Homepage Pictures of friends and family

My Pictures:

Here are some pictures of my friends and family. Some of the fotos are a bit old, but the ones on top are pretty new! Enjoy!

My boyfriend Hakan and I
My boyfriend Håkan and I

Lisa and Hakan
Håkan and I. Christmas, 99

Me, Kelli, Mom, Dad, Eric
This first photo is of my family and I in the summer of 1999, before we all parted company for another school year. L to R: Me, Kelli, Mom, Dad, Eric, Brian.

My little neighbor, Hannah, Kelli and I.
A new picture: My little neighbor, Hannah, Kelli and I.

My Graduation...
Done forever...

My brother Brian and I
My brother Brian and me...

My Dad and I
My Dad and I

Me, Sean, Britney & Kelli
Me, Sean, Britney & Kelli

Trip to Tennessee
Trip to Tennessee

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