Homepage Poetry of an American Teenager

The Discalimer:

I wrote this poetry in '97/'98 when I still was an American teenager. The poetry is in no way the viewpoints of anyone else, except myself. I do not expect you to agree or disagree with my poems; rather, enjoy them for the pureness of poetry.


If I could tell from standing still
If I could achieve, needless to try
I'd never push, I'd never will
To see what lay beyond the eye.

But I know that in the day
The ordinary and plain reside
But out of sight, and out of way
The special things seem to hide.

So I try With all of me
To search for what I cannot see
And with my efforts
I can see and do
The precious things; out of view.

lhb / May 12, 1998, for David




Of summer nights and fireflies
Of golden mornings and sun-streaked skies
Of evenings that never fade to dark
Of days that never lose their spark
These are the days I love to remember
Of soft-sweet air and cumulus ember
If only one could be called to refrain,
For another day; in place of rain.

"Sarah Lindeau"/June 2,1997


Looking out my window at night
I saw so many stars and so many lights
My mind, saddened by things of dreams:
Things undone; things unseen.

In a world so big
I wished it small
That things unseen
Wouldn't render at all
Against the things I'd done.

Living my life in an imaginary dream
Whiling away hours on the countless unseen
Wasting the day that sat in my hands
Making up dreams; formulating plans.

From a place unwanted
I opened the door
For things unseen
I wanted no more
Of what was old to me.

Spending so much time looking out
Against opposition and plentiful doubt
I had committed a personal sin:
Ignoring what had been inside myself;
I should have been looking in.

"Sarah Lindeau"/June 4, 1997




Of all the questions
Children ask
And think about and ponder;
Of all the mysteries In the world
Why is 'why' so hard to answer?

"Sarah Lindeau"/June 6, 1997.

*Thank you*

We think we know what we do in life
We get through pain and toil and strife
And thank ourselves.
We breathe every breath as the days go on
Acknowledging only what ourselves have done
Not what others have given.
For it takes a loss to make a gain
Once in a while, look to the sky and say
A simple thank you.

Sarah Lindeau/ December 8, 1997


Thanks for letting me share my poetry with you. I hope you enjoyed it.

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