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Classical Education Links

Classical Education is an approach which is showing a renaissance of sorts. It concentrates on teaching children critical thinking skills, classic languages such as Latin & Greek, & giving children a definite base of knowledge & skills. Below are some links which explain this approach a little more thoroughly, language links, & other helps for those who are using this format or are just interested in finding out more.


Classical Education | Classical Education & the Home School (.pdf document from Canon Press) | What is a Classical Education? | Menoria Press Classical Christian Education 101 required readings

E-Mail Loops & Message Boards

More e-mail loops aimed at this popular method of teaching are popping up every day. If you can't find a loop that suites you listed here, try Yahoo Groups Search - Well Trained Mind, Yahoo Groups Search - Classical Curriculum, or Yahoo Groups Search - Trivium.

CC Homeschool is aimed at homeschooling families who are using the classical approach to education as outlined in the book Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum by Laura Berquist or her independent study program "Mother of Divine Grace".

CCS Latin Teachers is the main vehicle of the new Classical and Christian Latin Teachers' Support Group. Please post questions regarding teaching Latin, answers to questions, classroom experiences, curriculum suggestions, encouragement, prayer requests, any thing you have found helpful and especially quality Latin materials you have created, etc. The purpose of this list is to provide support for those of us striving to teach Latin in a Christian school or homeschool setting in the attempt to recover this lost tool of education. Those who are attempting to learn Latin in order to teach it are admired and most welcome.

Classical/CM (Charlotte Mason) is an e-mail loop devoted to Christian homeschoolers who are combining aspects of these two approaches.

Classical Christian Education Support Loop This link gives all the information needed to subscribe to this loop.

Ecclectic Classical Homeschool offers 13 message boards: GENERAL Discussions, Primarily TOTALLY ECLECTIC!, Primarily BIBLIOPLAN, Primarily GREENLEAF, Primarily SONLIGHT, Primarily VERITAS PRESS, Primarily TAPESTRY OF GRACE, Primarily WELL-TRAINED MIND, Focus on LANGUAGE ARTS, Focus on MATH, Focus on SCIENCE, FOR SALE/SWAP BOARD, & Classical CO-OPS/COTTAGE SCHOOLS.

Vegesource Classical Education is a message board for discussing this type of curriculum.

Well Trained Mind Dscn The participants on this list discuss the book "The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home" by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer. Although we have a moderator, we do not have any "experts" -- we're all trying to figure out how to apply these principles in our own home, according to our own experiences. This group is open to all homeschoolers who are interested in learning more about classical education methods. Therefore, although religion may be mentioned, it is not to become a point of contention.

Well Trained Mind Families discusses the book "The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home" by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer. This group is open to all homeschooling families who are interested in learning more about classical education methods. This list is here to discuss how to implement TWTM into everyday life and all that goes along with it.

Other Sites of Interest

Classical Christian Homeschooling is a very in-depth & thorough page. A must see for anyone who is interested in this topic. It even has info on an e-mail loop!

Classical Christian Homeschooling Newsletter Page offers a free, online newsletter, e-mail loop, & chat room.

Classical Homeschooling is a Christian magazine aimed at ~what else~ classical homeschooling!

Escondido Tutorial Service offers online Christian Classical Approach classes, a message board, a very good resource list, an outline of education, & more.

Great Books Academy is an online school based the Classical & Socratic methods. Enrollment is available from nursery schol age up to a B.A. degree from college.

Jackdaw Publications specializes in re-prints of primary sources for use in your history curriculum.

Mother of Divine Grace is a Catholic independent study program dedicated to helping you design your own classical curriculum for pre-k through high school.

Tree of Life offers Christian Classical curriculum for grades 1 - 12.

Trivium Pursuit Homepage explains the Trivium, & has links to more info, including a weekly IRC chat, helps, curriculum, & seminars.

The Well Trained Mind is the official website for the book by the same title. It offers ideas, reviews, updates to the book, message boards, articles, & more!

Latin & Greek Sites

Allen & Greenbough's New Latin Grammar is a book on-line.

Armarium Labyrinthi: Labyrinth Latin Bookcase has links to many Latin texts.

Aspergonem: Splash Page offers info on 3 free online classes of Latin.

Bolchazy-Carducci Online are the publishers of Artes Latinae.

BUBL LINK Latin has some interesting Latin links.

Cambridge School Classic Projects is the official site for those who are using or considering the Cambridge Curriculum. They are working on an online class but it is not up & running yet.

The Campanian Society exists to further the study of the ancietn Roman-Greco world. They have a lot of links to go through here & many books for sale that can help you in your language & history studies.

Centaur Systems Home Page offers educational software for Greek & Latin language as well as for the culture & mythology.

CE Support Loop Latin Curriculum Reviews is a good starting point to let you know what textbooks are out there & what other homeschoolers think of them.

Favorite Catholic Resources - Languages includes info on & reviews of various programs for learning Greek & Latin.

Greek 'n' Stuff is the home of author of "Hey, Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek!" "Alone With God Bibles Studies" & "Latin's Not So Tough!" There are also some great links & information here.

Languages - Latin has links & information on everything from teaching Latin to reading it!

Language Courses includes several Latin courses, including courses for kids & a correspondence course!

Latin 1 is a complete Latin 1 course on the net using Ecce Romani level 1. There is a day-by-day curriculum outline, homework assignments & worksheets to download, etc. There is even a Latin Songbook!

Latin Culture includes links to an online Latin library, study & reference tools, teaching resources, & more!

Latin-English Dictionary allows you to translate any Latin word into English.

Latin Grammar Aid and Wordlist allows you to look up Latin words & gives you information on Latin grammar.

Latin in the Christian Trivium is a Latin curriculum that uses the Bible as the primary text. A sample of this curriculum is available at this site.

Latin Language & Literature is a list of Latin links, including links to dictionaries, study aids, literature, & Latin for travellers. There is even a link to weather reports in Latin!

LatinTeach is an email list & website of archives for Latin teachers. There are ideas about teaching grammar, vocabulary, and reading strategies, the use of conversational Latin in the classroom (or at home), integration of Roman culture into the curriculum, lesson plans, classroom ideas and projects, and reviews of textbooks, software, audio CDs, videotapes, and other materials here.

Latin Teaching Materials at Saint Louis University includes links to Grammar & Vocabulary sites, Elementary Readers, Acceleration Readers, Paedagogica, & related sites.

M Tech allows you to make your own worksheets to print out online or check out that archives & use one of those! There is one ready-made worksheet in Latin available.

Memoria Press publishes Latina Christiana I & II, Traditional Logic I & II, & Henle Latin I & II.

Minimus is a mouse & this is the story of the family he lives with. This curriculum is an import from the UK & the books look like Usborne books. They are aimed at 7 - 10 year olds. I have this curriculum & my daughter & are are going to take a break from our normal curriculum & use it when we study Rome since it is also like a unit study & explains Roman life. If you decide on this one, I would definitely recommend the TE to go with it, since that includes further explanations as well as activities!

The National Latin Exams If you are planning on having your child take this test, this place is a MUST SEE! You can find information for registering as well as copies of previous exams to practice with.

Oxford Latin Drills contains practice drills to go with every chapter in the Oxford Latin course, broken down by volume & chapter. There are also links to other sites that may be of use or interest to those using this course!

Satellite & DeLaura Latin Club Home Page is a nice place to check out for those of you who are studyng Latin!

Tolle, lege! has simple texts in Latin to read & translate.

Transparent Language produces language programs for the home & classroom, but at this site they also offer free dual language newsletters in the language of your choice, quizzes, puzzles, games, & other helpful resources.

Study Guide to Wheelock Latin is for those who are using the Wheelock curriculum.

Veritas Press offers curriculum materials for a classical Christian education.

Welcome to Latin 1 lists TONS of resources including online courses, software, e-texts, Latin soundbytes, & more!

Logic Links

Primary Source Links for History

American Memory, from the Library of Congress, features tons of primary sources from American History. You can either do a specific search or look for documents related to a theme.

Archiving Early America is a look at 18th century America through primary documents. They are also making movies that you can watch online!

The Avalon Project at Yale Law School features documents that deal in law, history, & diplomacy from the Code of Hammurabi to the present.

Historical Text Archive features links to documents broken down by country of origin.

Internet Classics Archive features over 441 works of classic literature by 59 different authors. These are mainly Greco-Roman works (some Chinese and Persian), all in English translation. It includes classics, such as Homer, as well as the writings of Julius Caesar & Confusious.

Web pages of Richard Hacken features links to primary source documents. Included in this list are EuroDocs: Primary Historical Documents from Western Europe (Documents in transcription, translation or facsimile), Letters of Philip II, King of Spain, 1592 - 1597, & the World War I Primary Document Archive.

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