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The Children's Bible Hour--Keys for Kids
GRADE LEVEL: Elementary; Christian, Non-Denominational
Comments: Your child can read a devotional each day at this site. If you have Real Audio, click on the "Radio Programs" link on the left side and select "Listen--Keys for Kids radio" and hear it instead! Be sure to check out the MATERIALS link on the left for Bible lessons online. My daughter starts each day with her "Keys for Kids" Bible Reading.
Focus on the Family's "Adventure In Odyssey"
GRADE LEVEL: Elementary-Middle School; Christian, Non-Denominational
Comments: Daily, your child can hear a great Bible-based Real Audio Radio Drama at this site. This is an archive page which lists programs from the past! Sometimes they dramatize parts of Bible stories. Sometimes the stories are more modern, but teach Biblical values. If you have never listened to "Adventure In Odyssey" before, you are in for a real treat! On the right hand side of this page, you will see a Focus on the Family link...click on it and go to today's Focus on the Family radio broadcast. There you will also find more radio broadcasts (for adults) from their daily radio broadcast.
GRADE LEVEL: Elementary-Middle School; Christian, Non-Denominational
Comments: There is no sense in my duplicating this excellent site. TONS of links to Bible games, devotionals, Bible stories with pictures, Bible quizzes...you name it and there is probably a link to it here. Safe, educational and inspirational. Check it out soon!
Educational Religious Software to Download
GRADE LEVEL: All ages; Secular
COMMENTS: At this site you will find "religious" (that is what they call it) educational software that you can download for your PC (If you have a MAC, there is a link for you at the bottom of the page). I have gotten SOOOOO much here that I have to let you in on this great shareware/freeware.
How Can I Find Christian Stuff on the Internet?
GRADE LEVEL: All ages; Christian
COMMENTS: This page is provided by Quentin J. Schultze, Ph.D. and is excerpted from his book, Internet for Christians.
At this site you will find links to these sites: Gospel Films, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and InterVarsity Press, Radio Bible Class (including Our Daily Bread devotional which you can read on-line daily), the Bible Gateway (the Bible in multiple languages and translations, fully searchable), Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul, Children's Bible Hour, Youth for Christ, the International Bible Society, Youth Specialties (check out their "mall"), Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Words of Hope, Navigators, Reverend Fun (the first online Christian cartoon), and his own Internet for Christians site--while at this last site check out the NEWSLETTER and his VIRTUAL APPENDIX (which contains links to MAILING LISTS FOR CHRISTIANS and help for finding Christian people on the Net). A real gold mine!
GRADE LEVEL: All ages; Christian
COMMENTS: Their description of this site is: "Visit the rooms of this "church"--the sanctuary features the Behold the Lamb radio ministry, guest ministers, communion, and prayer; the library has Bible quizzes (JavaScript), links to Bible search engines, reference materials, and bookstores; and the kitchen directs you to food and recipes. There is a children's room with illustrated Bible stories and pictures to color, a music room with hymn lyrics and sound files, and a fellowship hall with links to other Internet resources. Even our closet has something to offer!"
GRADE LEVEL: All ages; Christian
COMMENTS: You will enter on the page where Drake Mariani (the inventor of the MEMLOK System) has a list of links to FREE stuff on the Web. However, if you click on the silver banner at the top of the page that says MEMLOK, you will be linked to the page that tells about his unique Bible Memory System...you can get it on cards or for the PC. The system uses pictures to jog your mind so that you remember the verse! NEW! You can now get a FREE DOWNLOAD DEMO VERSION of this Scripture memory system by clicking on DOWNLOAD NOW link at the top of this page too. We use this every day in our homeschool...hope you try it soon. A great way to learn Scripture.
The Daily Doorstep at Peggie's Place
GRADE LEVEL: Jr. High-Adult; Christian
COMMENTS: Peggie has listed on this page many daily devotional web resource links. In addition, there are links to Christian newspapers, Today in Christian History, Christian Quotation of the Day and more. While you are here on this page, check out Peggie's other pages (listed at the bottom) for more fantastic surprises!
GRADE LEVEL: Elementary-Adult; Christian
COMMENTS: This is a download site. Download this practice for you or your child...I too, still have to review from time to time! :) Sequence the books of the Old or New Testament and get an animated reward.
The Ankerberg Theological Research Institute
GRADE LEVEL: High School-Adult; Christian
COMMENTS: "The Ankerberg Theological Research Institute is dedicated to examining the questions that have plagued man since the beginning of time. In a rapidly changing world, it seems that issues which once were crystal clear have become clouded in a murky world of blurred values and endless philosophies. It is the goal of this web site to assist you in arriving at the Truth as you seek to find answers to your questions."
You can listen (or view) John's daily broadcast, search his site for a subject you are interested in or get information about cults, current events, rock music, or other issues. PARENTAL CAUTION ADVISED. SOME TOPICS JOHN DISCUSSES YOU MAY NOT EVEN WANT YOUR HIGH SCHOOLER TO HEAR YET. BEST TO PREVIEW AND SELECT FROM THIS SITE ACCORDING TO YOUR TEACHING POLICIES.
GRADE LEVEL: High School-Adult; Christian
COMMENTS: Brief devotional messages by my husband.
Directory of Christian Worldwide Web: Prophecy
GRADE LEVEL: High School-Adult; Christian
COMMENTS: There are lots of helpful Bible prophecy links and information related to prophecy and current events in light of Scripture on this page. Click on the open book at the bottom of this page and then be able to choose from many other topical listings.
GRADE LEVEL: Elementary-Middle School; Christian
COMMENTS: This page is part of the THE CHILDREN'S MINISTRY NETWORK. At this page, you will find tons of ideas/games to teach the gospel and Bible truths to your homeschooled kids using object lessons. You can also submit an idea of your own. Browse around other areas at this site too especially if you teach children at Church also.
Cornerstone Christian Radio On-line
GRADE LEVEL: All ages; Christian
COMMENTS: My husband has put together a page at his site from which you can access approximately 100 Christian Radio stations! Listen to Dr. James Dobson, Chuck Swindoll, R.C. Sproul, Chuck Colson, Dr. Laura and many other well-known radio hosts. Or if you rather, just tune into a Christian radio station and listen while you surf...there is also a link to a classical station here.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries: A Word With You Main Menu
GRADE LEVEL: Middle School-Adult; Christian
COMMENTS: Ron Hutchcraft has an important ministry with today's youth. You can listen to almost two years worth of his short daily broadcasts at this site or read the transcript. This would be a good thing to have your teenagers do each day.
If you follow the link at the bottom of the page marked RHM Home you will get to his HOME page. There you will find a section entitled, "REALTIME--TEN TIME BOMBS". Here Ron deals biblically with 10 important issues in the lives of teens today. In the section entitled, "LIFE ISSUES" Ron tells us what the Bible says about loneliness, anger, sex, etc. There is even a section about "HELP! I'M A PARENT" and "YOURS FOR LIFE" is a section containing the plan of salvation.
GRADE LEVEL: Preschool-Age 12; Christian
COMMENTS: Written by a homeschool Mom, " 'All About Jesus' is an on-going Bible study for children which is updated on a regular basis. Their studies are divided into 2 age groups: (Older Kids - 6-12) and (Younger Kids - Birth to Age 6.)" You can subscribe to their newsletter which keeps you informed of when new Bible Studies are available.
GRADE LEVEL: Elementary (some), Middle School-Adult; Christian, Available in 14 different languages!
COMMENTS: This site provides Biblical answers to questions in the following subject areas: Creation/Evolution, Dinosaurs, Bible Archaeology, Bible & Theology, Religion, Jesus, Family & Marriage, Sex, Love and Relationships, Social Issues & Government, TEEN Qs, Kids' Questions, and Abortion. In addition it features "Questions of the Month" and the answer to the most important question--Is Jesus Christ the answer? You can also submit a question if you do not see the answer to what you are asking already posted to the site. An exciting site--visit with your children several times a month so they are well-schooled in what the Bible says about these most frequently asked questions!
Audio Bible Online
GRADE LEVEL: All ages; Christian,
COMMENTS: Real Audio is required to use this site but now you can hear any part of the Bible read aloud. You choose the passage! Good for a devotional start in the morning for you and your kids...it also lets them hear a professional read the Bible so they can learn proper inflections, etc. Frees YOU up too so you can just listen and meditate.
Jack Van Impe Ministries International
GRADE LEVEL: High School-Adult; Christian,
COMMENTS: Do you have a Bible Prophecy question? There is a Prophecy FAQ page at this site. In addition, there are devotionals, a newsletter, audio messages, and information about a prophecy movie. Jack Van Impe is a world-renown fundamental evangelist.
Safe Haven for Christian Women--Studies in Virtue
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Christian,
COMMENTS: If you want to study character traits using the Bible as your source book, this would be a site well worth your time. Character Traits are listed...select one and you will see many Bible verses about that particular trait as well as famous quotes from other sources. At the bottom of each Character trait page, also follow the study aid links for suggestions on how to help your child study the trait.