Space.... the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship, Enterprise. Its five year mission to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life forms and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before!

This is the one that started it all. "Where No Man Has Gone Before" aired on September 22, 1966 and brought to the small screen Gene Roddenberry's vision of the future.

Debuting in the volatile 60's, Star Trek gave us a future we could look forward to. One of racial and national harmony. A place of equality where women could rise as far as thier ambition took them. Ok, granted they all wore mini-skirts, but hey, that was a sign of the times.

Star Trek also fueled our drive for space exploration. The first space shuttle was named, Enterprise. This showed us how far reaching the impact upon our society was.

Star Trek was indeed a show ahead of its time. What we have now become accustomed to seeing on StarTrek was ground-breaking material in the 1960's. First, the multi-racial cast in which Gene Roddenberry portrayed a future free of racial prejudice. Also, in many of the episodes, the story took on one touching on the things in society. And, even, when NBC first cancelled the show after its second season, it was the first show to be brought back by popular demand. Is it any wonder that Star Trek flourished in syndication. Then, came the conventions. Thousands of fans from around the counrty and eventually the world would flock to see these actors who gave us such hope for the future. What started out as a fairly low-budget TV series developed into a multi-billion dollar industry. Now, with merchandise and memorabillia, Star Trek is as popular as ever.

It has endured from one generation to the next. The 60's gave us the original show. The 70's brought to a younger generation the opportunity to see Star Trek and also the conventions. The 80's produced the Star Trek movies all based on the original series. And even into the 90's this torch is passed to another generation of StarTrek fans. Star Trek has become a cultural icon and compared to what other programs offer in the way of culture, I for one am glad, and proud to be a Star Tek fan. May it live long and prosper!

Check out the look and sound of TOS.