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Draw and Color a Cartoony Party with Uncle Fred
GRADE LEVEL: Primary-Middle School; Secular
COMMENTS:Uncle Fred Lasswell is the artist/writer of the comic strip Barney Google and Snuffy Smith. Learn step-by-step how to draw a cartoon penguin, surfer, chimpanzee, etc. Also contains coloring pages to download.
The Tech: Museum of Innovation
GRADE LEVEL: Middle School-High School; Secular
COMMENTS:Are you studying color in art? Click on the "Online Exhibits" button and choose "Make A Splash with Color". You will get to learn about a color's hue, saturation and brightness. After you learn each concept, YOU get to tell the computer what to change the variable to and immediately see its effect. A great tool for learning about these concepts.
GRADE LEVEL: All Grades; Secular
COMMENTS:Has your child made a beautiful picture you would like to display at an on-line "museum" for children's art work? Here is the place! The museum is divided into wings according to the age of the child. A great idea! The procedure for getting your child's art on-line is explained and other links are provided for posting your child's artwork elsewhere on the web.
Early Childhood.com Arts and Crafts
GRADE LEVEL: All Grades; Secular
COMMENTS:All kinds of crafts are here to make...some are simple enough for kindergarten and preschool children...but some are not. Personally, I'd steer away from the "Dream Catcher" (New Age) and the "Happy Pumpkin" (Halloween) activities, but this site has alot of good ideas.
Family.com: Family Fun Magazine--Craft Finder
GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten-Upper Elementary; Secular
COMMENTS:This link takes you to the first page of what I call "Craft Wonderland!" Click on CRAFT FINDER and on their chart fill in 3 things before you can search: 1) what materials you want to use, 2)choose a holiday (or just let it say "holiday" without specifying which one and it will bring up all of the crafts for the materials you choose), and 3) choose a season (or just choose the ===== one in the drop-down box and it will bring ALL crafts up and hit the "GO FOR IT!" button. What a great selection you now have to select from!
Or, click on the left-side of this page under Parent-to-Parent the word, CRAFTS under the ACTIVITIES topic. Set how far back on the board you want to read posts and you have tons of other ideas others have sent in---or post your idea or question. A teacher and crafter's delight!
Hobbies & Crafts
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular
COMMENTS:These links were provided by the publishers of the "Practical Homeschooling Magazine".
dArt Links:The Internet Art Database
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular
COMMENTS: dArt is a comprehensive index of art sites on the internet. Adults, you will want to carefully screen these links.
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular
COMMENTS:This is a library of craft ideas from THE HOMESCHOOL ZONE. Lots of great ideas here!
Educational Art Software to Download
GRADE LEVEL: All ages; Secular
COMMENTS: At this site you will find educational art software that you can download for your PC (If you have a MAC, there is a link for you at the bottom of the page). I have gotten SOOOOO much here that I have to let you in on this great shareware/freeware.
GRADE LEVEL: All ages; Secular
COMMENTS: This site is part of the Daycare section of the About.com website. To get to the Arts & Crafts section click on Art Activities on the left side under SUBJECTS. This page will direct you to all kinds of ideas for arts and craft projects. Visit their other sections too...a wealth of ideas here.
The Incredible Art Department: Favorite Lessons
GRADE LEVEL: All ages; Secular
COMMENTS: Find detailed favorite lessons from Art Teachers for Early Childhood through High School at this site.
GRADE LEVEL: All ages; Secular
COMMENTS: "Over 160 art lesson plans, including drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, cross curricular art, multicultural art, seasonal units, recycling projects, textiles, drama, the art book, lessons for preschoolers and yes, coloring pages too."
This site also has an ART LIBRARY: "Parents, teachers and kids can discover new things by taking the art peeking at the art trivia, stopping by the art kitchen, looking up words in the art glossary and reading articles. Oh and while you are here, visit the bookstore, stop by the link library and don't miss the tip of the day."
There is also a BULLETIN BOARD at this site. Read other art ideas...or post one.
Idea Box: Early Childhood Education and Activity Resources
GRADE LEVEL: Ages 2-5; Secular
COMMENTS: This site has a section for games, music and songs, craft recipes, crafts, and one for seasonal ideas. Message boards are also on this site. You can also subscribe to their FREE newsletter.
Crafty Visions Newsletter
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular
COMMENTS: This newsletter has been around since November 1996. All back issues are on-line. You can even sign up to have this on-line craft newsletter delivered to you every other month. You will find crafts for adults and children. You can also submit your ideas too.
GRADE LEVEL: Upper Middle School-Adult; Secular
COMMENTS: You won't believe this! A totally FREE site where you or your child can get Art Lessons! Learn about drawing portraits, ships, mixing paints, etc. Learn about the great masters. You can even subscribe to his free newsletter telling you of his upcoming lessons. Lessons change weekly but an archive of past lessons is available. He will be designing other lessons soon for children!
Welcome to the @rtroom
GRADE LEVEL: Ages 8 and up; Secular
COMMENTS: The following commentary comes right from their page: "...The @rt room is a place for kids to explore their inner and outer worlds. It is designed around the idea of 'activity' centers that encourage kids to create, to learn and to explore new ideas, places and things on their own. Presently, there are six centers to choose from when entering the @rt room doorway. The following descriptions give some idea of what you'll find in each area:
1) @rt sparkers: ideas for art projects to do in your classroom or home. (You will also find links to other places around the web related to the art project)
2) @rtrageous thinking: learn what it means to 'think like an artist.'
3) @rt gallery: view art work created by kids from all over the world.
4) @rtifacts: historical facts and trivia from the world of art.
5) @rt library: reviews of books written for kids about art and artists.
6) @rt links: visit other web sites dedicated to kids, art and education."
Make Stuff.com--The You 'You Can Make It' Site for Crafters, Hobbyists, Entrepreneurs and PEOPLE WHO JUST LIKE TO MAKE STUFF
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular
COMMENTS: Wow!!! is all I can say about this site. There are many categories listed for just about anything you want to learn to make: Kids Stuff, Miscellaneous Gifts and Projects, Pages for such holidays as Christmas and Thanksgiving, Gardening Tips and Tricks, Recycle It!, Formulas, Remedies & Concoctions, The Sewing Room (Knitting, crochet, quilting and sewing projects) , Craft Catalogs and Supplies, The Reading Room (on-line craft magazine links), and Entrepreneur's Corner--turning your hobby or craft into a home business. I learned what you could do with old CD's and light bulbs here...amazing! Plan to spend LOTS of time here!
Picasso On-Line
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular
COMMENTS: See some on-line works of Picasso and read a biography of his life. You can view his works chronologically here too. Only some of the links here are not in English.
Emmett Scott's Arts & Activities
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular
COMMENTS: A great site for learning step-by-step how to cartoon...it goes lesson by lesson and is really quite thorough! This site also has a section on WHAT CARTOONISTS DO, DRAWING TRICKS AND CREATIVE PLAY IDEAS.
GRADE LEVEL: Reading level---Middle School-Adult (younger kids may benefit with parental guidance); Secular
COMMENTS: FREE art lessons!
I could not believe the quality of this site. You do have to register for a password to get into the lessons, but once in, you will find step-by-step instructions in the following art media: Watercolor, Pen & Ink , Pencil/Graphite, Color Pencil, Pastel, and a lesson on Perspective.
In addition there is a K-6 Teacher Gallery where art work you send in is posted. As stated in an introductory message I received upon registering, "You do not have to pay to have your work shown on the student Gallery or for me to evaluate your work. The only thing you have to pay for is postage and return postage for anything you send to me for evaluation if you want it returned."
You read it correctly! You can now have your child's work evaluated by someone who has studied art!
A wonderful resource!
Making Friends and Other Crafts for Kids
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular
COMMENTS: "A great resource for craft projects designed for kids, their parents, or anyone who works with kids. Featuring patterns, projects, and craft recipes you can print for dozens of activities. Highlights include making 'friends' (their version of paper dolls), projects designed for boys and extensive preschool crafts."
Categories are: Holiday Fun, Bead Patterns, Scout Pages, Bible Crafts, Shop for Supplies, Jewelry Making, and Puppet Making. In addition, there is a bulletin board at this site where you can swap ideas!
Welcome to I-Craft
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular
COMMENTS: Doing unit studies? Then this is another exciting site! Follow the TEACHER ZONE link and then scroll down through the long narrative to the hyper-link, LESSON PLAN. There are craft ideas here and they tell you what unit of study could be used with each craft idea and they suggest correlated activities to go along with the craft! At the bottom of this LESSON PLAN page, you will find a LESSON PLAN ARCHIVES link. There are other project ideas and craft links at this site also. Browse through the categories listed and find some great stuff! .
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular
COMMENTS: This site is awesome! Cyber-visit an art museum which periodically changes its exhibitions! "Accesses a navigable representation of the exhibition as it existed at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. This area of the site features zoomable images of the paintings and audio files about selected paintings and periods in Van Gogh's career. To Get Started, you must have the Live Picture (available at the site) and Real Audio G2 viewers (and a 4.0 browser). You must also Become a Member (free) to access the audio in the exhibition."
You can click on more information about any painting and you can then enlarge the artwork. I've even right-clicked and saved some of these masterpieces as wallpaper for my computer!
Hands-On Crafts for Kids
GRADE LEVEL: Grades 2-6; Secular
COMMENTS: This site is the off-shoot of the Public Television Show, "Hands-On--Crafting Together. As a matter-of-fact, you may be able to get this show in your home, so check it out! The complete television schedule for this program is here in a state-by-state listing. Whether you get the TV program or not, you can still access directions to their wonderful craft projects. The projects change monthly so check back often. There is also a message board containing even more craft ideas from web-site visitors.
Just Craft Recipes
GRADE LEVEL: All ages; Secular
COMMENTS: This site is part of a wonderful recipe site. This page has many recipes for children's play dough, slime, bubbles, cinnamon Christmas ornaments, glues and pastes, eggshell chalk, etc. etc! You may even order an inexpensive booklet here containing 157 craft recipes for $7.00. Truly, a site you will want to investigate thoroughly.