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GRADE LEVEL: Upper Elementary-High School; Secular
Comments: An unbelievably rich site! There is a Kid and Teen section.
*In the Kid section you will find an introduction to the Dewey Decimal system complete with links in each section to give kids an idea of how the Dewey Decimal System is arranged. There are links to online encyclopedias, dictionaries, magazines, newspapers and almanacs.
*Need a little homework help? There is a homework section here too. Also a Reading Zone where kids can read books and stories on-line.
*Looking for some Art and Music Museums? You'll find links to those here too.
WWW Virtual Library Museums Pages
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular
Comments: Find any kind of museum: art galleries, zoo, planetarium, etc. available to be seen via the internet from all over the world! Scroll down and look at all the links. These museums are also sorted by country. This site will take you anywhere you want to go and more.
RhymeZone Rhyming Dictionary and Thesaurus
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular
Comments: Find the rhyme for almost any word! Take some of the pain out of poetry writing today with this valuable help.
B.J. Pinchbeck's Homework Helper
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular
Comments: So MUCH here at this award-winning site that it is hard to summarize. Click on a curriculum subject on the left and TONS of links come up. Well worth a look!
Family Safe Start-up Page
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular
Comments: This site is from the publishers of the "Practical Homeschooling Magazine". There are many links to follow in the following topics areas: Family, Reference & Government, Travel, Kids, Business, Entertainment, Sports, Health, Newspaper Media, General Interest, General Education, Homeschooling, Automobile, Hobbies & Crafts, Shopping, and Homework Help.
Study Web
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular
Comments: Here is what Education World says about this great site--"This site is exactly what it says it is -- a place for anyone doing research to find the information they need as easily as possible. The categories are sorted according to the approximate appropriate grade level which makes them valuable tools for teachers looking for lesson plan and curriculum ideas. The information for each topic also notes the presence of downloadable or printable images for use as visual aids of school reports or projects. The variety of subjects and categories should allow most users to narrow in on a topic for a report, find background material for a story, begin research for a paper or just increase their knowledge of a particular topic."
NDI Reference Desk
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular
Comments: Links to all kinds of reference books (here are a few): Office Essentials (i.e. Common Desk References), Professional & Technical References (i.e. Law & Government), and Consumer & Personal (i.e. Medical & Health). Find things like links to encyclopedias on Mythology, U.S. Census Data, Writer's Grammar and Style Reference Manuals...name it and you'll probably find a link to it here. Hit the "HOME" button and find all kinds of other links to follow. Then, select Mind Candy and find a link to "Tom Swifties" on the web...don't know what one is? Follow it and find out!
On-Line Medical Dictionary
GRADE LEVEL: High School-Adult; Secular
Comments: This on-line medical dictionary is part of the CancerNet system so there are links on this page to other parts of that system. Look up any puzzling word your doctor has used. Helpful.
GRADE LEVEL: All Grades; Secular
Comments: Although this is a public school teacher's site and most of what is on here you wouldn't want to bother with, look on the left side-bar menu and select Lesson Plans or Curriculum. On these pages you can search by subject for lesson plans that have been posted by teachers on various subjects. Some of the lesson plans are quite unique and suitable for use in our homeschools. There are also educational internet links worthy of following at this site.
Global Access to Educational Resources
GRADE LEVEL: Middle School; Secular
Comments: I got this site recommended to me by e-mail and it is certainly a worthy site! The page is done by public school teacher and lots of information and helpful links are given in various curriculum areas...designed much as I've designed my site. You will want to spend some time here.
Also be sure to follow the link provided on the bottom left-hand corner of this page. It is a link to 4th and 5th Grade Student Research Sources...another excellent site.
Legaldocs®. . . Legal Documents Online
GRADE LEVEL: Adults; Secular
COMMENTS: At this site you'll find several legal documents you can fill in and then print out. Examples of FREE ones are: Insurance Claim, Promissory Note, Living Will, Authorization for Child Care, Request for Credit Report, and Short Form Last Will. A more complicated will may cost $7.50 but this site is a good place to start. Many other types of legal documents are also available.
GRADE LEVEL: Middle School-High School; Secular
COMMENTS: This is the site containing the "Web's largest collection of topics, ideas, and assistance for school related research projects...Explore our
giant directory and select from over four thousand research topics across more than one hundred categories. Begin your research immediately by launching instant searches for relevant information on your topic using Electric Library and Infoseek!
"Improve the style and presentation of your
reports with the Writing Center. Learn the most effective ways to organize and complete your next research assignment with our step by step guides. And, over one hundred new pages of writing tips and techniques provide quick answers to common questions about punctuation,grammar, and spelling."
Disability-Specific Web Sites
GRADE LEVEL: Adult; Secular
COMMENTS: All kinds of disabilities listed here. Links to places all over the web with information about that disability. Good place to start if you need this kind of information.
Disability Resources
GRADE LEVEL: Adult; Secular
COMMENTS: Another page containing more links to disability sites all over the web. Categories are: Caregivers, Legal and Consumer,Rehabilitation, Employment, Miscellaneous,Social Life,Federal Government, Parents & Kids, Sports & Recreation, Guides,Products and Services, Travel, Housing and Women.
ILC Glossary of Internet Terms
GRADE LEVEL: Middle School-Adult; Secular
COMMENTS: Never more wonder what ARCHIE is, or a POP and all those other strange Internet terms.
RHL School
GRADE LEVEL: Elementary-Middle School; Secular
COMMENTS: Here are some printable sheets on certain concepts for English Basics (i.e. parts of speech, captalization and punctuation), Mathematics Computation and Problem-Solving, Reference Skills and Reading Comprehension.