


"Prison,'re cellmate's nickname is Large Marge...she's gonna read a lot of Gertrude Stein..."
                  ~Mulder "Bad Blood"~


"I had you...I had you big time..."
                   ~Scully "Fight The Future"~

356 Shopping Days - "How The Ghosts Stole Christmas"

Bambi? - "War of The Coprophages"

Paranoia - "Revelations"

Dead Man - "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'"

Ditching Me - "End Game"

Mulder's Barroom Speech - "Fight The Future"

China Patterns - "Small Potatoes"

It's Me - "Fight The Future"

Communication - "Detour"

Little Weasel! - "Triangle"

Earrings - "?"

Silent Night - "How The Ghosts Stole Christmas"

Peeing Through a Catheter - "Dreamland2"

I in F.B.I. - "Pilot"

Furniture - "Detour"

Pick up that phone.. - "Fight The Future"

I was just here... - "Small Potatoes"

Get to the point - "Bad Blood"

Light Saber - "Small Potatoes"

Little Legs - "Bad Blood"

Sure. Fine. Whatever. - "Syzygy"

Wizard of Oz - "Fight The Future"

It's me or you... - "How The Ghosts Stole Christmas"


Oh, shi... - "Bad Blood"

Funky Poaching - "Memento Mori"

Girly Scream - "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'"

Theme from "Shaft" - "Bad Blood"

Scully: "Spontaneous Human Combustion...."

Mulder: "Scully...!...Dear Diary: Today my heart lept as Agent Scully spoke the words 'spontaneous human combustion'..."

Scully: "Shut up, Mulder!

The Truth - "The Simpsons"

Spooky Mulder - "Fight The Future"

Spooky Ideas - "E.B.E."

Cool Exterior - "Squeeze"

Wrong - "Fight The Future"

Cheese - "Detour"


Lots of Files - "Paper Clip"

Little Feet/Macho Man - "Syzygy"

Boo! - "How The Ghosts Stole Christmas"

I Had You - "Fight The Future"

Same Problem - "Detour"

Irrational Fear - "How The Ghosts Stole Christmas"

You know my work? - "Fight The Future"

Jiffy Pop Poppers - "Fight The Future"

Do You Realize - "How The Ghosts Stole Christmas"

My Outfit - "How The Ghosts Stole Christmas"

Stoned - "Pilot"

Are you Overcome - "How The Ghosts Stole Christmas"

This is MY bed - "Bad Blood"

Pucker Up - "Paper Clip"

Drool - "?"

FBI or Door-to-Door Salesman? - "Fight The Future"