Secret Garden








Some of you want me to have something on the page about my self so ok then, just to fill up some of the links me have something about my self, though i donno what to write about my self! but me try...

DarkCounter people
have visited this site since 2001-12-10

Me myself and I

Me Full Name: Francis Tien-Yu Huang
Born: 29 December 1983
Location: Right now, Eastwood
Height: Just like half of u out there i dont' know what my height is, haven't checked for 2 and a half years nearly three.

Hey all, this is my web site, this page is the fourth from the main page, so it's not a very important page really. But like i said some of u wanted me try say something about my self on my own web site so yeah i am trying to write something konstruktive but can't really think of any. Though just like any other web site, the most interesting thing within that website is "probably" (happy daniel?) the images or graphics, even though photos of me may not be that interesting me still shove some in to make you guys more satisfied, by the way, sel you said if i put in pics of me u will give me some of you to put onto this site, well i'm waiting...
below are some pics there is a row of short flat pics and a row of tall thin pics. If u put ur cursor over each pic long enough u "should" see a discription of that pic pop up, so try it...

this one is taken in 2000 just like the date says, it's taken 	outside my house jsut to finish up some films taken at olympic park, just taking a stroll with my cousins and doing some research for my Yr 12 major work taken at olympic park same day as the one on the left taken at olympic park, same day as the one on teh left err 1 or 2 days before my b'day god family brought b'day cake over thanx! and was also the day... (annie) i dont' believe it went to wait damn 4 hrs just to see her -_-', could have stayed home to sleep but didn't another pic of that day 1 or 2 before my b'day

pic of me at homebush with my cusins and jsut sitting down for a rest these next four pics from here looks like a damn still animation sorta thing -_-' first one with me sitting around second one with me blowing the candles... then the third one with me coming up from blowing teh candel and about to reach for knife i think... and the last one with me chopping up the cake??

Guys, i am sorry but i am warning u, the three pics below are very very.. -_- hum. how should i say it. well lets just say u find out ur self, and no its' not that scary pic i send everyone its worse then that, but if u are in need of cheering up... this is the place to go -_-, as u can see the three boxes below are brocken links, there are there in ur sake, if u are not ready for it please forget and go onto something more interesting, as this is only done out of damn borden and with some sorta creative thinking?

before after what?!?!

well guys three little pics i took out of bordem just to let u guys see my damn short hair cut before u see me in person so u wont' fricken damn die infront of me!! grrr. before is jsut before u started laughing, after is after u started laughing and me going hu? what the hel is there to laugh at? and then as u keep laughing and looking though to the last pic... what!??! what the hell is so damn funni?? sorry its' a bit lame yeah. but dont' tell me any one of u seeing this ain't fricken damn smashing something to keep ur self from laughter. -_-' yeah well anyways me goign to go to sleep -_-' bai.

pic taken in school just after we signed out name on the back board of the court that we always use. something to remember us by? 2001-10-26 ~ Harlo again guys man this pic from law's camera is so kewl. Though it's abit small -_- i can't be bothered to ask him to resize it to make it bigger so i just did it my self. so not as good a quailty but it's kewl! have a look...and that is yao that we are sitting on =P he thought he was good lying down, so we sat on him -_-'. The three ppl sitting on him, from left to right is Andy, Eug and Me, and behind from left to right is Herman, Nathan, Derek and Lawrence. We call our self the "Elite League" anyone wanna challenge feel free to ask. This was the last game we ever played in that bball court.... Four on four...

Every one + year advisor 2001-11-30 ~ Foto taken when we were all together before the formal. Properly the last ever photo that has most of our group included in the photo, this is a good photo to keep in the memory book hehe. From left to right u have, herman, me, law, yao, eug, derek, ning, boydie, yan with eric behind him, charlie, and andy.

bubz and me at capitol square 2001-12-05 ~ This is pic taken after our day at the beach -_-.. hahaha bubz fell over.. ._. grrrr sorry -_-... and we were vellie tired...-_-, me chucked some sand at bubz and she tried to get rid of it and a huge wave came and knocked her unconcious.. well not that serious but she was down. we were going to go watch movies but was a bit too late cuz she has to go home. =[ and law couldn't come ether cuz he has to clean up his room wahahha.. and also his house..yeah well it wasn't really that hot.. like it looked like it was about to rain with al these black coulds.. but we were already at circular quay and dandy didnt have any good movies, so then we decided... while we are already there we can still go to manly even if it's raining.. but it didn't rain so then we just went to the beach and it was cold!! well not really, cuz if it was cold i dont think we would have went into the water u know, and if it was raining i wont have seen bubz fall over .-. <--bubz upsidedown wahaha

horny horny ppl .-. 2001-12-07 ~ man we went to watch a movie and ppl became very horny.. we had an old couple in the middle of the cinema and we were seating at the romantic four seater at the very top, and i had a idea.... lets go make werid noises behind them.. then wendy and law went over and started to suck on shushi.. -_- and i donno why but they seem to have enjoyed them self cuz they were very happy and made heaps of noises -_-
and once the movie started... well u can ask others what happened... well we took this foto after the movie so like it says we were a bit horny.. this pic is what me and wendy have and the other pic law and bubz have.. just waiting for one of them to scan it and then i can shove it onto my site, well the title for that card foto is not far from the title of this card foto... have fun studying them ok? bai..
we do want sex (left 2 right) bubz law me and wendy 2001-12-09 ~ Wooo Wooo me got the card foto that bubz and law have now, got it from bubz but didn't have time to put it on the site cuz i was not really home, well now it's on and it's the one on the right there --> keke look at bubz pants? they are... aqua? so colourful keke, and if that aquatic world is not there, u can see wat sexy cloth wendy was wearing :D yes yes it looks like mash, in fact is it. but.. hum. well too personal it's jsut between me and her :D =] hehe bai bai!!

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