Homepage Dediacted to friends & family

This page is

... dedicated to all those people who have affected me, changed me, or just been a source of comfort through laughter and tears.


I love you. It's been what? 4 years? And still best friends. You know me like no one else. Though it hasn't always been easy, I know that we can make it through anything. Because we have eachother. You're truly the best gift God has ever given me. Ilyf.



You're my twin sister, and truly, my "other half," if not my better half. We've shared so many wonderful moments. I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world. And now, everyone in the world can see how much I love you. Here's your recognition. :)



Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to my Kel. You are invaluable to her, and so, you are invaluable to me, too.


Ben -aka "My crazy Aussie"

I know I've neglected our friendship many times in the past. You truly are one of my craziest and most dear "friends." You always make me laugh, and your letters are a joy to read. You write with such amazing poetry. You have a special talent of getting into a person's soul and being able to understand him/her in a way no one else can. I promise I'll be better at writing in the future. Really.



What can I say? You've seen me in my best and worst moments; over 20 years of ups and downs. And you still love me. (That IS amazing, you know). You've made home a wonderful place to come home to; where I always feel welcome, and loved. You are the best mother any girl could have. I'm proud of you. You are beautiful.



I know we haven't always gotten along. But in the past year, I feel we've made a strong connection that we never really had before. When I was ill, you took care of me. When I am sad, you give me one of your hugs. I miss you. And I'll always be your "little girl," no matter what.


Eric & Brian

Two crazy brothers. What would I do without you two to bring me back down to earth every now and then? The years of sibling rivalry with you two has made me a more humble individual. Eric, I'll bring you back some Spanish money. Brian, you still owe me $5.

Eric & Brian


Oh, those were the days when we would skip psychology class to get Kel hyped up on CherryCoke, weren't they? You are one of the few reasons I actually miss high school. I can't wait for summer! Those evenings on our porch watching the storms come are some of my best memories. I love you, Kristin.



You are my little sister, even if we're not related. I love you! Are you really going to be 7 this summer?



How can I forget the amazing guy who's made this page? It's been a while since we've had a good conversation, but I always know that no matter how long it is between the time we talk, you will always be the same sweet, kind person you always have been. God bless you.



What would I do without my connection in Madrid? I can't wait to see you.



It's been two years, and we have yet to really get to know eachother. (Somehting I'm very much looking forward to). Thank you so much for being such a nice person. I still owe you $4, don't I? I promise I'll pay up, really. Or maybe Brian should pay you directly, and you can pocket the buck and call it even? I hope to see you this summer, since we'll both be in Minneapolis. Love ya, Gurman.



Min galna svenska! Girl! I can't wait to see you in June! I can't believe it's been two years. We may have only known eachother for two months back in high school, but you and I really connected, and I hope we can keep our friendship going long into the future, no matter what the distance.



What would I do without your help? Algún día VOY a Mexico a visitarte. Te lo juro. Really.



My last months of high school and 4th of July was great because I spent it with you. Now it's been over two years, and we're still talking. The next time you come to USA, don't make me wait until I get a postcard to know you're here, okay? Silly you.


To all those ...

that I've directed the above comments to, and to those who I haven't included, but still appreciate, (Andrea, Jill, my long-lost Erik, and Jacek), I love you all. I've never made friends incredibly easily, but all of you truly are my friends. I hope we never lose touch


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