GAVIN COWLING - 10/09/00 19:05:39 My Email:SKOOBY_GANG@BTINTERNET.COM Location: ENGLAND Favorite Trek show: DEEP SPACE NINE Favorite episode: THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Favorite character(s): BEN SISKO Favorite villian(s): LOCUTUS Favorite planet to visit: RISA!!! BABY!!! | Comments: Nice site, good piccies and excellent downloads. Better than most official sites, how about adding some wallpaper? (& images of Seven) Keep up the good work. Gav, England. |
Kevin "Shaker" Brown - 09/18/00 19:34:37 My URL: My Location: USA Favorite Trek show: The Next Generation Favorite episode: Not sure... like most of em... Favorite character(s): Hawk Favorite villian(s): Borg Favorite planet to visit: Not sure.... how bout just the Nexus.... | Comments: Hi there. I would just like to say that I'm very impressed with your website. I can tell that you put forth a lot of time and effort into it, and it shows. I am here to tell you about Outpost 10F, whose URL is I feel that after coming to the site, you may want to create a link to us on YOUR own page. Outpost 10F is a chat site based on the Star Trek rank system. You get promotions from chatting and doing good deeds and so on (the possiblities are ENDLESS), and at the end of the month promotions are passed accordingly. And, the higher the rank the mo e chat options you have :) I have been a member for two months now, and after the first month was promoted. It is a lot of fun and in my opinion one of the best sites on the net. But don't take MY word for it. Come have a look. At the very least you ill discover one of the Top Ten Star Trek chat sites. Sincerely, Kevin "Shaker" Brown Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Outpost 10F |
Todd - 05/03/00 03:39:37 My Location: Ohio Valley Favorite Trek show: TOS Favorite episode: All Favorite character(s): Kirk Favorite villian(s): The Horta Favorite planet to visit: Vulcan | Comments: I am glad to be back and contributing to the group!! I hope that all will find this group to be entertaining! ...."Third star to the right, and straight on 'til morning"..... |
Max Cubbidge - 03/26/00 19:19:53 Location: East Grinstead Favorite Trek show: Voyager Favorite episode: Exetreme Risk Favorite character(s): Tom Paris Favorite villian(s): The Borg | Comments: STAR TREK VOYAGER IS A GREAT SERIES I WATCH IT EVERY WEEK. BUT THE BEST THING IN VOYAGER MUST BE THE DESIGN IDEAS OF LT.T.PARIS. HE HAS DESIGNED THE BEST SHIP EVER,THE DELTA FLYER, HE SHOULD IN- PROVED IT TO THE HIGHEST STANDARD. |
Luitenent Michael Robert Walsh - 03/25/00 23:50:56 My Location: Liverpool, England Favorite Trek show: Voyager Favorite episode: 'Demon' Favorite character(s): Seven Of Nine Favorite villian(s): Spiecies 8472 Favorite planet to visit: Earth | Comments: |
Michael Robert Walsh - 03/25/00 23:41:51 My Location: Liverpool, England Favorite Trek show: Voyager Favorite episode: 'Demon' Favorite character(s): Seven Of Nine Favorite villian(s): Spiecies 8472 Favorite planet to visit: Saturn | Comments: |
Teska - 03/05/00 01:38:31 My URL: Location: Outpost 10F Favorite Trek show: Voyager Favorite episode: The Children of Borg Favorite character(s): Janeway Favorite villian(s): The Borg Favorite planet to visit: Risa | Comments: Check out Outpost 10F for a fun, clean chat with over 6,000 members. |
Lucas - 12/31/99 06:53:05 My Location: Bay Area Favorite Trek show: Voyager Favorite episode: ALL Favorite character(s): Ensign Tom Paris Favorite villian(s): Klingons Favorite planet to visit: Vulcan | Comments: Great site! Ilove the music!!! LIVE LONG AND PROSPER!!!!!!!!! |
mike & branden reynolds - 11/14/99 23:39:39 My URL: My Location: Cape Coral,Fl Favorite Trek show: Next Generation Favorite episode: Cause and Effect Favorite character(s): Geordi Laforge Favorite villian(s): Spacial Anomalies Favorite planet to visit: Risa | Comments: Great Website. Thankyou for putting it together. I personally like all of Star Trek so its difficult to pick a favorite anything. Mike an my son Branden |
Pieter Romme - 11/09/99 09:44:22 My Location: The Netherlands Favorite Trek show: Voyager Favorite episode: The killing game I and II Favorite character(s): seven and the captain Favorite villian(s): The Borg Favorite planet to visit: Earth | Comments: I really like your page. It's looking very good!! |
CmdrTomalak - 06/06/99 17:58:55 My URL: My Location: Nova Scotia, Canada Favorite Trek show: ST:TNG Favorite episode: All Good Things... Favorite character(s): Data, Troi, Picard Favorite villian(s): CmdrTomalak, Q Favorite planet to visit: Risa | Comments: Cool page. Nice job. |
Alora - 06/05/99 14:18:44 My URL:/Area51/Stargate/5707/ My Location: nowhere Favorite Trek show: Voyager Favorite episode: All of them are so good! Favorite character(s): Tom Paris Favorite villian(s): All Favorite planet to visit: All | Comments: This is a great page! Email me once you get more stuff on Voyager! |
Trish Bennett - 05/03/99 10:54:02 My URL: My Location: Ashville, Ohio Favorite Trek show: TOS Forever! Favorite episode: Too Many to Name Favorite character(s): Kirk, of course... Favorite villian(s): Commander Kor of the Klingon Empire Favorite planet to visit: Reality (but I wouldn't want to live there) | Comments: What a great site! Thanks for sharing it with me! |
regina varney - 04/20/99 22:52:22 My Location: west virginia Favorite Trek show: tng Favorite episode: the one where data gets drunk Favorite character(s): data, worf, picard Favorite villian(s): cardassians, ferengi, Q Favorite planet to visit: vulcan, bajor | Comments: |
Aaron - 03/19/99 23:09:29 My URL: My Location: Atlanta (Norcross), GA Favorite Trek show: Voyager Favorite episode: Voyager Series Premiere Favorite character(s): Harry Kim, Spock, Picard Favorite villian(s): Romulans Favorite planet to visit: ch'Rihan | Comments: |
Adriana - 03/19/99 18:34:08 My Location: Itu/SP/Brazil Favorite Trek show: TOS and TNG (a tie!) Favorite episode: Deja Q Favorite character(s): Spock Favorite planet to visit: Vulcan | Comments: Hey! It's a great page, Jerry! There's only one thing I can say... LIVE LONG AND PROSPER AND MAKE IT SO! Greetings from Brazil. Adriana Ruiz |
ken coykendall - 03/08/99 04:20:57 My URL: My Favorite Trek show: stng Favorite episode: datalore Favorite character(s): data and troi Favorite planet to visit: vulcan | Comments: just joined a chat room and they recommended this site and it seemed a pretty good site |
Christie Brooks - 03/07/99 03:16:42 My Location: Rockport Favorite Trek show: The Original Favorite episode: Tribles Favorite character(s): Spock Favorite villian(s): Kahn Favorite planet to visit: Earth | Comments: Hello Looks like you spent alot of time on this. You may want to check the first two links on the movie page they don't seem to work. Maybe one day I'llhave you show me how to make a page. Later Christie |
Pam - 03/05/99 21:22:14 My Location: Pa Favorite Trek show: the next generation Favorite episode: too many to choose from Favorite character(s): data,Captian picard Favorite villian(s): lor, Q | Comments: I've been watching Star Trek for as long as i can remember......first with my dad and now every chance i get, but i have really enjoyed going online and finding all this new stuff an here. |
Gisele La Roche - 03/04/99 09:06:28 My Location: Ottawa, Canada Favorite Trek show: DS9 Favorite episode: Past Tense I and II Favorite character(s): Quark, Q, Riker, Janeway Favorite villian(s): Borg, species 8472, Q Favorite planet to visit: Risa | Comments: |
pam - 03/02/99 04:44:19 My Location: pa Favorite Trek show: the next generation Favorite episode: too many to choose from Favorite character(s): data,captian picard Favorite villian(s): lor,Q | Comments: |
Dennis - 02/22/99 21:33:06 My URL: My Location: Southern CA. U.S Favorite Trek show: all..especal STTNG Favorite episode: Relics,Descent,Reunion Favorite character(s): Data,Q Favorite villian(s): Gul Dukat Favorite planet to visit: Bajor,T'khai(Vulcan) | Comments: hi Jerry it looks great.. the work you are put into it shows!! oh you should explain that Saavik was half Romulan talk to you later ------------------------------------------------ dencorp |
Shawn - 02/21/99 20:14:07 My URL: My Location: Geocities Favorite Trek show: TNG Favorite episode: Best of Both Worlds Pt. 1 and 2 Favorite character(s): Worf, Riker, Data Favorite villian(s): Borg Favorite planet to visit: Vulcan | Comments: Cool Site, would like to link it to my Star Trek Sim site. |
JanaReads - 02/19/99 19:33:01 My Location: Seattle, WA Favorite Trek show: Voyager, TNG Favorite episode: too many....ack! Favorite character(s): Captain Picard, Captain Janeway and *sigh* Ensign Kim Favorite villian(s): The Borg *shudder* Favorite planet to visit: god, who wouldn't want to go THERE!! | Comments: Hi Jerry...Groovy page! I'm more into Voyager and TNG than the others, but I like them all, even the corny oldies. Besides, I enjoy thinking I look like Seven of least on the inside! lmao.....((((QJ)))) |
Rachel - 02/18/99 22:39:19 My Location: Indiana Favorite Trek show: ?? Favorite episode: ?? Favorite character(s): The brown guy with a ridged forehead!! hehe Favorite villian(s): tribbles!! j/k Favorite planet to visit: Earth | Comments: Hey Jerry! Rach here. I would probably enjoy this page if I were a Star Trek fan. It's coming along pretty good, though! Sorry I'm not into Sci-Fi fan, but hey, everyone has dislikes, right? hehe Love ya, Rach-E- |
Ember - 02/17/99 04:36:24 My URL: My Location: Beaumont, Texas Favorite Trek show: ummm....where they fly around in that ship thingies Favorite episode: ummm....where they umm...beat up those alien thingies Favorite character(s): ummm...those people with the uniform thingies Favorite villian(s): umm...that bad guy dude Favorite planet to visit: Mars...thats where all you men come from right?? | Comments: Nice Page Jerry!...I actually do watch Trek shows..thankyouverymuch:-)...I just dont know the names...and well the places...and stuff...But I DO like Star Trek...Guess my faves are those really old ones with Captain kirk and stuff...and I did like the mov es with Captain Kirk..the ones where they saved the whales...umm...cant remember the names...But, anyway...NICE page!!!Em:) |
pinki - 02/17/99 03:04:01 My URL: My Location: MD | Comments: GREAT page Quant!! DSHF!!!!! |
Aylaleia - 02/14/99 07:08:03 Favorite Trek show: Classic Trek and TNG. Favorite episode: "Trouble With Tribbles" Favorite character(s): Data, Wesley Crusher :-P, Worf, Spock, Scotty Favorite planet to visit: Reisa or Betazed | Comments: Great Site, QJ! Live long and Prosper! |
Victoria and Jason - 02/14/99 05:49:47 My Location: Houston, TX Favorite Trek show: Voyager Favorite episode: the death of Dax :-( Favorite character(s): Dax, Spock, Data Favorite villian(s): Borg Favorite planet to visit: Romulus | Comments: Great page!! We're happy to see it up and with a sense of humor, too. Keep up the good work. We hope to welcome many new members to TrekFans due to the page. Peace |
Elisabet Einarsdottir - 02/11/99 08:14:39 My Favorite character(s): Spock | Comments: Hi there, Beta here! The page looks very good, it's already bookmarked and "I'll be back..." |
Karen - 02/10/99 16:52:02 My Location: SLC, Utah Favorite Trek show: Ds9 Favorite episode: Jadzia's death Favorite character(s): Worf Favorite villian(s): Gul Dukat Favorite planet to visit: Vulcan or Reisa | Comments: Hi ya Jerry! Just thought I'd say hello. Great job you've done. Looks like it was a lot of work. I especially like the info on the races. |
Stacey - 02/07/99 04:24:16 My Email:ST Location: Area 51 Favorite Trek show: TNG -DS9 Favorite episode: Best of Both World... I think... lol Favorite character(s): Sisko, Data, Dax Favorite planet to visit: Risa | Comments: I am Picard illegitimate daughter! |
Todd - 02/06/99 15:56:42 My Location: Owensboro USA Favorite Trek show: TOS Favorite episode: all Favorite character(s): Kirk Favorite villian(s): Borg Favorite planet to visit: Vulcan | Comments: I am very glad to be a part of this group. I have loved Star Trek for years, and am pleased to finally have an outlet to voice my opinions. Others that you talk to have no clue. Thanks again! |
Jerry - 01/20/99 16:44:12 My URL: My Location: Owensboro, Ky Favorite Trek show: TOS and TNG Favorite episode: too many to say Favorite character(s): Kirk, Spock, Data Favorite villian(s): Khan Favorite planet to visit: Ceti Alpha 5...j/k | Comments: This is a test! |