ABOUT AERIE  <((^_^))>

    Muaaa haa ha.  'Tis I, Sedalia!  I'm here to tell you all about my oddball little sibling, known to you as Aerie the kawaii elf girl.  You may be wondering why she has Hellmaster Phibrizzo running rampant on her page.  I'm not quite sure myself, he's not even her favorite Slayers character. (Jiras is.)  I guess she just has an affinity for things that are cute and evil.

    First of all, she's not actually an elf.  That's just the influence that too much Dungeons & Dragons has had on her fragile little mind.  *:P*  I don't have a pic of Aerie-chan for you, so just imagine Ami/Sailor Mercury with brown hair, hazel eyes, black glasses, wide-leg jeans, and really big boots.  That's her.  (Before she got her hair cut she looked just like MTV's Daria.)  

    Essentially, she's just a big kid who loves cartoons, toys, and sugar.  She's currently a sophomore at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, majoring in Computer Science.  She's also one of those disgustingly intelligent people who can make perfect grades without having to actually study.   She has a rather quirky personality that fluctuates between silliness and cynicism.

    She sleeps with a Gengar cuddle pillow.

    Some of her favorite things include: Snickers ice cream bars, the movie Army Of Darkness,  chipmunks, apple-scented body splash, the book Neverwhere by Neil Gaimon, Final Fantasy 7, and her Sephiroth action figure.

    Stuff she hates includes: stupid people, pickles, possums, organized religion, and Legend of Crystania.         

    Ummm, let's see . . .   She's a Rooster by the Chinese zodiac and a Sagittarius by the other one.  According to the Kiersey Personality Test she's a Rationalist Architect.  When she took a Slayers personality test she got the Lord of Nightmares on the first try and Hellmaster Phibrizzo on the second.  On a Violinist of Hameln personality test, she got Sizer, and on a Revolutionary Girl Utena personality test, she got Miki.  And here's the her result from the Escaflowne personality test, which she's very proud of:

This Certificate of Dilandu-ness presented to:


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