In January of 1995, Paramount lauched its own network called UPN. Star Trek Voyager was its leading program, and thus the Star Trek story continued.

From the following year to 1995, Star Trek was very busy.Star Trek: The Next Generation had ended its 7 year run,Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was well into its prime, the movie Star Trek Generations was released, and Star Trek Voyager made its debut. Alot was happening in the world of Star Trek.

From its first episode, Star Trek Voyager was in many ways a throw back to the original serries of the 60's. This starship was stranded some 70,000 light years away and so, it was truly exploring strange new worlds and seeking out new civilizations as it made the long journey home.

But there were also many things different about Star Trek Voyager. This would be the first show to feature a woman as captain as well as having more female leads than any of its predesessors. Captain Katheryn Janeway would prove to be as resurceful and clever at protecting her crew and ship as any starship captain.

Because this show was carried by a new network, many areas of the country have not had the opportunity to view Star Trek Voyager. Fans have had to rely on vidoe tapes from friends, internet newsgroups and messageboards, and any other means to keep track with the USS Voayger.As the show begins its 6th season, Star Trek Voyager has certainly hit its stride. However, with the end of Star Trek Deep Space Nine earlier this year, now Star Trek Voyager is left to carry the burden of Star Trek. And, carry it does. The only question left for the crew of the USS Voyager is will they ever make it home? I suppose, only time will tell.

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