Aerie's Scribble Gallery

Aerie: This area is home to my collection of anime-related doodles.

Phibrizzo:  Proceed with caution.  There's some WEIRD stuff in here.

Aerie: Ah yes, and this first pic is a good example. *covers Phibby's eyes*

Aerie: Sometimes my sister draws things in my Lil' Blue Notebook of Destruction just to weird me out.  I thought I'd share this little gem with the world.

Phibrizzo: What? What is it? I wanna see!

Aerie: Uh, no you don't.  Just trust me, Phibby.  

Phibrizzo: Oh fine.  So what crappy drawing are we going to look at next?

Aerie: Silence! How DARE you insult my chibi Zoicite!?

Phibrizzo: Ummm....I'm confused. Is that a guy or a girl?

Aerie: Yes.

Phibrizzo: *blink, blink* Huh?

Aerie: It's a long story. Don't trouble yourself worrying about it. Besides, you're somewhat androgynous yourself. A lot of people aren't sure if you're a girl or a boy.

Phibrizzo: Hey! *grumble, grumble* I resent that! I'm a guy. I just haven't hit puberty yet. What am I saying?!? I'm a Mazoku lord!

Aerie: That's right Phibby! You shouldn't get upset just because the ignorant masses think you look kinda girlie.

Phibrizzo: *whines* Girlie?

Aerie: I know what will cheer you up. *mischievous grin* Tee hee. Let's play with soul orbs!

Phibrizzo: Sounds like fun. Let's start with the cast of Sailor Moon!

Aerie: Yay! *claps and jumps up and down* Dibs on the weird kid with glasses and Sailor Jupiter!

Phibrizzo: OK, but I get to annihilate Chibi Usa.

Aerie: Aww. I wanted to. *pouts momentarily, but then looks happy, in the evil sort of way* But I get to watch. Let the fun begin.

*Aerie snaps her fingers and a big-screen TV, big comfy sofa, and bowl of popcorn with extra butter appears.*

*Phibrizzo crushes a small, metallic orb in his hand, and on the TV screen, a small pink-haired, red-eyed girl collapses screaming.*

Aerie: Heh, heh, heh. That was cool. Heh, heh.

Phibrizzo: Heh, heh. Scoot over, buttmunch. You're hogging the couch.

Aerie: Man, you sound like my sister.

Sedalia: *sneezes*

Aerie: Should we now proceed to obliterate the rest of the Sailor Scouts?

Phibrizzo: Sounds good to me.

Crush, crush, crush, crush, crush.

Phibrizzo: You have learned well, my young apprentice. So, which Shoujo series should we destroy next?

Aerie: Bwa hah hah! I've got it. The cast of Revolutionary Girl Utena!

Crush, crush, crush, crush, crush, crush, crush, explode, glomp.

Phibrizzo: What's with the last two?

Aerie: Chu-chu and Miki.

Phibrizzo: Ah.

Aerie: Can I keep it? *hugs Miki's soul orb* He's sooooooooooooooo kawaii!

Phibrizzo: I guess so. You've been helpful. It's your reward.

Aerie: Evil can be fun.


Disclaimer: I do not condone violence against anime characters. That is, of course, unless they are really, really annoying. <((^_^))>v   So come visit my battle arena!

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