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Places for the Kids

About.com's Crafts for Kids has plenty of crafgts and activities to keep you busy on a rainy day or to kill the boredom monster!

About.com's Doll Collecting's Paper Dolls has links to unique paper dolls that you child can print out.

Bess is aimed at families. It features internet blocking & you can subscribe to it, but I'm not sure how. They will allow you access to some of their links, & they are featured here.

Searchopolis, from the makers of Bess, is a filtered search engine aimed at middle school & high school kids. Every day it offers info on the birthdays of famous people & a website of the day. If you click on Look Up, you can either go to a list of curriculum broken down by subjects (this is currently under construction) or look for various reference materials broken down by type, i.e. white pages, yellow pages, dictionary, encyclopedia, etc.

Yahooligans is another, better known, children's search engine.

A to Z Home's Cool has tons of ideas & resources for kids. This is where Ann Zeise, the former Mining Company guide, has posted her links for kids.

Alfy is called "the kids portal playground" & includes many activities for kids pre-k through about 2nd or 3rd grade.

Ali's Page is done by a homeschooled child. There are links, a pen-pal exchange, a place for children to publish their work, & more.

America Links Up is a public awareness campaign about kids & the internet. You can find a ton of safe links here to check out as well as hints & tips on how to help children cruise safely!

Berenstain Bearsis the place to check out if your kids love these books & videos. You can e-mail any member of the family (and get a reply, too!) or send a cyber post card to a friend at the post office, play some games at the school, see a complete listing of their books at the library, or watch them in a movie, if you have the Vivo software, at the theatre.

Berit's Best Websites for Kids has been around for years & includes 1000's of prescreened links for kids. You can either search for something specific or choose a topic to begin your journey.

Billy Bear 4 Kids includes Clipart-Fonts-Stationery, Animal Scoop (both articles about animals & online games), Show & Tell (info about the characters featured here, pictures kids sent in, etc.), Fun & Games, Holiday Fun, PostOffice (postcards, ICQ greetings, stationery), Desktop Themes-Wallpaper, Screen Savers, & Computer Storybooks.

Bonus.com has over 500 activities & links for kids. Once you enter, it takes away your task on you web browser, so it is totally safe for kids.

Boowa & Kwala's Homepage has has online around the world stories, games, songs, & other activities for kids up to 6 years old.

CandyUSA (formerly KidsCandy) is a fun place to check out to learn all about candy & chocolate. There are recipes, facts, coloring pages, & more.

Coloring 4 Kids has animated pages that you can change the colors of & links to cards kids can send out.

Crayola Creativity Center includes crafts, coloring pages, cards, & more.

Creative Art Projects has a lot of art projects listed for you to do with your kids.

Fox Kids Club has info on your kids favorite fox shows, games, and info on the Fox Kids Club magazine.

Funschool.com is a site with interactive educational games. It is free & there is nothing to download. It covers concepts from pre-k through 6th grade.

Girlstart has educational links broekn down by topic, games, &, if you live in the Austin, Texas area, info on Saturday day camps for girls.

Gooboworks includes a few activities (build a monster, build a rocket, space canvas), a belch page (well we all know at least 1 kid that would appreciate it!), & a bigraphical timeline fo ideas, which seems to still be under constuction although some areas have been finished.

Gustown is a site based on Gus Goes to Cybertown series. Many activities for the younger ones here!

HBOFamily has links to sites that go with their kids programs, online games, & more!

Homeschooling Kids' Talk is a message board for homeschooled children.

Jim Speirs' Cooking Page & Craft Recipes lists lots of crafty items, such as slime & playdough, as well as recipes for food.

The Kid's Homeschool Page offers a monthly newsletter, message board, chat, educational links, & more.

Kid's Space Connections is a place for kids to find pen-pals, post messages, & advertise their home pages.

Kiddyhouse.com is broken down into a parents page, kids page & a teachers page. There is also a message board for the kids.

Kidlink is a site whose purpose is to network kids from around the world.

KidsClick is an educational search engine for kids.

KidsCom includes games, polls, stories, a place for parents, & more!

Kids Parties is a listing of party themes, ideas, games, & holiday games for home or the classroom.

Kidsurf Online is a Christian site full of kid & family-friendly links.

Kindercrafts has 47 different projects for kids! Included are dioramas, marionettes, jewelry, picture frames, & more!

Kids Cooking Corner includes recipes, hints, jokes, links to fun places, & an archive of previous features.

Kids Crafts @ Suite 101.com includes message boards, links broken down by topic, & articles.

Kids Domain Links for Kids includes lots of fun & educational links broekn down by subject.

Kids Love A Mystery has online mysteries for kids to solve, a link to NancyDrew.com, and even some mysteries for adults, too!

Kids' Town is an online magazine for homeschooled kids. Your kids can submit their own work to the site for publication.

KidsPsych has several online games broken down into 2 age groups: kids 1- 5 & 6 - 9.

Knight School has educational & fun links for kids, a chat board, teacher's lounge, & more!

Learn2.com is a great place for the whole family to learn something new! They info on everything from craft projects to working on the family car!

Makestuff.com Kid Stuff includes crafts, projects, gift ideas, & cooking ideas.

MaMaMedia is a fun safe place for kids.

Marilee's Page features tons of things to check out & do! You can find links to paper dolls, picture books, animals, games, virtual gifts, & more!

My Virtual Encyclopedia Kids Stuff includes 60 educational & fun sites listed in alphabetical order.

NJ Teen Homeschool Hangout is a place for teens & tweens to share stories, projects, links, reviews, etc.

Net-Mom's Internet Safe House contains safe links for families & kids, & info on a book of safe internet sites.

Ology is a new site from the American Museum of Natural History. Currently, they only have a dinosaur selection up which you can reach by clicking the "O" in the logo. The next project will be Astronomy, which you can get more info about by hitting the small "o" in the logo. If you hit the "y," you can get a short list of ologies & what their definitions are.

One Happy Girl is a snail mail newsletter aimed at homeschooled girls ages 8 & up.

The Otto Club is a fun place for kids to learn about road safety.

Planet Oz Kids currently contains 5 channels: animals, Ace Detectives, Baxter, Planeteers, Professor Numero. They also have a teacher's area & a listing of safe links that they are working on.

Rooney Design Flash Games includes the Mr. VegHead game, the Zooming Holiday Card and the animated Advent Calendar. You need Flash Player to play the games & info on downloading & installing it can be found here.

Room 108 includes games, puzzles, art projects & more for various age groups.

Smithsonian Magazine's Kids' Castle is aimed at 8 - 16 year olds & includes educational & fun articles, games, & a message area.

Squigly's Playhouse is full of puzzles, games, crafts, coloring pages, brain teasers, contests, writing ideas, & sotires written by children from around the world.

Surfing the Net with Kids offers links to tons of kidsafe sites broken down by topic.

Teen Homeschoolers includes a chat, message area, a place to find an e-pal, articles & more!

Uncle Debi's Bookmarks - Jids is a listing of free games, activities & downloads.

Up to Ten has games & activities for kids up to 10 years old. It is from France & the games may show up in French. To change this, click on the balloon.

Weekly Reader Galaxy is the on-line version of Weekly Reader with news, contests, & more aimed at pre-k through 10th grade.

World Village Kidz is a place for pre-school thru teens.

Yakkity Yak - Where Kids Talk Back is a very cool site for kids. Here they can read & submit jokes to Mr. Stinky (a shark), submit & learn some new recipes with Sid Bear, read movie reviews, find out what is out on video, or submit their own to Carlos the duck, read strange but true facts with Maui Mouse, read the story of Howie the cow, or play some cybergames with John & Julie the pigs.

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