Rules Of Conduct

             The Basics of being a Gorean kajira or kajirus are much more subtle than the mere acting out various positions and actions. Nevertheless, most of those who are learning to be Gorean are first exposed to the Gorean lifestyle via IRC where a knowledge of positions, etc. is a fundamental requirement. Even if you are confining your activities to IRC, practice each of these positions in front of a mirror so that you will see how it feels and looks. In this way your descriptions will be both personal and accurate. This girl has seen many a would be kajira or kajirus make a fool of themselves by typing in a description of movements that are physically impossible.

This page covers major aspects of the behavior of a Gorean slave:




Slave Rule One ~ All Freepersons are to be addressed as either Master or Mistress. If the sex of the Freeperson can not be determined from the name, Master is to be used until the gender is clarified.

Slave Rule Two ~ Serve Every Master or Mistress with respect. Your well being depends on being pleasing.

Slave Rule Three ~ While a Freeperson may not always be right, they are, by definition, never WRONG. Slaves always have the last word in any disagreement..the words "Yes, Master" or "Yes, Mistress"...

Slave Rule Four ~ Jealousy and Possessiveness has killed more slaves than disobedience.

Slave Rule Five ~ Slaves do not use the first person pronoun. There is not "I", "me" or "mine" in a slaves vocabulary. E.G: this girl, this boy, this one. is to be used in place of the first person pronoun.

Slave Rule Six ~ Perfection of Service and Submission is the goal, mere excellence will be tolerated.

Slave Rule Seven ~Your ko-lar carries the honor of your Owner. Your attitude can make is as light as a feather or as heavy as a mountain. The ko-lar around your neck carries the trust of your Master or Mistress, do not betray that trust. You are privileged to wear one.

Slave Rule Eight ~ If there are none requiring service, use the time to clean, cook, bake, practice serving techniques with your sisters or learn about Gor. Do not be idle. Fidgeting and laziness are not pleasing. Your sisters/brothers are a font of information, take advantage of quiet times to ask questions and learn more about the world you find yourself in.

Slave Rule Nine ~ Slaves possess nothing not given to them by their Owner, including their name. What is given can be taken away. If you are entrusted to carry a name for an Owner, or silks or jewelry, remember that these can be removed as easily as they were given.

Slave Rule Ten ~ The merest whim of your Owner is your highest law. And lawbreakers are punished.

Slave Rule Eleven ~ A Master or Mistress's word is law, slaves do not say no, they do not disobey. You will be pleasing or you wont survive long.

Slave Rule Twelve ~ Unko-lared slaves are at the mercy of any FreePerson. An unko-lared slave may be punished or whipped by anyone for any reason or simply because a FreePerson wished to. Ko`lared slaves have the protection of their ko`lar and their Owner.

Slave Rule Thirteen ~ No slave can be forced into an alcove with the exception of orders from their Owner. Remember, there is an *off* button on your computer, if you cannot handle something, then use it. But...If you offer it expect it to be taken and used. (You can be punnished for teasing.)

Slave Rule Fourteen ~ There is no such thing as a "brat" on Gor. If you wish to act like a subbie then find a nice bdsm channel to do so in. Those actions are not tolerated by Gorean Masters.

Slave Rule Fifteen ~ Slaves do not message a Master or Mistress without permission asked for and received. To do otherwise is to invite punishment. If you wish to speak to a FreePerson privately ask if you may have permission to whisper to them first!

Slave Rule Sixteen ~Ping your sisters/brothers, never ping FreePeople. Some channels consider pinging a FreePerson as touching that FreePerson without permission.

Slave Rule Seventeen ~ Slaves are slaves on all nets and channels, to be caught as a Freeperson or be caught without your ko-lar or with multiple ko-lars will result in death.

Slave Rule Eighteen ~ Slaves do not use caps, unless used in the words Master/Mistress, their nick, or ( His/Her.. He/She). This is a sign of respect.