Friends and God Family It's all in alpha order so yeah!
Full Name:
Andy Lam
14 December 1983
Andy! known him from start of high school, but not very well, then in yr 10 or so
Andy came into our bball league, and became bambi hehe, the charging bull, kewl friend to have
and also very nice in lending u movies to encode -_-' hohoho. Gives me lifts to sport in his
integra thinking he is good, and almost crashed once taking me home!! ahhh!! well right now he is
pretty busy with his HSC studying and also spending time with his gf =P just hope he drives better
now that he is taking his gf around instead of god bro hehe. Well u better not forget us in uni man.
2002-01-26 ~ Andy...... u and ur fone... grrrrr
Full Name:
Caroline Ho
23 March 1985
166 meters!
Hey curry! god soo many time we see each other from a distance and never get to go close
to talk to each other!! grrrr haven't like talked to u in person for a very long long.. long....
long long time!! grrr well still remember what i look like? well i always remember u.. or do i?
and u better come like u said this friday ok? haven't talked for way too long. and don't think too
much about this...... ski instruktor ok? he is way too far a distance for u unless u wanna live
the rest of ur life up there in the cold... damp... dangerous snow.... and u know the cold is never
good for u!! so u say here in sydney and forget about him!!! u can find a good looking guy here as
easy as there =P well signing off here now.. cyz hunni
2002-01-26 ~ Curry Bum! were u been? haven't seen u online for ages? wat u been up to?
Full Name:
Catherine Law
12th April 1984
2001-12-17 ~ Haha hey cat, who says the site is horrible with ur pic on it? u want my to shove a pic of u right
here beside all this? then it would look more prettier then that unavaliable thingy over there. ^^
haha still not developed ur fotos yet? well when u do get them developed u gotta scan them and give
them to me to shove here on the site ok? hehe dont worry about being lazy.. many ppl now days are lazy
trust me. it's after the hsc and there is alot of bumming to do ok? anyways it was nice meeting u through
law! and we had fun at hyde park didnt we? walkign all that way jsut to look for a dman toliet -_- ' anyways
hope to see u ... maybe not see u that often but see u around online alright? bai!
2001-12-18 ~ HEY MRS LAW!!! kakaka sorry i just had to make a fuss over ur last name. it was soo funni
remember my reaction to it? well i thought i was the only one.. but i was wrong wahaha even jububz is wondering
if that was ur last name wahaha sorry i jsut have to make notice of that here -_- and liek soon when ppl start
comign here they will also ask if that was ur last name and then everyone will know and u become
Mrs Law the famous wahaha
2002-01-19 ~ hey "miss" law! how u been? haven't been hearing from u latly, well me got job at cha for tea,
as i told u, it's from 8pm to 12 midnite, getting killed!! no good pay! grr need to find another job,
well next month me changing my shifts so yeah if i get an eariler time me tell u ok? and u can come visit =P

Full Name:
Daniel Ming-Chun Yao
11 August 1983
Cheltenham/Taipei, Taiwan
Daniel, don't really know him that well before but yeah one of the few countrymens in the grade so yeah
hehe, comes down to our bball league once in a while when he gets bored and does his weird little layout =P.
Perminatly. Muhaha ahh!! stupid yao just send me fotos and -_- for all of them. for the one on the right look
at the damn cam yao!! and the one on the right... -_- i dont' knwo waht u are doing.. ether giving me a kiss
or smoking.. =P Muhaha anyways. yeah and yao is properly going to go into UTS architecture like me so might
see a bit of him here and there and maybe even in the rooms! well good luck in ur HSC yao, u better make it
and me better make it too.
2002-01-19 ~ YAO!!!! did u get into stupid archy? blah i got into stupid electrical, i am soo bambuzzeled
right now.. donno wat i should do.. anyways, u are such a bum man. u became a supervisor now.. can i take
ur spot? now that u are a supervisor? i want a job there!! grrrr
2002-01-26 ~ yao u and ur car! very not tell me. now u gotta go around and drive me around.. u going to
change into civil at UTS? ur u staying at UNSW??
Full Name:
Derek Li
29 December 1983
Muhaha Man Derek's bday is the easiest to remember. i mean if i forget his bday i would be forgetting my own!
anyways Derek is another member of our bball league, the bball league that started from yr 9 when the new bball
courts were first opened to us, and we marked it with out own name, on one else gets to get our court =P
Derek is a IT man as well and properly going to be a telecommunicator or something like that with his gf Wendy,
seem to be pretty happy with her and always together!! what eva happens man some day we gotta all catch up
and see how everyone is and stuff, massive get together u know see how ppl have changed. anyways have fun in the future
man, cya.
Full Name:
Eugene Lee
Eey Eug, properly the big brother of our bball league or the one that can be bothered to make days out
in our little group, got his own Counter Strike Clan "generation neXt" [gX]
and this clan doing properly pretty well in australia right now, but he is properly not -_-, dont' think u are good.
Pretty nice too offers to drive ppl home all the time. Going to do some IT course in UTS so properly will see him
often in uni, that is if i cant into that damn course. Yeah well have fun and and wont' distrube u any more form ur cable,
what eva u are doing, csing or downloading ... stuff...
2002-01-19 ~ SIMPLY THE BEST........ =D
2002-03-26 ~ Hey eug! congrats on ur WL =D
Full Name:
Eva Kai Wai Lee
20th December 1985
approx. 165cm
Hey Eva! keke Eva, one of bubz friends that i keep hearing about as her best friend, and met her that day
at Ang's party... for wendy leaving burwood girls and makoto for leaving australia? and someone thought it was
ang's birthday -_-' keke, well Eva is a pretty kewl friend to me now and she also implanted a shoe mark on my
foot that day at the party =P keke thanx alot eva!!
Full Name:
Iris Lau
in a lil sweet hole
puhehe..oh dear..><
Hey u! Donno much to say, but i guess u took ur time to look through my little hp out of bordem before my HSC work,
a little long for a name to this site so i just call it secret garden, and secret garden thank u for ur visit =P
This photo to the left has (left to right) sarah iris and rachel, as it says on the sticker foto, but then i guess it's a
bit small.
Puhaha!! my god... is that urs or is that ur mums? sorry i just can't stop laughing at that. Hehe little iris with "big" glasses.
This is another photo of iris and friends, a little blurry but yeah, and by know i think
u should know who is iris, so i dont think i need to tell u, if u do tell me and i try to make it more obvious for u.
2001-10-12 ~ Anyways when did i meet u first? i dont' know but i remember we became closer friends when u started to catch the train using "oh the
car is getting fixed so i had to catch the train" as ur excuse -_-' nice one, so i guess now ur car is still getting fixed? or was it
just my imagination? those days were pretty kewl, u know like before when our group still go out together and much around and stuff, i
guess things have changed, and be meet new ppl and we just never seem to get what we have before back. It's this time thing, i wonder if
that is going to happen when we move on to the next group of friends. even if it does, i guess it's for the best of it, something new to
entertain us. and then when we think back about all the friends we had before, some day u get the urge to go and call them or find them again
and have a massive party, then it will feel like the old days. yeah well, why am i talking like this.. eek! what the hell? i don't believe.
anyways signing off here and cya later!
2001-12-14 ~ Yo yo Iris, just saw ur guessbook signin, another yr gone by, it didnt even feel like
a year.. so weird u know... everything goes by soo fast and stuff, me have heaps of fun after hsc? no way
me like trying to find a job so i can get money to go out but still now no jobs want me -_-' dont worry
about the hsc, it seems werid.. like how everyone talkes about it. like its soo hard and stuff, but it's just
like any other yearly exam, jsut that it's damn spread out tooo long and gets too boring u know.
well have fun next yr in yr 12 while me will be .. like... hum.. finding my way around which eva uni
i maybe going to, or not.... bai bai
Full Name:
2002-01-19 ~ Hey Jenny! Jenny is a friend from my ashfield church, usually outings in church are usually made
by jenny, man i donno wat to type here, just saying hi to u jenny and yeah, here u are, u give me
pic i put u on the site.. but then again... why do ppl like baby pics soo much? >.<~* oh well, by
the way, it took me 3 days to find a damn shop that sells guitar picks.. and me got two now.. and
this time, me keeping way clear of that damn piano.... grrrr =P
Full Name:
28 October 1985
somewhere over the rainbow
shorter than you!
Friend i met in 2001, yr 12 term 1 break after the nic concert when Andy and Law met
her, asked me if i wanna go out with them to go meet her again afterwards and there
we go, a new friend.
Puhaha!! look on the right is little bub!! and she called her self an alien -_-'
Full Name:
Lawrence Mak
31 July 1984
hmmm 172-175?? 175 with my spiky hair
Law! Properly one of my best friends, sounds weird "one" of my best friends but yeah
anyways, Law and family took pretty good care of me the beginning of what? last yr was it when
my mum was sick over in taiwan, for a whole 3 month too! argh soo much trouble for u guys! but
yeah always have to thank you for that! hehe and properly the first dose of internet, the thing
that got me addicted!! argh!! even though i hate it, i can't live without it!! Muhaha ur parents and mine.. god
how common!! any time i say "Me going out with Law and them" and my mum definately say ok hehe. but
i dont' think that's going now =[ until at least after the HSC then i dont' think i would need that
excuse any more!! yay!! free at last!
Puhaha!! god.. sorry tecky i am soo bored that i found this pic of u! remember which eva yr that baby fotos
were a fashion hehehe and i took it outta ur wallet to scan.. can u believe i still have it -_-'
=P Stupid bored Andy got too much free time.. if u wanna see Andy's little edition of the foto
of Tecky on the right, just click on it -_-!
2001-10-12 ~ Muhaha very donno ur height and then try to be taller with ur spiky hair -_-, man u don't know what happened
to my hair.. grrr, like i went to the same hair dressing place, but then the person wasn't there so i took the risk
of getting hair cut by someone else.. and argh!!! damn her, gave me the shittiest hair cut and so i was like
oh, and i told her to cut it even shorter grrr u would roll on the ground laughing when u see it grrr.
2002-01-19 ~ errr u bum! were u been? coming back on 21st yeah? dont forget wat i asked u to get bro!!
thanx!! =P
2002-01-26 ~ err! very can't get it with that amount. oh well.. anyways. very get drunk and piss on the
sleeping bag! HAHAHA
2002-03-26 ~ OMG!! and u too tecky!! farout wat is with this going out crap.. first eug and then u
hahaha well have fun with Candice eh?? u know before eug told me her name was candice i thought
it was canvas -_-"anyways hahah have fun man..
Full Name:
Sarah Lau
2 January 1985
164 + heels
Thought you were visiting my site before so me say something about you. First of all that's your b'day
right? cuz i remember it's the same as my dads. if it is tell me that way i can get rid of the right?
So Sarah, never knew you before till that day in .. was it year 9 when you were in year 8 and Law came
over to Eastwood on the last day of the year to have a talk with lily and you were there with her
and that cartoon thingy lily got law to draw and he got me to draw when i donno any of you. Man i still
got that somewhere, wheni find it i will scan it and shove in on here. man.. actually no.. that just
reminds me of someone, anyways u properly have a copy of it too, i remember i fax copied it to give out
and that was properly the first time i saw u in person. =] and pretty much happy i still got you as an...
can i say old friend?
Sweet one sarah =] "franny's world" hehe... okok i can take that as ur nickname for my site but then
i properly wont be changing that for my actually site name. i mean that sounds like a granny's name..
franny, granny.. hum. ergh... scary.. -o-'
Full Name:
Selina Chou
24 March 1986
Hey Sel! Sel is one of my oldest friends! ever since... the yr 1993?? or something like that yeah?
like 8 yrs ago in Cabramatta right?? then all the ways here to flemington. Can always talk to her freely and get good responce
can always talk none stop =] hehe about .. just anything! well anyways, how have you been? and Henry?
and all that stuff u asked me about? well two more yrs to go in school girl! study hard and dont use up
too much time on the fone grrrr u need ur sleep at that time and just few times a week is ok not everyday!
u wont' have the time. Take care of Henry and he will take care of u ok! hehe u guys seem to get along
so well and how u manage to talk for like 6 hrs every nite and still know what to talk about?!?! hehe
communication skills there! well like i said study hard and dont' forget about ur friends too! spend equal
times on everything and it will all be fine!
2001-10-10 ~ Wai wai Sel! u know, i just noticed ever since sunday when i last saw u, just how long i haven't seen u...sigh..
we hardly talked, but one thing i noticed... u grew soo much! like tall, nearly as tall as me now and u know. u are growing
more and more prettier =]
2002-01-19 ~ Hey Sel! donno if u maybe reading this but yeha, have fun in jap and taiwan ok? love u!
2002-02-17 ~ Good one Sel... -_-" look at wat u made me say!??! and u nearly fell off the seat cuz of it -_-.... room to my key....
Full Name:
Sophie Hsu
8th of January 1983
donno yet
2002-03-20 ~ Hey Sophie! too bad that u dont want to be in here but u are a kewl fwend so me shove u here anyways,
man i swear, wat the hell happened that day! i mean after work and talked for like 3 hrs? wat the?
was there really that much to talk about? anyways it was pretty kewl u know..getting to know u
and becoming my kewl new fwend =D and telling me about meloneys! haha its like i been pass
it a fwe million times and never know wat is down dere untill u told me =D thanx! now it's like
da place i go to the most -__-" and alsooooooo u like subs too wahaha.. that's just too kewl,
sub + atmosphere = $8.50?? that sux.. we should get sub + our own atmosphere at cha for tea for
only $2.25 shouldn't we. dont worry me a bit lost today. forget about me. me just end it here for
now.... and thanx for everything =] u know wat u did.. =D
2002-03-29 ~ HAHA hey! i swear ur sophinian language is beginning to get to me, wat eva i see
in english i keep wanting to transfer it into sophinian -_-" though it's a great language wahaha
u are such a bum, eastwood pub hahaha u go to every suburb or something starting from chastwood
and found ur way all the way to eastwood?? well anyways thanx for showing me that language ..
and also.. *hehe* three pages of it for u to read and translate ;) good luck girl! bai for now
Full Name:
Tina Hu
23 Feb 1987
Tina's section on the net
27-12-2001 ~ Hey Tina! u know how u said u never see me at church? well u know? it's properly cuz u hardly come to
church! i mean everytime that u do come to church i see u! keke u always sit with u dad in church =P
anyways that's just getting a bit boring, but i guess i really started to talk to u this past two weeks
since we were all involved in that church organising thingy... anyways it is nice knowing u and never knew
u live so close to me!! hehehe u live close to my aunt too, anyways dont envy ur friends cuz u think they
are pretty tina! because u are prettier then them! trust me! when the time comes u are goign to get
chased by hundreds of guys u wont know how to choose!! oh and u know.. take care of DUDU!!! wat a cute name
haha a quiet dog that barks at nothing wahaha =P me wil write more when i find what i can say to u ok? or
maybe i will go sign ur guessbook ;)
03-01-2002 ~ Hey tina, me was going to say something here yesterday, but me was too busy chatting and
also finding a card for my dad.
oh i love ur foto!! soo cute!! hahaha well right now me can't wait till saturday now grrrr and johnson !!
haha i aasked him to bring cards to church, every one better come! wahaha mafia -_- anyways chat to u online
alright? me just typing here cuz i was just adding ur foto here...
2002-01-19 ~ uhoh tina.. i think this mafia thingy is becoming a craze... haha still remember beach? fagot no.1
and fagot no.2 =P hahaha anyways, hope to see u tonite ok?
Full Name:
Wendy Lu..
8th of April 1986
was it? shanghai, china
Wendy Lu, =] friend of Julianna's that i met at burwood shopping center one day when i went to
meet bubz, wen wanted to see who i am and she wanted to help with some of my problems too =] so
sweet! then like talking to her on the fone and stuff, and also icq, me found out we were sorta
alike wahaha... soul mates? donno.. =P well... anyways.. it was pretty kool meeting u! and hope to
see u many times after... but then u are moving schools!!! grrrr it's going to be harder to get to
see u then. =[
2001-12-07 ~ Went to see movies with wendy, law, and bubz, wahaha we were a bit werid... or were
we? ehhh.. well we took some sticker fotos after as well.. i swear... that i will never swear again in
my life if u save ... no as i was saying.. i swear.. sticker fotos take up damn too much money..
especially when they only let u take like 3 chances and grrrr so gay!! in ever sticker foto someone
thinks they look bad... grrr and then just like on the 5th today we used up another quick 20 dollars
on them.. grrr but i like i like! me jsut waiting for law or bubz to scan their version of the
sticker foto that we took then i will shove it onto my "mE" page.
2001-12-09 ~ Yo Wen, miss u already! grrr AHH there u are? crap! jsut thinking about u and
u come online! i thought u dont have the net any more today! wahaha me jsut go talk to u online then
and write this later when u are really away =[
2001-12-11 ~ Heya wenz, just got ur email, thanx for the compliment about my site =] and of all
the places keke so werid!?! the airport? the last time i check the airport there was only airplanes
-_-' and of course of all the places u go to on the net is msn to talk to bubz and go to my site!
cuz they are most important to u haha, and yeah me see u wen u get back =]
Full Name:
Yunnie Y Z Chiu
Hong Kong
Height: emasured for 2 years
2001-10-10 ~ Hey Yunnie, did i spell ur name right? anyways didn't know u for very long and only really saw u in person once? and the second
time i think i was a bit lost in nsw and didn't see u, sorry!, how u coping with HSC coming up? scared? or relaxed? bet u are, so prepaired
for it "attempting" to study every day at the library right! well good luck to u and all of us yr 12s i dont think anyone of us will
like to not pass the hsc.. well not pass.. everyone is going to pass this new hsc, lets say jsut getting into teh course that each and one of
us wants to get into, and keep in touch with each other!!! errr me wrote sooo little for u, i guess cuz i don't really know u that well
just yet. or ever? yeah well anyways, bai bai for now, talk to u some time later.
2002-01-19 ~ Yunnie! u must be having heaps of fun now yeah? one whole year... wow... u are going
to forget wat 1+1 equals soon if u dont come back for uni =P anyways hope to hear from u soon

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