Phibrizzo: Go! Run! Escape while you still can!
Aerie: Hey! Don't you want to stay here a little longer? . . . . . I see. *sigh*
Oh well. Here are a few of my favorite Slayers-related websites. Enjoy.Amethyst Angel's Anime Alcove - I bow in reverence to this lady's awesomeness. Go read her hilarious crossover comics.
Ami’s Shrine To Zangulus And Then Some - a shrine to all the minor characters
Anime Web Turnpike - links, links, links!
Darkness Rising - fics, fics, fics!
Deathra's Slayers Links - more linkage
Ground Zeros - a X-E-L-L-O-S shrine
Lord of Nightmares Mazoku Shrine - it kicks @$$
Mission: KILL Xellos - frickin' hilarious anti-shrine to the fruity one
QP/Diana's Slayers Page - has summaries for the Slayers novels
Queen of Swords - her work shines like gold on a sea of crappy fanfics
Sedalia's Slayers Page - I must plug sis's page or I will be beaten. So go visit this extraordinarily wonderful site, read her brilliant fanfics, and sign her guestbook telling her how great she is. NOW!!
Slayers Purist - an excellent fanfic and character profiles
Slayers Universe - THE place for Slayers info
Slayers… Reflect, Chaos, Rebirth - a great fanfic trilogy, 1/3 read
The Gourry Academy Of Higher Philosophical Thought - now THERE'S a scary thought
The Rezo And Zelgadiss Shrine - funny stuff
Things The Slayers Would Never Say - funny and self-explanatory
Valgarv's Slayers Shrine - it's got poke-morphed mazoku!
Vote Xellos 2000 - he's much more interesting than Bush or Gore
Zelgadis’ Sanctuary - wander around the lair of the blue one
And here are my favorite non-Slayers links.
My LiveJournal - complete with pointless ramblings, ranting and ravings
Mooncalf - many great video game parodies, as well as fanart and a humorous weblog
The Shrine To Tasuki's Horse - a shrine to the coolest equine in the universe of the four gods
The Asshole's Shrine - a frickin' hilarious anti-shrine to Nakago
The Happy Happy Evil Fushigi Yuugi Shrine - take evil lessons from Nakago
Troublemakers and All Things Naughty - go worship the villains of Sailor Moon.
Melancholia and Cookies - a shrine to anime goths
The Evil Overlord List - the dos and don'ts of being an evil overlord. Take notes.
Laws Of Anime - this page explains it all
The Anime Survival Guide - everything you need to know to make it to the end of a series
The Cute EVIL Pet Shop - adopt a critter of your very own
LAKACUA - that stands for Lets All Kick Annoying Chibi-Usa's Ass. I think the title sells it.
Blood Soaked And Honor Bound - a Revolutionary Girl Utena page. For more fun with pants, go here.
Well, that's all the links I have for now. If you think that your site is linkworthy, just email me your URL and I'll add you.
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