*"Requiem", 7x22*

SEASON FINALE: *****"Requiem", 7x22*****

Dear God. I'm speechless. The episode, in of itself, was kind of choppy as far as plot goes, but the surprises thrown in took care of any blandness that's worth complaining over. I cannot believe that Mulder and Scully's 'ship would go this far. The references thrown in that there has been something going on with them behind closed doors were all too obvious: "We could start *sharing* rooms."...Mulder holding Scully the whole night while she was sick and talking about how hard it was to see her with the baby, just small references in body language, smiles and a definite change in attitude, but most definitely the biggest shocker of them all, when Scully announces to Skinner that she is pregnant. Hello? Is this a cut-and-dried-we-know it's Mulder's baby? Or are we to believe that it has something to do with the abductions, and possibly with the threat of colonization? There is guenuine happiness in scully's voice when she's saying she doesn't know how it could possibly have happened, which leads me to believe that it is, indeed, Mulder's child. They have been much happier these past few weeks, and even starting last season, we could see a change. I guess we have all summer to wonder.

As for Mulder's abduction, what the hell is going on? Some say that the last time we see all the characters together, plotting, was a re-creation of the Last Supper. Carter has been trying to portray Mulder as a God-Like (Jesus-like?) figure, as was seen with Amor Fati, I and II. And what is this with Krycek and Marita plotting with Mulder to get rid of the smoking man once and for all? CSM's last words had something to do with "the savior of human-kind", meaning, I suppose, Mulder. Everything that has happened to him, up to and including his abduction, points in the direction that he is the one who can stop the colonization and save human kind. Is this what we are to believe? And what about Scully's child? The last scene we see is her and Skinner trying not to cry as he tells her the bad news, and tells her that he has to believe what he saw, because now there is NO denying it. Then she says that "We WILL find him" and tells Skinner her own news. But, as I said before, it is not clear as to whether or not this is Mulder's baby. And I have to say, I feel horrible for Mulder, because, when he does return, it will be to a pregnant partner, as a very changed man, with, very possibly, a huge mission on his hands, and no living relatives to speak of. Scully, Skinner, and the Lone Gunmen are really the only ones searching for him. Scully originally didn't want him to go, possibly because of the child? and interesting extra point to make: Mulder is very obviously wearing Scully's cross at the end. I found that sweet and oh-so-significant!

So, now we have a huge role-reversal. Spoilers says that Scully will get a new partner to help her in the search for Mulder. I cna't help wondering if it will be Krycek or Marita. That would make for an interesting eighth season, and also, it is feasible. Now Scully is in the position that Mulder was in four or five years ago, only there has been a definite change made between them. Scully, I think, will be more determined to find Mulder, not driven by guilt, but by need and love, as well as for their baby, if it turns out to be Mulders. *Sigh* Every shipper's dream come true. This ep will definitely be a source of major uproar for all fans.

Good luck to our heros in their searches. I have my fingers crossed for an excellent season in November. Signing off for the summer...Lark.

Ps: I'll post now and then on the eps that I catch as re-runs. Watch out for new fanfiction, both here and on Gossamer.

*"Fight Club", 7x20*

*"Je Souhaite", 7x21*

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