
2002-04-04 - Final Fantasy ~ Why! final fantasy coming back to
haunt me again! grrr, but i like it! i downloaded soo much final fantasy pics these past few days
and yeah rinoa is still the prettiest =P and this girl!! wooo =D

2002-03-31 - Colorgenics ~ Woo hey guys this site is freaky,
u are suppose to choose colours in different orders and den it tells u wat u are like, i thought
it was true about me, i think... freaky, but some ppl!! not mentioning any names.. tina... dont
think so =P anyways here's the "Site", have a try
your self.

2002-03-27 - Fun stuff ~ Hey again guys, i bet u ppl dont
come on that often any more, but still i update my site and refer u to the kewl sites
so come often! well now here is a new site for u ppl out there, me found it from a friend in uni
when we were "suppose" to be doing some Lab work, but then we trailed off onto
"This" site. =D haha it's heaps of fun this one, the "Games"
section of course! go check it out!

2002-03-26 - Scary or not? ~ Can someone check "This".
site for me? i am scared....

2002-03-01 - Engineering Stuff ~ New update under the section, "Bored".
afta coming back from a horrible camp under horrible conditions, this was properly the most exciting
thing about camp.. so after u read it.. u can start judging how good my camp was -_-".

Bones? ~ hey again ppls, if u get a bit bored..
this is the section to come to, for example right now here is a little site for u to go to
when u feel a bit let down, and wanna take it all out on someone, hehehe
here's the site! have
a go...

Resident Evil ~ Hey guys this is probably one of the best guides that u can use for Resident Evil ~ Code: Veronica X,
it's like you gotta use this guide at least once! so yeah here is a link for an easy access for you to
get to it =], well this is only on playstation 2 anyways.. so before u get to come here get a ps2!!! haha
i seem like a advertiser or something, the only reason i brought the ps2 is because of this game so yeah
wat u expect! yeah well me shut up now, u go search through this site ur self, and dont get scared alright?
me talking about u tina !~! =P
By the way click Here to see a kewl flash intro into
the new Resident Evil Code Veronica X Site
This is another guide.


- Darling Park ~ In Sydney, like
any large city, life gets busier and busier, with an ever volume of traffic,
more freeways, not to mention people. Green space is at a premium.
The Garden, at Darling Park, has been created by a team from Sydney
Royal Botanic Gardens (RBGS), in partnership with the land's owners,
Lend Lease and two Japanese firms. The Garden is tucked between two high-rise
buildings and is built on a slab of concrete suspended above the Western
Distributor freeway. Bruce Rann, curator and manager of RBGS, described the
project as the first commercial enterprise they have been involved in and a
golden opportunity for RBGS to extend its expertise into the community.
Different in character from the landscape plantings of Darling Harbour,
The garden has been designed for recreational use, and is frequented by
nearby office workers for lunch or tea breaks. The garden's design is in two
parts. The central part has been planted as a formal parterre, in the shape of
a Waratah bloom, the floral emblem of NSW. The outer part is less formal,
comprised of distinct rooms? reflecting Australia's multiculturalism. These
small areas are often used by business people, clinching a deal in surroundings
much more conducive to clear thinking than bustling offices.
Enormous problems had to be overcome to build the 3000 sq. metre garden. The
area is basically a big 'plant-pot', sitting as it does on a shallow concrete
slab. The soil was specifically designed, to hold plenty of moisture and
nutrients but to have perfect drainage to prevent seepage onto the roads and
car-parks below.
The site is mostly west facing, experiencing strong, salty winds, so all
plants were chosen for their ability to tolerate these conditions, as well
as shade, intense sunlight and air pollution. A year's research went into
choosing more than 1000 trees and plants from all the world's continents.
Many perennials and grasses have been used, particularly in the parterre. Only
planted a year ago, these plants are already mature, having quickly provided
an enjoyable garden setting. Some of the trees in the outside area will take
several years to reach their full potential, so the garden will continue to change
and grow.
The Garden, at 201 Sussex Street, is well worth a visit. It can be accessed
between 7am and 8pm by a walkway from Cockle Bay Wharf, or from Darling Park
Towers. For further information call 02 9269 9802.


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