The Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTL)
GRADE LEVEL: High School; Secular
COMMENTS: By making resources for and information about LCTLs available through the Internet, the LCTL Project hopes to provide a more effective way to meet the needs of LCTL teachers and students." The links at this site will lead you to more information about the LCTL Project's activities, including resources compiled by the LCTL Project to help teachers and learners."
Foreign Language Resources on the Web
GRADE LEVEL: High School; Secular
COMMENTS: Their description of this site: "This resource list, by no means comprehensive aspires to lend starting points for mining the WWW for foreign language/culture specific resources. This is a "quality-only" index. In other words, we have sought to include only the best of the foreign language ("foreign" for native speakers of English) Web sites out of the many that exist."
GRADE LEVEL: High School; Secular
COMMENTS: "Teaching with the Web
is a compilation of ideas for using WWW resources as a language teaching tool. It also offers links to sites that have pedagogical information." There are links to activities in Latin, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian and African Languages.
GRADE LEVEL: High School; Secular
COMMENTS: This page is at the site of homeschoolers Rich and Deborah Murphy. They have produced a foreign language curriculum for the homeschool community in Spanish, French, German and Swahili. Here is what they say about their curriculum: "Most Foreign Language programs attempt to teach by stressing grammar rules, and memorizing lists of vocabulary. Unfortunately, this doesn't work. Even after three years of High-school language, most students can't communicate. These curriculums start by teaching Phonics in the language, to gain proper pronunciation. Once the pronunciation is down, communication is taught through usable phrases, both for Christian witnessing, and real-life situations. This teaching method more closely resembles the way that a child is taught to speak their first language. It has been proven effective for all ages.
Each curriculum is over 100 pages long and comes complete with the answer key, teachers guide, enrichment activities, and five 90 minute cassette tapes."
GRADE LEVEL: High School; Secular
COMMENTS: Type anything in English into this data entry box and ask the translator to translate it into Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, or Italian. Or vice-a-versa and get the English for any phrase in these languages.
Want to translate an entire web page? Type in the URL of the page, make your language selection and there it is!
Basic Spanish for the Virtual
GRADE LEVEL: High School; Secular
COMMENTS: FREE! Learn Spanish from 50+ modules
covering pronunciation, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and other
I Love Languages. com
GRADE LEVEL: High School; Secular
COMMENTS: This is the "mother" site where I got the several of the links on this page. Don't want to learn Spanish? Click on "LANGUAGE LESSONS" on this site and you will see a list of lessons in other languages available on the web.
Here is what they say about their site, "The Human-Languages Page is a comprehensive catalog of language-related Internet resources. The over 1800 links in the HLP database have been hand-reviewed to bring you the best language links the Web has to offer. Whether you're looking for online language lessons, translating dictionaries, native literature, translation services, software, language schools, or just a little information on a language you've heard about, the HLP probably has something to suit your needs."
categories: basic words,
Foreign Languages for Travelers
GRADE LEVEL: High School; Secular
COMMENTS: Fantastic site...there are 66 languages here! For each language you can see a list of words for that language in the following numbers, shopping/dining, travel, directions, places and times and dates. At the bottom of each page you will have an opportunity to link to foreign language dictionaries or other sites about that country or language.
Learn Spanish: A Free Online Tutorial
GRADE LEVEL: Middle-High School; Secular
COMMENTS: An exceptional site I highly recommend! You can register free as a teacher and get e-mail reports on your child's progress through the on-line exercises provided in the various lessons. You can hear the correct pronunciation of many of the words used in the exercises if you have REAL PLAYER-G2 installed. Follow the bookstore link at this site and find a ton of Spanish instruction books, videos and tapes available for sale. There is even an online World's First Spanish Random Idiom Generator--keep reloading the page and learn a new idiom. You can even learn the top 10 phrases that don't translate well and learn what they mean (follow the link marked "Top Ten List"). There are also many cultural notes available in English and Spanish. You can even hear the notes read in Spanish as you follow along helping you more with correct pronunciation.
American Sign Language Browser
GRADE LEVEL: All ages; Secular
COMMENTS:This is "Michigan State University's ASL Browser web site, an online American Sign Language (ASL) browser where you can look up video of thousands of ASL signs and learn interesting things about them. This web site was designed for a browser that supports frames and the ability to embed quicktime movies."
Encarta Language Learning Online
GRADE LEVEL: Middle School-Adult; Secular
COMMENTS:This site offers educational opportunities in two languages--French or Spanish. You can even have your language abilities tested here by clicking on the evaluation exam link. There are also links to Free Activities and Language Games too.