Season 7 Spoilers and Rumors!!!

*WARNING*-If you don't want to know what's up, please DO NOT continue reading what's on this page!!! Enter at your own risk, because this page has extensive info regarding season 7 as well as rumors about the next movie!!


1013 was impressed with Bryan Spicer's work on "Three of a Kind". He is slated for episode 11 - the last episode before Christmas of The X-Files and is directing episode 3 and 8 of Harsh Realm (Chris Carter's other show).

David Amann and Jeff Bell are still on the staff for the Seventh season. Millenium writer Chip Johannessen has also been added to the XF staff.

Michael Watkins will be directing more episodes that he did last year picking up slack for Rob Bowman who will be directing fewer, if any.

Chris Carter will probably be directing only 1 episode in the first half of the season. Sackheim is about to direct one more episode in Season Seven.

Nicholas Lea is starring in a movie, The Vertical Limit, with Chris O'Donnell and Bill Paxton. Filming starts New Zealand August 2nd. Nick leaves next week and won't be back until Christmas. So we can assume we won't see much of Krycek until February sweeps. The film company has refused to release him for a few episodes.

The Lone Gunmen are signed up for 6 episodes and most probably Vince Gilligan will write another solo episode for them. Thompson (Alien Bounty Hunter) has not been contracted for any of the episodes of the Seventh season.


7x03 Conclusion of Biogenesis/Exodus?(2/3)

The season opener finds Mulder locked away in a mental institution, his physical and mental health rapidly deteriorating while Scully frantically tries to discover the cause of his illness. Looks like it will be revealed that spender is dead and fowley is mulders ex-wife...

No Samantha in the premier.

In the installment that opens season seven the nature of Mulder's 'insanity' will be revealed. The agent hasn't been enduring bouts of schizophrenia after all. He's been reading people's minds after the fashion of psychic whiz kid Gibson Praise! [Jeff Gulka who portrays Gibson has been approached by Ten Thirteen for further work on the series for it's seventh year.] Mulder hasn't been able to control this paranormal ability and this has caused him to become disoriented and seemingly insane.

The reason for this psychic ability coming into being is related to Mulder becoming exposed to the cosmic radiation from an ancient artifact. A rubbing was made of this relic and it absorbed from it a form of energy found only outside of our solar system. Mulder became impregnated with it upon handling the rubbing. This energy only causes a reaction in certain people [ there are plot points here reminiscent of Hammer Studio's 1967 film Quatermass And The Pit released in the US as Five Million Years To Earth].

In the premiere of The X-Files in November we'll learn that while alone with her at his apartment Mulder started to receive psychic impressions from the mind of Diana Fowley. From what he was able to take from her mind his old flame had in some way betrayed him [he suspects her of spying on him as he suggested to Scully that Skinner was].

Mulder became enraged. He made such accusations against her. In his disorganized state [as well as his anger] Fowley became convinced that Mulder was a danger. She fired on him with an electric stun gun and incapacitated him. This is how Mulder came to be deemed dangerous and held in a rubber room.

David Duchovny: Special Agent Fox Mulder
Gillian Anderson: Special Agent Dana Scully
Mitch Pileggi: Assistant Director Walter Skinner
William B. Davis: Cigarette Smoking Man

Written by Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz
Directed by Rob Bowman

Tentative Air Date: November 7th, 1999

7x04 Part 3/3

Conclusion of the first part of the premier. Mulder turns for help to Assistant Director Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi), who reluctantly agrees to sacrifice Mulder's life for the sake of proving the alien origin of his illness.

Written by Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz Directed by Kim Manners or RW Goodwin

Air Date: November 14th, 1999

7x01 Hungry

This is actually the first episode of the new season (to be filmed). The conlusion will not be the first episode to be filmed.

Standalone about a fast food employee with an eating disorder - Cannibalism. Mulder and Scully being their investigation on strange Cannibal murders.

Restaurant's name: Lucky Burger (Costa Mesa, California)

Disorder Guy: A child (Rob Roberts?)

Rob Roberts
Dr. Mindy Rinehart
Derwood Spinks
Mr. Rice

Scully will be there, but limited.

Directed by Vince Gilligan
Written by Kim Banners

Tentative Air Date: November 21st, 1999

7x02 The Goldberg Variation

This will be the second episode to be produced. It has something to do with finding a liver for a child.

Directed by Tom Wright
Written by Jefferey Bell

Tentative Air Date: November 28th, 1999

7x0X Umbra (All Rumours)

This episode reportedly deals with Scully and a few scientists being trapped in a room by a black hole. Or something like that. Mulder has to run around and find out the answers like usual.

"An Umbra is the dark nuclei in a sun-spot. Sun-spot is an area seen as a dark spot in contrast with its surroundings on the photosphere of the sun. Sun-spots are concentrations of magnetic flux. They appear dark because they are cooler than the surrounding photosphere. Larger and darker sun-spots sometimes are surrounded by penumbra which surrounds a dark centre - umbra."

7x0X Always (All Rumours)

To be filmed in Vancouver. Audette says the episode "has Mulder and Scully stranded in some sort of forest/forest with ice where they begin to talk......about their ‘relationship’, etc. This may be the ‘Demeter’ rumored from season six."

Apparently, Mulder and Scully get trapped in some ice on a field investigation and think they are both going to die. A huge long discussion goes on between them about everything and Mulder confesses to her that if he has to die - he's glad he's dying beside her.

7x05 Vices (All Rumours)

Apparently, this episode is about a town where people's addictions are going out of control. This is also claiming to deal with the issue of Mulder being an ex-smoker.

This episode "has Mulder acting in a similar way as Scully in "Wetwired". Apparently, he is affected by whatever is causing riots in this town, and it makes his need for a cigarette unbearable. From the way it sounds, it could be another X-files lite ep, but that's not what I've been told."

7x06 Night of the Living Dead (All Rumours)

Rumors for this episode started flying some time last year, and it was rumored that Stephen King would write the episode, with George Romero directing. The episode will apparently start off with a woman who screams at the camera, then points and yells, "LOOK! There's one of them now!" We cut to Mulder, walking towards us like a zombie (though he's not) and suddenly a hand punches out of the ground from a grave.

Stephen King "likes the possibility of a George Romero-directed (second) Stephen King-penned X-Files episode to be titled Night Of The Living Dead, in homage to Romero's classic. The opening scene will reportedly be almost identical to that film until the line "LOOK! There's one of them now!" Instead of a zombie, there's Mulder. The woman begins to run away until a hand grabs her from beyond the grave, a la Carrie, and she dies of fright."

Chris Carter has confirmed that Stephen King will write another episode, and both King and Carter wants Romero to direct.

Written by Stephen King
Directed by George A. Romero (maybe)

7x0X A Two Parter (All Rumours)

There will be a two-part story along the lines of "Ice" and "Space" which tells the story of "a group of astronauts coming back to Earth after a mission infected with that blasted black oil!"

This two-parter may be an episode like Ice where a team of NASA astronauts go into space and come back infected with something. It is rumored to me a mytharc two-parter involving the black oil and the alien's colonisation coming closer to a close, airing in Mid-Febuary where all other two-parters air.

7x22 Season Finale: Epilogue: May 2000

Written by Chris Carter, it is likely going to be a conclusion of the TV series and of the stories that have been in the series. But the 1013 guys will leave space for more stories.


The X-Files Movie 2: "The Invasion?"

Written by Chris Carter
Directed by Rob Bowman
Music will be composed by Mark Snow

The X-Files Film Sequel Planned for 2000 (NY Daily News New York Vue)

"There is a plan to make another 'The X-Files' movie, the summer following the last season of the show [which will be next year]," according to Mitch Pileggi, who plays Asst. Director Walter Skinner.

He also says he wasn't concerned that this past season would be the final one for the series "because I knew what everyone's contracts were."

Pileggi reports the team will return to work in late July. That includes his wife, Arlene, who is Gillian Anderson's photo double on the show, and sometimes plays Skinner's secretary.

"It's hard to get through our scenes together sometimes because of laughing at each other," he says. "She's not used to seeing me with that hard demeanor."


The movie will most probably centre around the alien colonisation of Earth. However, Chris Carter has said that a more likely scenario is a non-mytharc movie, possibly a ghost story. But numerous sources have stated that the colonisation will be wrapped up, with big explosions and the like.

One thing that is not a rumor is that the script for this new film is finished, done with and under lock and key.

Chris Carter recently spoke out about the sequel. Here's what he said: "There will be a second X-Files movie as far as I am concerned. But it won't be on this summer's hiatus. It seems like the actors are very excited to do it. It's just a matter of finding the time, and I think it would either come out in the summer of 2001 or possibly 2002. It would have been great to culminate the series and go right into the next big movie. I think there will be a year, or possibly two years in between."

Dark Horizons said this: "With the X-Files permanently closed, Agents Mulder and Scully must prove once and for all the conspiracy of extraterrestrial life."

Carter said that next season, what really happened to Mulder's sister won't be resolved, leaving it open to be resolved in the next movie. Carter confirmed that he wrote the movie and that Rob Bowman will once again direct it.