and my cousin (Ken) had all written together before at the Excite storyboards. Well, after awhile the storyboards kinda died. So we took some characters from there and brought them into together in this story. Anne Marie, mine and Ken's friend from school, joined us.
Ken took D'gamalin from the Excite boards, and he became Gamalin of Vira. He also took over Princess M'daara, who was formally my character, and made her Queen Daara of Vira. D'gamalin's wife, D'lera, dropped her prefix and rose from the dead to stand by the scout's side in the CRC.
My contribution was Dragnoki Kan, an abandoned map and story set-up with Daqyn and Herthed. The map is now the CRC's map bearing a few name changes. That set-up is now part one: the introduction of the bad guy.
Kristy's characters came partially from the Excite boards, and partially from a few abandoned stories the two of us had been working on. Zarryn actually came from a project we were working on with Ken and his twin brother, Ben. He was originally a very sweet, quiet kid . . .
I'm not sure where Anne Marie's characters came from, but she added Qili, her sister and Caelyi. She dropped out of the CRC because she didn't have time to continue with us. We're not sure what we're going to do with her characters or her country, Ahnalahkhasan. We'll figure something out.
At this point we've started doing a little editing (we'll be posting it once we have it more complete instead of just random parts). Though we don't have all the raw entries it's beginning to look like this story might actually eventually have a real ending. I don't know if it's in sight yet, but I think we'll get there. Frankly, I'm surprised.
Cindi Danieli
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