Formal nite?
2001-11-28 ~ Hey guys! it's been ages since i last updated my site, this is the main section
that is updated this time, cuz i just got my fotos back today, and scanned them and going to
be putting them up below soon.. straight below are fotos of formal at sheraton and also some
of aftas at k world. keep ur mouse on top of the pic before u click on it to know who is who
and also some other info about that pic before u actually click on it to see the close up.
blah too many fotos to be loaded at the same time, so me just let u press
Here I
Here II
to go to smaller and more organised sections ok =] u see this formal thing is jsut too popular
so these are just mirror sites for ya, cuz i have been experiencing data transfer problems
that seems to be pissing many ppl off so yeah =] alot of work from my 56k modem, but easier
access for you guys.
2001-11-28 ~ here are just some vertical pics... as u can see i am organised and keep my horizontal
pics together and the vertical pics in another section... and as u can see these verticals
are only done by me.. and me and bubz are somewhere within the horizontails ...grrrr, show u
what skills some ppl have in taking fotos!! grrrr...
sorry guys like i said too many fotos to be uploaded at the same time so just click
Here I
Here II
to go to the mroe organised smaller sections of fotos.
2001-11-28 ~ This is the last four pics in that role of films that i thought i would use hehe we
had three ppl and 4 fotos left so i used my math and my knowledge of combinations, and here are the
2001-11-28 ~ More fotos go to bubz site Right Here


Mirror Formal Sites
Formal Mirror Site -1-
Formal Mirror Site -2-
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