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Software Catalogs & Discounters on the Internet

There are several educational software catalogs on the internet & some places that sell software below retail. Below are the ones I've found so far. Watch this page for more in the future!

Academic Superstore offers a selections of educational programs & packages aimed mostly at schools. Although many of the programs are expensive, there are some gems at reasonable price to be found here.

Blue Squirrel specializes in software used by educators on the internet.

CD Nation offers various titles at GREAT prices.

CDAccess offers a nice selection of software at prices ranging from VG to full retail.

CD-ROM Access offers a large selection of programs at prices ranging from VG to full retail.

Educational Resources is a "must have" catalog. There are 232 pages packed with educational software. Each listing includes a brief description of the software. The prices range from very good to unaffordable for homeschoolers, but the latter is usually for software aimed at school districts. You will find many items here that you will not find in stores, such as Edmark's Imagination Express Destination Pyramids & Destination Time Trip USA (both affordable I might add) because they only come in school editions.

The Edutainment Company has lots of titles, specials & bargains, as well as demos of many popular programs for the PC & the Mac.

Gandilab provides software from top educational companies, such as The Learning Company, Disney, & Softkey, in Spanish versions.

Inspired Idea developes, publishes, and retail innovative, Christ-centered learning products including software, multimedia curriculum, and products for those with learning disabilities. Included titles are Scripture Solitaire, Unblocked! (software & workbook for disgraphia), Switched-On Schoolhouse, Color Phonics, Bible Games, & Pre-School software titles.

Logisoft specials in software & hardware for educators. Although most items are priced for school districts & are rather high, I did find some deals as low as $7.95.

Most Significant Bits has a large selection of software at excellent prices!

Multimedia Playground has a small, but hopefully growing, list of software at very good prices.

Shopper.Com is a great place to compare prices.

If you have any questions, comments, or anything you would like to add, please feel free to e-mail me!


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