Homepage Guestbook

Click on Guestbook on the left to sign here:

Kelli Beitlich - 12/15/00 06:14:21
My Email:greatlakes31@hotmail.com

Hi Lisa...my dear sister... As I sit here, you are far away, and I haven't seen you in four months- and won't for another three. I miss you, kiddo. I have had a very hard time this semester, as you know, and at times, I feel I am getting better, but in reality, I never know. Sometimes, I think I have the strength to remain here, and at others, I am not so sure. I rely on you more than I should sometimes, but you're all that is constant. Friends come and go, but family is forever. And I know that if I fail in what I try, that you will always love me... kelli

Mats - 10/09/00 23:28:10
My Email:mats@for-president.com

Hey, I lost the e-mail address you are using while you're in Spain and I'm curious of how you are doing over there. *hug* Mats

Hawk - 09/26/00 06:35:42
Chat - Nick: AM not going to throw up in an alley in LAX again

Hey you! just wonted to remind you*k* ILYF and E take care, love.. thinking of you

Alvaro Parra - 09/17/00 23:29:21
My Email:alvarp@arrakis.es

Hi to everyone, this is my favorite sentence: "La vida es así, no la he inventado yo" Besos, Alvaro

Alvaro Pablo Parra Armario - 09/17/00 23:19:20
My Email:alvarp@arrakis.es
Chat - Nick: irc-arrakis.es; Pablo2000

Me gusta tu pagina y pienso que eres una chica increible y encantadora. Espero que podamos ser grandes amigos y será un placer ayudarte a que lo pases muy bien y disfrutes mucho de tu estancia en España. Un beso. Alvaro

Rasahad - 09/12/00 01:38:31
My URL:http://www.pussy.com
My Email:fucked@asslicker.com
Chat - Nick: ass licker

lisa u fucking hoe u wanna fuck me hell no prob just call me baby and i'll show u what men are about Yeah!hell u asslickers that read this can suck my dick !Wassabeeeeeee!!!!assholes that lick each other's feet.hell i love sexy feet thats why i wanna fuck a pair or 5!So Sex For all bye!

Sleipner - 09/10/00 17:06:51
My URL:http://insipidorpheus.homepage.com

Hello!I surfed here from Dragoneyez, and looked around ant thought:I must of course take up some space in teh guestbook to show that i was here. Bye bye

threw up in an alley in LaCrosse - 09/07/00 09:09:51

Hej, lisa! You will be perfect in swedish.. you are already perfect in so many other ways *k*

lisa - 09/04/00 02:11:33

oops. I see my mistake. My Swedish isn't perfect. Sorry. "Kom ihåg att jag ska älskar dig för evigt." och tack för att du finns, love.

lisa - 09/04/00 02:09:11

Håkan. Jag saknar dig. Men jag vet att vi ska vara tillsammans snart..igen. Kom ihåg det jag ska älskar dig för evigt. I already do. Be safe. I love you. ~me.

payam - 08/11/00 14:43:04
My URL:http://on.to/payam

Håkan seems a little bit chuby!!

Richard Dyson - 07/30/00 03:35:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Stands/5747
My Email:Richard.Dyson@ukgateway.net
Chat - Nick: FSOL

wonderful... ...love your homepage...och jag älskar sverige...(had to say that in Swedish) talk to you later... Richard

ERICA - 07/30/00 01:23:23

LISA.. I know this summer will always be a memorie in my heart..I hope I have been nice to you and your family, I feel bad if I haven't and would like you to tell me if it is soo..I can never thank you or your family enough,,TACK Så HIMLA MYCKET, love ya...We ge along, but there is times when I have been thinking about how you feel about me, we are different, and I hope that is a good thing.. I have learnd a lot this summer about The American lifestyle, and that is good, I like it.. I know that you are nervous about Spain, don't be you will be awesome over there, they will like you, because you are a great person... Thank you Lisa and please come and visit me sometime, I would love that......Hope we will be friends forever.. Kramizar Erica

ulrika - 07/28/00 04:21:25
My URL:http://www.drink.to/ulrika
My Email:oceanhappy@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: Seventeen*

hej..you told me to sign your guestbook, here i go. i dont remember if you know swedish or not so i'll write in english to be on the safe side. It was great talking to you in the chat room and I enjoyed hearing someones opinions, all my friends here get offended if i point out some of the problems with america. Well, maybe i'll se you again sometime. -Ulrika

Bond....Jesus Bond - 07/28/00 00:58:12
My Email:bobi_007@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: 83BMW83

oooohhhh håkan i love u plz MARRY ME....hehehehe hi its me 83BMW83 from aftonbladet chatt and u was americangirl. Åå min älskade jag ska älska dig tills döden.....nej nej tills du säger att du vill sluta älska med mig. o när vi har älskat klart då röker vi cigar hehehe.. I LOVE YOU TOO!! ;-)

Reine - 07/14/00 23:51:46
My Email:karlsson09@spray.se

Kul sida:-)

Erica "The Star" - 07/13/00 22:31:18
My Email:tekla19@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: Fjatto

Lisa.. You are the best, I can't tell you how greatfull I am to have you as a friend,, you just are a great person no matter what. In Swedish now... jag hoppas att vi aldrig tappar kontakten med varandra that would break my heart..Jag var lyckligt lottad, hade s n tur att jag fick traffa dig and your wounderful family, they are just awesome....I can't thank you enough for this summer, but I really had a great time with you and your mom, Eric that little kid, Brian (he was gone most of the time, but what the hack) saw him anyway....Kelli, she is just a great friend too...Lisa you are always welcome in my house when ever you are visiting Sweden (the great Country)...When I say Sweden I mean Hakan...Good luck to you too, I wish you all my love..don't forget to invit me to your wedding...just kidding Lisa you will always be apart of me, I will never forget all the fun times we spent together this summer, it has been a great time for me and hopefully for you too.... Take care in spain, promise me that you will be carefull....don't forget to practise yo r swedish, you are good, but you will be better..... I will miss you like helllllll...chica Thank you for being such a good friend to me and everybody else....bless you Love ya Kramizar Erica "The crazy Swede"

Pat - 07/12/00 06:00:13
My Email:patdevine@ididitmyway.com
Chat - Nick: cover

Hey Lise! It's a great site, I especially loved the love story! Catch you in email! Pat.

Ian - 07/02/00 00:00:22
My Email:ian_powter@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: Smurfen

hi its ian from icq your swedish friend.. Do you want to know something im only 13 years old lets talk some day on icq.. sseeee ya

Malin - 06/29/00 20:58:23

Hi Lisa!! My name is Malin and I live in sweden. I´m 16 years old. When I suched on the white pages on the ICQ I found your name. I saw that you can speak swedish and I get intressed. I´m not good in englich, but I hope you understand what I write to you.' I hope you write back to me. I added you on my ICQ. It was a nice homepage you have>!! Hälsningar Malin

Mikael Wester - 06/15/00 07:59:00
My Email:wester69@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: mike

Hello and thanks for the e-mail. I sounds good to hear that you had a realy good time in sweden. And you i hope you look in your mail´s you have atleast 1 new. Have a realy nice your Friend Micke from Gävle

svenne - 06/05/00 05:26:50
My Email:kalle@everyday.com
Chat - Nick: svenne

hej alla glada kul sida

svenne - 06/05/00 05:26:46
My Email:kalle@everyday.com
Chat - Nick: svenne

hej alla glada kul sida

svenne - 06/05/00 05:26:41
My Email:kalle@everyday.com
Chat - Nick: svenne

hej alla glada kul sida

svenne - 06/05/00 05:26:36
My Email:kalle@everyday.com
Chat - Nick: svenne

hej alla glada kul sida

svenne - 06/05/00 05:26:26
My Email:kalle@everyday.com
Chat - Nick: svenne

hej alla glada kul sida

Mikael Wester - 05/22/00 04:43:55
My Email:wester69@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: mike

Hello again! i hope everything is allright over there! If you don`t won`t to write to me you don`t have to. But i should like it. But anyway i hope you gonna have a nice time in sweden. When ever you coming. Ok have a nice time. Your new chatt friend from sweden. Micke

Mikael Wester - 05/17/00 20:13:03
My Email:wester69@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: mike

Hello! i´m still wating, e-mail you know!!! I hope everything is allright. i manage to drive to arlanda with out any complications. i really hope i´m gona see a mail in my inbox soon. Puss och kram Micke, gävle

Pål Börjesson - 05/17/00 00:01:00
My URL:http://hem.fyristorg.com/mojo99/paulspoems.htm
My Email:mojo@privat.utfors.se
Chat - Nick: Ruben Remus (# 2)

Hm, the adress got screwed up in some weird way. Here's the "good" one. :o) /Pål

Pål Börjesson - 05/16/00 23:58:36
My URL:http://hem.fyristorg.com/mojo99/paulspoems.htmhttp://hem.fyristorg.com/mojo99/paulspoems.htm
My Email:mojo@privat.utfors.se
Chat - Nick: Ruben Remus (#2)

Hi Lisa! I really liked your poetry, insightful and pure in some way I really can't describe better. Ok, you've got a boyfriend and all, but I'd like to add that you're really something special - mind, and appearance - stunning smile. :o) As you can see I'm giving you the adress to my very modest poetry page. I usually don't write in english, so there's only two poems there, and the spelling isn't perfect either. I'm to lazy to fix it, and I've sort of left that poetry-page to the history. But maybe you can get a good groove out of them anyway. I write very fast and free, with "free association" and I never have a theme for a poem. Just words, and then they say what I wanna say, without me knowing... :o) So, I'm inspired by the beats - Kero ac & Ginsberg - and my highest wish is to be connected with same "Divine stream" they were. But I'm still young, so I've got plenty of time for that quest. Hope you like them, and now you've got my e-mail adress to, so keep in touch if you feel like it. Howlin' hugs /Pål

micke från gävle - 05/16/00 23:43:54
My Email:wester69@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: mike

Hello again i realy i hope i got your e-mail soon so i don´t have to show my bad eng. for every one.how is visiting this realy nice hompage. you are lucky who have so good friend how had helped you whit this h-page. ok i´m going to arlanda now im litel b t late but what the heck! have a realy realy nice time looking forward to her from you again! Your friend for ever(i hope any way) Mikael "Mike" Wester

jesse - 05/16/00 22:27:00
My URL:http://zip.to/bmf
My Email:berglund304@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: bullen

ja detta var ju en fin sida =) fina dikter

Mikael Wester - 05/15/00 03:40:41
My Email:wester69@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: mike from Gävle

Hello again! i saw in your page and you told me in the chat. that your learning spanish(sorry for my bad eng. i´m not the best in type, but talk no problem.) Yes back to the spanish i have been stud. spanish for nine year´s. i have been in Teneriffe "cana ies" 13 times i have been workin in a city called Los Cristianos it is on the south side of the island. I have been working in a bar Call "Skandis" it´s a kind of nick name for Scandinavia" That was i think the best time in my life, so far. But ok the us as not bad too. Hasta la vista, Tu habla español no problemo. Que? Yo el trabajo in el bar llamo Heartbreak Hotel. Y tu el studar español. Yo habla un poco español. But I can Say Una cervesa grande. Por Favour. Have a nice time please send me a e-mail best regrets Micke

Mikael "Mike" Wester - 05/15/00 03:20:32
My Email:wester69@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: mike From Gävle

Hello! Now I Know Why You Can Speak svenska! Ok Im Going To write in swedish now and se if you can translate it. pleas send me a e-mail. Hej Jag hoppas att allt är bra. du fuskade lite, för du har en svens pojkvän. Ok det var kul. skriv gärna så skriver jag tillbaka. If you could´nt translate it pleas send me a e-mail. your new Friend Micke

benyamin - 05/13/00 02:41:00
My URL:http://www.acay.com.au/~blynch/footy.htm
Chat - Nick: Al Pacino

Bitey Bitey Bitey Bitey Bitey

Marcus "Macke the Boy" Marcus - 05/12/00 17:27:18
My URL:http://will.come.up.soon
My Email:marcus@stockholm.as
Chat - Nick: /M.

hmm... It's a nice page! Simple and stylish without 3 billion colors and 4 thousand blinking commercials. A really nice page!

Mario - 04/27/00 21:33:03
My Email:mayito_bernal@hotmail.com

Hey Lise, your page looks real good with the updating... it is great to have a friend like you, hope you keep your promise of coming to Mexico. Love, Mario

Eric ;) - 04/23/00 02:00:36
My Email:lilskater3@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: blip

whazzup!!!! hey im just signing your guestbook cuz you asked me to...:) well c-ya...luv :)

Håkan - 04/20/00 11:10:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/5670/
My Email:email lisa and I'll get it.
Chat - Nick: hawk

hej du! Hur mår min älskling idag? Jag hoppas att du mår bra, lisa.. därför att när du mår bra, så mår jag bra*kysss* ilyf and I mean it. Jag vill att du ska veta att jag alltid tänker på dig, lisa.. alltid alltid! Och att du är det bästa som har hänt mig. Du är det UNDERBARASTE som finns på jorden, och du ska veta att att jag kommer att ädf...and I'll never stop.. I promise!*kyss*

kristin - 04/19/00 16:49:02
My Email:kt_blue7@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: Cup o T45

Lisa, this is great. So, you're quite fond of your swedish friend. I couldn't tell;) Thanks for telling me about this, it's great. love ya and I'll pray for your grandma, love, Kristin

Hawk - 04/19/00 03:27:30
Chat - Nick: Hawk(again)


Hawk - 04/19/00 03:26:18
Chat - Nick: Håwk

Lisa, det här är mycket coolt :) Du är i mitt hjärta förever...(swenglish, jaaa?) Nu får alla se hur vackra ögon du har, lisa *kysss*

Olof - 04/18/00 23:12:40
My URL:http://start.at/grahn
My Email:kanalare@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: *USA_killen*

Nice Webpage! Lycka till med Hakan! :)

Lise - 04/18/00 22:56:58

Thanks Ben for doing such a marvellous job! You are wonderful! ~lise..

Karen Kirakossian - 04/18/00 22:54:57
My Email:Kirakossian_kba@swipnet.se
Chat - Nick: Trevlig kille

I´m the boy you met on the Aftonbladet Chat Don´t Forget me... *HUG*

Ben - 04/18/00 20:31:04
My URL:http://www.kommune-des-herrn.de
My Email:catchup@gmx.net
Chat - Nick: CatchUP, Mennox

Hi there, I did a little redesign. Hope you like it. Love Ben

Sheree - 03/10/00 03:18:16
My Email:ree85@yahoo.com
Chat - Nick: Saalo

I trhink this is a wicked page

Lise (Eric's big sis) - 03/08/00 16:06:45

Hey Eric! We've got some pretty wild thunderstorms here today. I hear that you and mom had trouble finding eachother yesterday, eh? Well, I've got a class to get to, too. Take care, hijo. ~lise

*little bro* - 03/08/00 14:44:21
My Email:lilskater3@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: blip (icq), starburst3 (IM)

Hey Lisa, whats up, n.m here...well gotta go to second period...talk later :)

Eric Beitlich - 03/01/00 02:48:37
My Email:lilskater3
Chat - Nick: blip

This page sucks... j/k lisa, i like what youve done to it well i gotta go love ya, eric

JESSICA HODGE - 02/01/00 18:06:11
My Email:NONE


jessica - 01/31/00 23:17:22
My Email:bluejeanbby@yahoo.com

I enjoyed the poems on your site and you and your friends seem great.

Crystal Garza - 01/30/00 20:10:32
My Email:boogie_m_2000@yahoo.com
Chat - Nick: boogie_m_2000

hi as you know my name is crysatl i just wanted to say i liked your poem, i myself write poetry its one way for me to express my feelings out to but you are good and you should keep it up good luck.

Damiani - 01/30/00 02:04:53
My URL:http://KaNeShOmIeD
My Email:MrsYankees235@aol.com
Chat - Nick: Damiani

this is a really cool site and i give you mad props, so keep up the good work aiight? :0) * }{i}{ *

Alicia - 01/29/00 00:29:45
My URL:http://www.ititself.com/saltiest
My Email:saltiest@uswest.net
Chat - Nick: saltiest or saltiest_one

had fun checking "your" page out...how very kind of Ben to put it together for ya. Loved it! Check mine out if you please.

Jill - 01/24/00 05:56:06
My Email:moocows@meltel.net
Chat - Nick: moocowsatmeltel

I like your poems!!

Rico Santes - 01/23/00 06:39:26
My Email:i_love_the_ladys@yahoo.com
Chat - Nick: Rico

This page sucks! Go get yourself a fn' job, you damn hippie!

Samantha - 01/23/00 01:59:50
My Email:authentic00@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: authentic00

Wow! I think you have an awsome talent in poetry. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

- 01/21/00 22:56:55


christine m. b. - 01/19/00 22:12:37
My Email:julietcm33@cs.com
Chat - Nick: julietcm33

i really like your poetry. it has inspired me to write some of my own. thanx and i hope to see more poetry on your site

- 01/15/00 00:51:34


Jeff Berdahl - 01/12/00 22:14:10
My Email:j_berdahl@yahoo.com
Chat - Nick: same


Carol - 01/12/00 02:16:40
My Email:toska@email.women.com
Chat - Nick: N/A

Just wanted to say hi. I just got here, haven't been able to read anything yet.

Jessica - 01/12/00 02:03:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Station/7217/
My Email:justjess@mailcity.com

Cool page, I liked *Beyond* Kudos to you, and Ben. The 'Poetry of an American Teenager' sounds sophisticated.

Lai Jin - 01/10/00 15:19:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/fonglj
My Email:fonglj@yahoo.com
Chat - Nick: -havoc-

HI! I got into your homepage well by acccident and i find it really attractive.......great page you have here.....hope you will visit my website and be friends.......

sgause - 01/10/00 02:24:31
My Email:lil_tee_2000@hotmail.com

this site rules!!!!!!!!!!! e-MAIL me at lil_tee_2000@hotmail.com

- 01/09/00 09:14:54


Derek - 01/07/00 06:23:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Office/5753/index.html
My Email:_6me9_@yahoo.com
Chat - Nick: jigaireos@aol.com

You don't know me and I found your site by random boredness looking for a site to check out. I like your site and your poems too. This all intrests me because I have a site quite similar to yours in respect that i too write, well used to write. I guess I too am taking a "poetry-potty-break" as you so eliquently put it:) Well please visit my site too if you have time and the curiosity to do so. im me, e-mail, tell me what you think... thanks -Derek

Alexandrea Star - 01/05/00 03:42:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/alex_star85
My Email:alexstar@gurlmail.com
Chat - Nick: Alex

Just wanted to drop by and say what a good page you have! Keep up the great work!

billy - 01/05/00 00:18:36
My URL:http://www.billy.com
My Email:billy@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: billy

ever wonder if theres anybody who's actually different than everybody else? I always wonder. Theres lots out there that want to be different but only because that is the trendy thing to do now, try and be different. I wonder if there is any genuine peo le on this planet.

lise & hawk - 01/04/00 07:24:30

Well, hello again everyone. This is Lisa, and this is my page. I just wanted to record this time, because I'm here with my wonderful boyfriend, and our time together is limited, and I wanted to have some recorded memory of our time together. Tacky, perhap , but I love him, and anything I can come back and look at to remember by is so special to me. Thanks to everyone for signing my page. And, Håkan, I love you. ~ luv, Lisa.

Toby - 01/03/00 17:52:31
My Email:canadian_wolf@gmx.net

Hi Lisa, very nice site you've put together but I would have liked to get some more information about you. I really enjoyed reading your poets although as a german I'm not always sure I understand everything. Keep going - and keep updating. All the best - Toby

lauren - 12/29/99 13:48:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/villa/7299
My Email:lauren.baker@talk21.com
Chat - Nick: skitzo

great site,ben could make a living from helping people like this ,nice work ben! and nice poems lisa or sarah or whatever you prefer! i was wondering if you or ben could e-mail me with some tips on setting up my website,ive got it but not sure what to do ow? thanks,lauren, english teenager,xxx

lise & hawk - 12/29/99 05:48:53

This comment is directed towards the rude and totally unwarrented comment left by the girl below this entry(lisamb02). If you don't have better things to do than to wander around the internet leaving childish remarks, perhaps you are the one who should "g t a life"? My poetry was written in 1997, and if you don't care for it, that is your own business, but I honestly don't think that you need to be so critical and mean about it. Ps. If you're going to use American slang, it's spelled "freaking".

Lisa (your worst nightmare) - 12/29/99 01:45:04
My Email:lisamb02@yahoo.com
Chat - Nick: lisamb02

you are very wierd and you have way too much time on your hands. my advice to you: GET A LIFE YOU FRIEKING IDIOT. "i'm an american teenager with poetry", who gives a shit. bye love, no hate, lisa

Matt Moyer - 12/26/99 02:44:08
My Email:dgrmoyer@pineland.net

how are you doing in school.

Igor - 12/17/99 08:56:06
My URL:http://www.nsk.ru/~museum/images/me2.jpg
My Email:museum@mail.nsk.ru

Lisa, Your poems are very nice! Thank you!

- 12/16/99 15:30:49


Ben - 12/13/99 19:27:42
My URL:http://come.to/catchup
My Email:catchup@gmx.net
Chat - Nick: CatchUP

Hi there.... long time no see... I'd love to hear from you! Please, would you mail me? (mail, not marry :o)) Loads of love Ben from Germany

Federica - 12/12/99 15:02:58
My Email:fedepun@tin.it

This home page is OK!!! Excuse me for my english but I'm italian... ...

Haiyan Liu - 11/27/99 21:01:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hnliuhy
My Email:hnliuhy@yahoo.com
Chat - Nick: watermelon

I find a wonderful place and a smart girl here. I will visit you often. Watermelon

lise - 11/25/99 08:44:32

Ja ska gifta mig med dig..min älskade...jag älskar dig av hela mitt hjarta.. ...din lisa för evigt....

Hawk - 11/25/99 08:29:59
Chat - Nick: din svensk


Roms - 11/24/99 06:42:50
My Email:cousin_zeek@yahoo.com
Chat - Nick: Cousin_zeek

hey I have also created a poetry site based on comedy and I would love to have a guest book but I have to idea how to add it to my homepage. Can u please email me and help me out please and tell me how? thanks

chris - 11/22/99 01:55:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Geyser/5948/abchris.html
My Email:chrishikerhavon@yahoo.com

marry me... I'm just a loser ....

Jen - 11/21/99 10:19:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jenswebsite
My Email:jenniemail@yahoo.com
Chat - Nick: Jen

Hey Lisa, your page is very neat...I love the graphics. I'm also glad that you gave credit to your friend Ben. It takes a lot of humility to do that, especially on the internet, concerning your own webpage. Cute graduation picture! (o: Visit my page, and sign my guestbook, ok? Why? Because one good turn deserves another, right? (o:

Debbie - 11/20/99 21:51:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/1814/Index.html
My Email:caseytreeo@prodigy.net
Chat - Nick: Shadow

Hi Lisa, You have a great homepage! I read all your poetry and love them all. Please come visit my page...not quite finished yet, but on it's way!Take care, and keep the faith! Shadow~

Karen - 11/20/99 03:52:34
My Email:krw1@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: Teebaby

hello, i was surfing the web and some how i ended up on your website, i spent alot of time reading your poems they are very touching. I bookmarked your website so i'll be stopping by again sometime to see any updates you may have. keep up the good work. Karen a.k.a Teebaby in Tennessee

Lance Tyler - 11/18/99 17:03:13
My Email:WhiteEyedDevil@aol.com

Nice poems... you have a great talent stick with it.. and nice page... =c)

- 11/18/99 10:05:33


Lise - 09/29/99 23:02:53
My URL:http://www.gratistel.com

Hello love~ So often I greet you at this place and find your words here. How wonderful it is to see! That you have been here, watching over me. Note: If you're going to give your company some publicity, you might want to spell it correctly, ja? Jag älskar dig, min svensk. Even if you can't spell. Ilyf&e.

ilylfande - 09/16/99 13:50:42
My URL:http://www.gartistel.com (why not promote my company?)
My Email:aerogel@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: Aerogel

Jag älskar dig, lisa.... och jag kommer aldrig att sluta :) ilyfffffff

duncan - 09/16/99 12:32:52
My URL:http://zip.to/duncan
My Email:nacnud@geocities.com

I really liked your poetry (especially 'unseen'), I'm glad I surfed in!

Christopher Foley - 09/15/99 21:19:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Soho/workshop/5514/
My Email:chrisfoley@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: Lord Leviathan

Hi how are you.. I loved your poems, especially "Beyond". You have a unique gift and I'm glad you are sharing it with people and I'm glad I found your website, cause I read very beautiful and well written poetry... Farewell.. If you get a chance, check ou some of my poems. Thanks.

Kevin serrick - 09/15/99 19:11:22

Hello im a poet that wants to be published but cant seem to get anywhere with. Can you give me any ideas? From Kev in Port Elgin Ontario.

=) kel - 09/10/99 22:15:05
My Email:greatlakes31@hotmail.com

love ya kid!

Marcus - 07/22/99 21:38:56

nice homepage I enjoyed it very much love & peace

john - 06/28/99 02:11:52
Chat - Nick: jon185


Aerogel - 05/30/99 20:39:13

Jag tänker på dig ilyf

Aerogel - 05/30/99 20:36:30

Jag tänker på dig ilyf

Hugo - 05/28/99 21:48:50
My Email:ugo@globalserve.net
Chat - Nick: Latin

I love your home page. I am really content for you!! Se nota que te has preocupado por un trabajo mejor en tu home page......CONGRATULATIONS!!

Hugo - 05/28/99 21:48:45
My Email:ugo@globalserve.net
Chat - Nick: Latin

I love your home page. I am really content for you!! Se nota que te has preocupado por un trabajo mejor en tu home page......CONGRATULATIONS!!

Graham Freer - 05/19/99 09:27:46
Chat - Nick: GRAY


FNM - 05/17/99 06:19:17
My URL:http://www.end-br.org
My Email:patton@gamebox.net

"Thou dost still remain unforgettable."

Richard lilley - 05/14/99 12:52:58
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mn/ricweb
My Email:richard_lilley@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: Rix/Ric Richard but not Dick !!

I found your page before, but you have improved, it is well better than mine, nice graphicsw, it reallly does make a difference when someone helps someone else come up with ideas to improve their website. Can you surgest anything for mine, it is a disaste area.

Johnnie - 05/11/99 06:40:35
My Email:Guppy@swipnet.se
Chat - Nick: Luke

Hej! Hoppas du förstår. *ler* Vill höra av dig igen!

Marko - 05/11/99 02:19:23
My Email:markopro@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: Ben Dover

Nice page you have here. I really like it. I don't know if you remember me but we chatted fore a while monday 10 may. I just wanted to say hi. Bye fore now.

Klas Hamrén - 05/11/99 01:31:19
My URL:http://hem1.passagen.se/pello/klas/klas.html
Chat - Nick: Snobben

If you get lonely,bring out my pictures and try to find me at aftonbladets chat!!!! Take care! xxx Snobben

Richard Lilley - 04/29/99 14:28:20
My Email:richard_lilley.hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: Rich or wiganler

Hi, I am richard, and iI am 19 yrs Old. As just serching for chat groups and forms becuase I was just looking for something to do. Nice web site by the way. Don't take this as a complaint but a little Java and moving gifs and you could enter for the web s te of the year award. Take care of life as life is a pain i should know. Richard C. Lilley Haydock St Helens Lancashire also at:- richard.lilley@merseymail.com

lise - 04/12/99 17:09:22

This is directed to Alan Garner: I've been thinking....I call my little brother "monkey boy"..Maybe you should be signing HIS page instead? ilyh.

Romie - 04/05/99 17:49:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Channel/2104/
My Email:romie_77@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: Romie

I enjoyed your web page.Your poetry is really good.Keep it up!

ayman-ashour - 04/02/99 01:08:52
My URL:http://www.geocities/southebeach/balcony/1257
My Email:aymanashour@yahoo.com
Chat - Nick: night observer

i have to re-typit it again from saudi arabia wecloming you and say >>HI that áÇ íÕÏÞ .. áæ ßäÊí åäÇ .. æÇæ æÇæ æÇ i had to but my feeling in my langueg ..by

ayman-ashour - 04/02/99 01:02:51
My URL:http://yahoo.com
My Email:aymanashour@yahoo.com
Chat - Nick: night observer

very nice pag .. i relly like it my home page need to be fix after what i sow !(Grin).. might need some hlep too

Merqueen - 03/30/99 04:48:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Den/9065/index.html
My Email:merqueen@xoommail.com

Nice website. Very deep poetry for such a young person. Fell free to check out my site. And, God Bless.

Håkan - 03/28/99 18:05:17
My Email:aerogel@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: Hawk

Dear Alan, I*m sorry thatno one believes you. First of all, I don't have the slightest idea who you are, or who Alan are. But tell me, WHY would a famous author(if that name relly exists) go around signing webpages?? :) jag älskar dig Lisa, för evigt

- 03/27/99 22:55:39


Alan Garner - 03/27/99 18:44:59
My Email:alantgarner@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: Durathror the Silverbrowed

Again, your people threaten mee, monkey boy. I have otters and birds and beasts in my arsenal of truths and djinns. Mmmm... Alan Garner is an author and a mystic. A mastery of the mond and does not tolerate stupids and weremen.

Jason Richards - 03/25/99 18:41:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Bistro/1080
My Email:JayRich76@yahoo.com
Chat - Nick: JayRich

I just started my own poetry website and thought I'd have a look around at some other people's sites. I enjoyed your poems and liked the layout (I guess thanks go to Ben for that...). Feel free to stop by my site (which is under construction at present) if you get the chance. Thanks. JAR

Ron - 03/21/99 23:52:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Reef/3026/
My Email:ronaldjd@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: BigDawg773 on aol instant messanger

Very cool web page. Loved the glowing buttons.

Hawk - 03/21/99 19:28:13
My Email:aerogel@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: Hawk

I don't think he is for real... the Alan guy, that is...

julie - 03/20/99 10:47:39
My Email:julieadendorf@hotmail.com

Hi, Lisa - just thought I'd sign your guestbook. One question - that Alan Garner guy - do you know him - is he for real?

Marcelo - 03/05/99 00:16:15
My Email:chucky.r0x@zipmail.com.br
Chat - Nick: ChuCky

Parabens Pela HP ameiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Aqui passou um brazileiro lindoo ohhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

Hawk - 03/02/99 17:37:15
My Email:aerogel@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: Aerogel

I think that american girls are wonderful, at least one of them. And I think that the asshole who wrote that they are bitches, you can go to hell. Dra åt helvete!! If you don't like them, why do you even bother talking to americans?! You don't know shit... I love you, lisa din svensk

Thomas jakobsson - 03/02/99 06:45:22
My Email:targen@hotmail.com
Chat - Nick: pilot/T22

I think that american girls are bitches.If you dont agree mail me and try to turn me.. See you later you seem like a nice girl doo.

Ben (Au[24]) - 03/02/99 04:08:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Dorm/4971
My Email:bkeden@yahoo.com
Chat - Nick: Kinte

This is a nice page! Nice chatting with you : ) Even if it was short. Take care, bye ...

Mike - 03/01/99 19:35:41
My Email:mikerob@sprint.ca
Chat - Nick: Rockenatrix

See entries before april '99 in the old guestbook or add your entry!

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This page is designed by Benji Funck (catchup@gmx.net) - All content and pictures © 2000 by Lisa