I love you. It's been what? 4 years? And still best
friends. You know me like no one else. Though it hasn't always been easy, I
know that we can make it through anything. Because we have eachother. You're
truly the best gift God has ever given me. Ilyf. |
You're my twin sister, and truly, my "other half," if not
my better half. We've shared so many wonderful moments. I wouldn't trade you
for anything in the world. And now, everyone in the world can see how much I
love you. Here's your recognition. :) |
Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to my Kel. You
are invaluable to her, and so, you are invaluable to me, too. |
Ben -aka "My crazy Aussie"
I know I've neglected our friendship many times in the
past. You truly are one of my craziest and most dear "friends." You always make
me laugh, and your letters are a joy to read. You write with such amazing
poetry. You have a special talent of getting into a person's soul and being
able to understand him/her in a way no one else can. I promise I'll be better
at writing in the future. Really. |
What can I say? You've seen me in my best and worst moments;
over 20 years of ups and downs. And you still love me. (That IS amazing, you
know). You've made home a wonderful place to come home to; where I always feel
welcome, and loved. You are the best mother any girl could have. I'm proud of
you. You are beautiful. |
I know we haven't always gotten along. But in the past year,
I feel we've made a strong connection that we never really had before. When I
was ill, you took care of me. When I am sad, you give me one of your hugs. I
miss you. And I'll always be your "little girl," no matter what. |
Eric & Brian
Two crazy brothers. What would I do without you two to bring
me back down to earth every now and then? The years of sibling rivalry with you
two has made me a more humble individual. Eric, I'll bring you back some
Spanish money. Brian, you still owe me $5. |
Oh, those were the days when we would skip psychology class
to get Kel hyped up on CherryCoke, weren't they? You are one of the few reasons
I actually miss high school. I can't wait for summer! Those evenings on our
porch watching the storms come are some of my best memories. I love you,
Kristin. |
You are my little sister, even if we're not related. I love
you! Are you really going to be 7 this summer? |
How can I forget the amazing guy who's made this page? It's
been a while since we've had a good conversation, but I always know that no
matter how long it is between the time we talk, you will always be the same
sweet, kind person you always have been. God bless you. |
What would I do without my connection in Madrid? I can't
wait to see you. |
It's been two years, and we have yet to really get to know
eachother. (Somehting I'm very much looking forward to). Thank you so much for
being such a nice person. I still owe you $4, don't I? I promise I'll pay up,
really. Or maybe Brian should pay you directly, and you can pocket the buck and
call it even? I hope to see you this summer, since we'll both be in
Minneapolis. Love ya, Gurman. |
Min galna svenska! Girl! I can't wait to see you in June! I
can't believe it's been two years. We may have only known eachother for two
months back in high school, but you and I really connected, and I hope we can
keep our friendship going long into the future, no matter what the distance.
What would I do without your help? Algún día
VOY a Mexico a visitarte. Te lo juro. Really. |
My last months of high school and 4th of July was great
because I spent it with you. Now it's been over two years, and we're still
talking. The next time you come to USA, don't make me wait until I get a
postcard to know you're here, okay? Silly you. |
To all those ...
that I've directed the above comments to, and to those who I
haven't included, but still appreciate, (Andrea, Jill, my long-lost Erik, and
Jacek), I love you all. I've never made friends incredibly easily, but all of
you truly are my friends. I hope we never lose touch |