My Slayers Character Page

Phibrizzo: This is the part where you get to learn about all the losers who're in MY show.


Aerie: Lina is the heroine of the Slayers.  She's a hotheaded sorceress supreme. She loves food, money, and hurting stupid people.   

Phibrizzo:  I tried to use her in my scheme to destroy the world.

Aerie: Didn't work out too well for ya, did it?

Phibrizzo: Shut up.


Aerie:  The stupid sword-swinger. He's chivalrous & sweet but ultimately clueless. He travels around protecting Lina. Not like she needs it though....

Phibrizzo:  Not exactly the brightest crayon in the box.  It made him all the easier to brainwash.


Aerie:  The 1/3 human, 1/3 demon, 1/3 golem chimera. He's fate's favorite punching bag. Every time he tries to find a cure for his condition, he gets sidetracked, attacked, humiliated, or any combination of the above. Oh well... he looks kinda cute as a chimera, ne?

Phibrizzo: *rolls eyes* If you say so.


Aerie: The hyperactive and justice loving princess. She's the comic relief. She's not NEARLY as annoying if you don't take her seriously. She loves to give justice speeches from really high places. It's kinda funny since she falls a LOT.

Phibrizzo:  I DO NOT LOOK LIKE HER!!!


Aerie:  The sweet shrine maiden from Sairaag. She's a master of white magic. She's also totally in love with the totally clueless Gourry. She's kind of a wuss in the first series, but she's really cool in NEXT.

Phibrizzo: What kind of a shrine maiden knows how to cast the Dragon Slave? 

Aerie: She was willing to use money, violence, sex appeal - anything it took to rescue Gourry from Phibrizzo.

Phibrizzo: She was going to use money and WHAT??? O.o


Aerie:  The psycho hose-beast from Zoana. She wants to kill Lina. A lot. And she's boy crazy. A lot. And she worships a monster that doesn't exist, talks to herself, and curses people. A lot.

Phibrizzo: I thought she was pretty cool.  


Aerie:  He's a weird one all right. He's got sort of a split-personality thing going. He's normally (in the loosest sense of the word) a moderately annoying, mysterious fruitcake who always smiles and keeps his eyes shut. When he opens his eyes, the evil, sadistic monster side of his nature shows.

Phibrizzo:  And he has the most annoying voice in all creation.

Aerie: You're just jealous because he's more popular than you.

Phibrizzo: Am not! *gives Aerie the raspberry*


Phibrizzo: Who's he?

Aerie:  Valgaav is the super-cute bad boy from Slayers Try. He chases after Lina and the gang to avenge Gaav. He's also a Dragon. And a Mazoku. No wonder the guy has problems. 

Phibrizzo: Didn't anybody tell him that I was the one who killed Gaav?

Aerie: Apparently not.



Aerie:  The dragon miko from Slayers Try. She's got a tail. And a mace. And that's about all I know.

Phibrizzo: Ryuzoku suck.

Aerie: Well, I guess that's all the important people.

Phibrizzo: Ahem. Aren't you forgetting someone?

Aerie: Like who, Nahga?

Phibrizzo: ME!!

Aerie: Oh yeah. Sorry.



Aerie:  Hellmaster Phibrizzo is an evil little snot who gets wasted by the Lord of Nightmares at the end of Slayers Next.  He looks kind of like Amelia minus the boobs and is the only male character to appear on the show in his birthday suit.

Phibrizzo: HEY!

Aerie: All teasing aside, Phibby-chan's kewl.  He's the most kickass and kawaii of the evil overlords under Shabranigdo.

Phibrizzo: That's more like it.

Aerie: By the way Phibby, what exactly were you planning to do after you destroyed the world?

Phibrizzo: Well gee, I never really though about it. Just cackle wickedly and then sit around and gloat for the rest of eternity I guess.

Aerie: Yare yare.

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