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Science Lessons & Helps

If you are looking for specific unit studies or lessons & can't find them here, try the Lesson Plans & Teachers Helps page or the Unit Study page.

Multi-Subject & Experiments | Astronomy | Earth Science | Life Science | Physics & Technology

Multi-Subject & Experiments

Ask Dr. Universe allows children to send in a question they want answered or they can browse through the list of questions that have already been answered.

Awesome Library's Science Worksheets has several links to printable worksheets you can use in subjects such as biology, earth science, dinosaurs, & geography.

You Can With Beakman & Jax is a science comic strip that appears in many Sunday newspapers.

Bill Nye the Science Guy is a companion to the tv show.

Bizarre Stuff You Can Make In Your Kitchen describes itself as "amateur mad scientist stuff." There are lots of science experiment to try hear using common things found around the house.

Brain POP is an excellent science site. It covers most of the basic science concepts up to about grade 8 using mini-movies and quizzes. They are planning on introducing Brain POP High in the near future. You can either just enjoy the site or let your kids register to collect points which allow them to be entered in drawings, get official t-shirts, or even be mentioned in one of the lessons.

Creation Science Resources - Creation, Dinosaurs, & The Flood is aimed at those of you who are teaching Creation Science.

Discover Magazine has lots of scientific info online as well as links to other sites, & more!

Donna's Home Page has a nature journal you can print out, a bug hatching movie you can watch, a section for sky watchers, lung experiment, mind over muscle demonstration, & a section on using Apologia's Physical Science: Exploring Creation With Physical Science which includes schedules, worksheets, & other tips & ideas. Also, if you check out her Homeschool Forms page, you will find printable lab sheets & field notes.

Ed's Oasis lets you know about sites that are interactive or full of extensive information. Just search through the lesson plans & links!

Electronic Teaching Assistance Program is working on & has completed tutorials for 6-12 science that cover Earth Science (80% completed), Biology (I think it is complete although there is nothing specific on the kingdoms of life or botany), Chemistry (a little over a third completed) & Physics (about 3/4 completed)! There are several links from each lesson for practice. You have to register to use this site, but registration is free. The percentages completed were as of 2/4/03.

Eisenhower National Clearinghouse has links to lesson plans & helps in science, math, & more.

Exploratorium is a museum that offers lots of online projects.

freeworksheets.com (formerly School Express Free Worksheets) has science worksheets that you can print out.

Funschool.com is a site with interactive educational games. It is free & there is nothing to download. It covers concepts from pre-k through 6th grade.

GOALS - Global Online Adventure Learning Site has several virtual field trips that stress science, nature, & technology.

Home Training Tools Teaching Tips Index offers idea on how to teach science.

How Stuff Works is a great site to find out about everything from how you get a sunburn to how a car engine works. A new article is added every week.

Hutt's Zoology, Science, & Horticulture Page has lots of links to lesson plans & helps!

Kinetic City was a science radio show for kids. Now, it is a very cool interactive website aimed at kids in grades 3 - 5!

The KIE Curriculum are science projects for middle grades & up.

M Tech allows you to make your own worksheets to print out online or check out that archives & use one of those!

MAD Scientist Network is a collective of scientists who answer questions, have lists of educational projects, and more!

Minnetonka Elementary Science Center offers curriculum outlines as well s activities for grades K - 5.

National Geographic is the official homepage of the magazine.

NJNIE Page of Classroom Resources is full of internet-based science lessons.

Quantam Education offers a free weekly newsletter in the science of your choice, a free online science club consisting a message board & occasional chats, and one-on-one online science tutoring for a nominal fee of $10 a month or $10 a half hour over the phone. They also offer face-to-face tutoring if you live in Maryland.

ProTeacher: Science & Technology has lots of lesson plans aimed at elementary aged children.

Quia! allows you to create your own learning games or play some that others have already created.

Sassafrass Grove Science has lots of great links broken down by subject matter.

Science Rock part of Schoolhouse Rock, has some very cool songs for learning about the body, energy, electricity, gravity, & the solar system.

Scholastic.Com Classroom Activities & Reproducibles has science worksheets & activities you can print out for grades 1 - 6.

Science And Math Initiatives and The Teacher Help Service has links to lesson plans & other resources in math & science

Science Help Clubis for people who need help, want to give help, or want to help us all by asking intriguing questions and starting great discussions about math and science. You can post your questions or start a thread here and someone will respond!

Small Planet has a few lesson plans in science & social studies online & links to other educational sites.

South Carolina SSI K-12 Lesson Plans - Math & Science Resources is a large list of lesson plans & web sites.

The Tech Museum of Innovation offers online exhibits in robotics, earthquakes, the Hubble Space Satellite, & more!

Topscience has one sample lesson from each of their 41 books listed in the description of each book.

Tutorial World has free worksheets for grades 3 - 6.

Vicki Cobb's Kid's Science Page has 4 science experiments online & info about science books for kids.

Whelmers McREL's Accessible Science Series lists some experiments you can do at home.


Astronomy for the Whole Family includes tons of information for learning about the universe together including resources (both on & offline) & a discussion board.

Family Explorer and North American Skies are 2 online newsletters. One covers general science & the other covers astronomy. Each has new activities monthly you can do with your children.

The K-8 Aeronautics Internet Textbook is a complete curriculum on aeronautics. It is broken down into 3 reading levels, has a section for teachers, & is even in Spanish!

NASA is THE place to check out what is going on in space! While you are there, check out The Astronomy Picture of the Day, Star Child: A learning center for young astronomers which includes information on the solar system & the universe & has an option that allows you to make a printable version of the page, The Space Placewhich has things to do & lots of info for all children, & for kids 14 & up, check out Imagine the Universe.

National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO) Educational Programs offers several project you can use at home as well as some free info you can download.

Sky & Telescope is an astronomy magazine. You can find info on current astronomical events & articles from the magazine here.

Space Telescope Science Institute Library has lots of info & pictures of space.

Spectrum Science currently offers Solar Scouts, which covers the solar system.

Time for School currently has a worksheet on the planets you can print out but promises to have more in the future.

Windows to the Universe is an outrageous site for using when studying astronomy, the planets, & the universe. It includes mythology about the constellations, links to space missions, Ask a Scientist, & more! Since this is a very graphics intense site, they offer a cd for only $7.65 which includes all the graphics so that they page will load faster. When you enter, go to Kids' Space for online & offline activities & Kool Kids' Links science & math links broken down into Biology, Environment, Earth Science, Mathematics, Space Science, & General Information. The Teachers Resources offers experiments & lesson plans in earth science. physics, & astronomy as well as educational links & the Teachers Share-A-Thon, which includes links to resources & services. This site is everything an educational website can & should be! A must see!


The Internet Science Room has complete high school science curriculums on-line for Biology, Botany, Chemistry, & Physical science.

Chemical Elements.com is a free, online, interactive resource for studying the periodic table of elements.

CHEMystery is an interactive chemistry textbook aimed at high schoolers.

Education 4 Kids (formerly Flashcards for Kids) is an online, interactive site which has a game that goes over the table of elements.

Mr. Guch's Cavalcade o' Chemistry is chock full of links, experiments, worksheets, & more!

Science is Fun in the lab of Bassam Z. Shakhashiri includes science experiments you can do at home, information on various chemicals, recommendations of books of experiements, info on science magazines, tv shows, radio programs, & more!

Earth Science

American Coal Foundation offers Booklets, Kits, Videos, Activities, & Science Fair Ideas, some of which are free. This page gives you info on how to contact them.

Dan's Wild, Wild Weather Page is a site aimed at kids 6 - 16 years old as well as their parents & teachers. Lot's of weather info & links here!

Earth Science World offers news, career ideas, lesson plans, & a free Earth Science Week kit.

Geography World allows you to study geography in depth - from the land formations to world cultures!

Linda's Homeschool Page has a unit on Erosion/Weathering.

PSC Weather Center offers lots of information about weather as well as several tutorials: Cloud Boutique, Here Comes the Sun, Balance Flows, & AMS DataStreme.

Spectrum Science currently offers Earth Labs, which covers some earth science & basic physics principles.

Volcano World has lots of info & pictures as well as a continuing story for the younger kids.

The Weather Channel Lesson Plans includes resources for K- 12 including their "Weather Classroom" program. Also, check Cable in the Classroom for listings of other programs & the accompanying lesson plans.

The "Weather Dude" is aimed at kids. It includes projects, freebies, & other useful information.

Weather Wiz Kids is a very informative & fun site. It includes experiments, folklore, puzzles, quizzes, cool tutorials, career corner, pages where you can ask questions, & more!

Physics & Technology

Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity is online & may spice up a high school physics lesson!

Building Big is a new 5 part series on PBS on buildings & the science behind them. You can order the activity guide here for free!

Energy Quest is a place to learn everything about energy. There are 2 quiz shows, Watt's That & Watt's That Jr., info on scientists, internet experiments, puzzles, links to educational resources, & more!

First Energy Education offers many educational resources that you can order, links to help teach about electricity & energy, & Electric Avenue an interactive website for younger children.

The Internet Science Room has complete high school science curriculums on-line for Biology, Botany, Chemistry, & Physical science.

Interactive Assessment Worksheets has several activities for teaching children about matter.

LDAPS: LEGO Design and Programming System is a NASA site. Although it looks like it is all robotics, check out the curriculum links & the regular links button for physics lesson ideas!

The Journey Inside is a free curriculum about computers from IBM for grades 5 - 9.

If you have any questions, comments, or anything you would like to add, please feel free to e-mail me!


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