The first
thing to remember about serving,
have it come from your devoted slave-heart.
take a
deep breath and remember to use adjectives,
allow the
Masters/Mistress's to"feel" your total devotion.
The simplest
way to do this is to clear your mind, actually "see" your serve.
Use many
descriptions and try NEVER to use the same
word twice in one stanza.
doing this it will help the Master/Mistress "watch"you as well.
Keep your
head is always lifted high,
this shows
the Master/Mistress that you are proud
that he/she
has selected you to please Him/Her,
an honor
for any kajira.
When you
are ready to serve, alwayskneel
at his/her feet;
and before
you offer the drink or food,
place it
over your devoted slave-heart for three beats
to show
your submission to Him/Her and your serve.
Lift the
goblet, bowl, glass, cup...to your warm lips,softly kiss the rim...
this ensures
there is no poision,
and also
ensures the perfect tempurature and taste
Master's/Mistress's flawless lips to touch.
leave this nadu position until the Master/Mistress dismisses you.
a kajiras
serve ALWAYS comes from her heart,
never a
popup, never copied and never the same serve as the one before.
Ale--Served in a Tankard
Gorean Ale is closer to a honey lager than to an earthen ale or beer. It is a deep golden color and traditionally served in a tankard. It is made from grains and hops that were brought to Gor during the acquisition voyages.
~~*Ale is kept in a cask or keg, tap the cask, let the liquid pour, recork the cask, traditionally served in a tankard. Prepared/poured in servery.
Bazi tea-- Served in 3 small glass cups on a tray
Bazi tea is a popular drink in the Tahari and several other select areas, it is drunk in three tiny cups, heavily sugared. Brewed fresh from bazi tea leaves, we can assume the tea itself to be quite strong. There is no mention in the scrolls as to the type of tea. It has been referred to by many as a herbal tea, some say it is similar to an orange pekoe.
~~*Bazi tea is made in a small copper pot, with 2 ounces of carefully measured tea. The tea is brewed then poured into 3 small glass cups that are poured at Master's/Mistress's feet. Neither sugars nor creams are added.In the better taverns, it is served on a silver tray.Most taverns use a red and black lacquer tray. Prepared/poured at Master's/Mistress's feet.
The three glass cups represent the 3 moons of Gor and/or the 3 ages of man. Do not attempt to serve Bazi tea unless your trainer has instructed you in the tea ceremony.
Reference: Scroll X page 139
Blackwine-- Served in little silver cups placed on a saucer
On IRC Gor, if you are asked for;
~~*"blackwine, first slave" this means with creams and sugars.
~~*"blackwine, second slave" this means black, no creams, or sugars. ~~*"Tanned blackwine" means creams only.
Blackwine is another very expensive drink made from beans grown in Thentis. Blackwine is Gor's answer to the caffeine crunch, but unlike earth coffee, blackwine is extremely potent and strong.
~~*To serve: you will find a small silver pot resting on a tiny brazier, pour the blackwine into little silver cups, and place the cup on a tiny saucer. Add white/yellow sugars, verr/bosk creams, stir with tiny spoons and serve. (Think of a demitasse cup, to get an idea of the cup size.) Gorean blackwine may be compared to a thick, strong expresso coffee, but more potent. Prepared/poured at Master's/Mistress's feet.Traditionally, you would add 4 tiny spoonfuls of white sugar and 6 tiny spoonfuls of yellow sugar. You need not be so specific during a serve however.
The beans were originally brought back to Gor on the early acquisition voyages.With the potency and strength of the Gorean blackwine it will be the hearty Master/Mistress who can withstand it without creams or sugar. Truly a warrior's drink.
Reference: Scroll X, page 89, 105; Scroll XVI pages 244-245
Chocolate-- Served in small silver/red laquered cups
Chocolate is very expensive and rarely served, warmed chocolate, sugared, is popular in some cities. The cocoa beans originally brought over in a voyage of acquisition now grow in the jungles of Gor.
~~*To prepare: mix the powdered chocolate with fresh bosk milk, add sugars (yellow and white), and heat in a kettle or small pan over the hearthfire. Pour and serve in small silver or red lacquer cups with clotted cream on top.Prepared/poured in servery.
Citrus Juice-- Served in a goblet
Citrus juice is the fruit juice from the tospit and other fruits.
~~*It is served cold in a goblet. Prepared/poured in servery.
(see also Juice & Larma Juice)
Juice-- Served in a goblet
Basically any type of juice can be served if asked for
~~*It is served cold and in a goblet. Prepared/poured in servery
(see also Citrus Juice, Larma Juice)
Ka-la-na-- Served cold/warm in a goblet, hot in a clay bowl.
A full bodied wine distilled from the fruit of the ka-la-na tree. It is red in color and can be served cold warm or even hot. The best and sweetest comes from the Plains of Ka-la-na.
~~~~~~~Ka-la-na is considered to be a symbol of romantic love.~~~~~~~
~~*Red ka-la-na may be served hot, cold, or warm.The cheap ka-la-na is kept in verr skin botas. The "good" ka-la-na is stored in bottles. Prepared/poured in the servery.
~~*Chilled/cold, warm ka-la-na is served in a goblet, If Master/Mistress desires the wine cold, always ask if He/She desires ice shards, or chips.
~~*Hot ka-la-na is serve it in a clay bowl.
Each bottle has a wax seal from the city of Ar. Ar is the prime source for a good ka-la-na.
There is *no* golden or white kalana..However, Master/Mistress is never wrong, if He/She asks for golden or white kalana, serve it.Use a goblet. (The golden color refers only to the color of the wood/trees.)
Reference: Scroll I page 96-98
(also see Mulled ka-la-na)
Kal-da-- Served in a clay bowl
A hot drink, almost scalding made from cheap ka-la-na, citrus juices to cut the flavor, and stinging spices. It will get you drunk though..over time and is not actually bad until you reach the bottom of the pot. Kal-da is the cheap ka-la-na that has mulling spices and citrus juice added. The citrus juice is made from the tospit and larma fruits.
~~*Kal-da is one of the easiest drinks to serve, for it is always to be found ready made in a small copper kettle on the hearthfire. Ladle some into a clay bowl, and garnish with tospit, larma, or tospit fruits. Prepared/poured in servery.
Larma Juice-- Served in a goblet
One of the many possible fruit juices on Gor, this one is specifically mentioned, and at times sold from stands to passing travelers within a city.
~~*Served cold in a goblet. Prepared/poured in servery
(see also Citrus Juice, Juice)
Mead-- Served in a Drinking horn
Mead is fermented from honey, this sweet thick drink is popular among those in Torvaldsland and other outlying areas. Traditionally served in a drinking horn.
~~*You will find this stored in a cask by the hearthfire. Tap the cask, and pour into a goblet, serve. Prepared/poured in servery.
In the northern cities mead is traditionally served in a horn. It is always a good idea to check which city you are in before serving
Merlot wine-- Served in a goblet
Merlot Wine is the only burgundy wine found on Gor. It is made from merlot grapes. This is currently trying to be found in the scrolls. It appears to be an irc drink so far.
~~*Served at room temperture in a goblet. It is stored in bottles. Prepared/poured in servery.
Milk--Served in a goblet
Milk is another rarely asked for drink. Three types of milk are mentioned..
~~*Bosk milk which is thick and sweet.
~~*Verr milk which is much like goat milk.
~~*Sand kaiila milk which is a redish color and very salty.
~~*You would serve fresh cold bosk milk in a goblet. Prepared/poured in servery.
Mulled ka-la-na--Served in a clay bowl
Mulled ka-la-na is the "good" ka-la-na to which mulling spices have been added, and then it is heated.
~~*To prepare: pour ka-la-na into a kettle, pull the tin of mulling spices from under the counter, add a pinch or two of the spice to the wine, heat it over the hearthfire. Serve in a clay bowl then garnish with ka-la-na or tospit fruit. Prepared/poured in servery.
Paga--Served in a bowl
(lit. Pagar-Sa-Tarna which means Pleasure of the Life Daughter) a grain based alcohol, fermented from Sa-Tarna, and is a light golden color. Similar to sour-mash liquor. It sometimes symbolizes physical love.
~~*Normally found warm from a pot over the hearth, ladle into a clay bowl, serve.Rence Beer-- Served in a bowl
Normally kept in gourd flagons it is a drink popular among the rence growers
~~*normally at room temperature in a gourd flagon prepared/poured servery
Sa-Paga--Served in a bowl
(also known as Pagar-Sa-Tarna) literally means, "pleasure of life daughter". It is a symbol of physical love. Sa- Paga is made from the golden sa-tarna grain, which is a staple of Gor. It is not distilled, and is an amber colored alcoholic beverage similar to whiskey. It is kept in verr skin botas, normally on warming racks near the hearthfire. Sa-Paga may be served warm or cold depending on Master's/Mistress's preference.
~~*It is served in a clay bowl,or :crater" a black bowl with a red rim, and always poured at the Master's/Mistress's feet.
No where in any of the scrolls does it mention rancid or lumpy paga of any kind.
Scroll I page 61
Slavewine--(1) Served by a girls Master
Slavewine 1 is a watered down ka-la-na that is mixed with bitter herbs and given to kajirae once a month for contraceptive purposes.
~~*Her Master will give it to a girl.
Slavewine--(2) Served by a girls Master
(or breeding wine) is another watered down ka-la-na that counteracts the effect of the slavewine. It is given to a girl when a Master wants to breed her.
As with slavewine, it will be given to a girl by her Master.
Sul-Paga--Served in a claw bowl
Sul-Paga is made from the golden vine borne vegetable called a 'sul'. (A sul is similar to an earth potato.) Unlike sa-paga it is distilled and is a clear alcoholic beverage similar to vodka. Sul-Paga is also to be found in verr skin botas on warming racks near the hearthfire.
~~*normally served slightly warm or at room temperature in a clay bowl,(crater) and is always poured at the Master's/Mistress's feet.
Spring Water-- Served in a goblet
Spring Water is water from the mountains or the liana vine or carpet plants from the rainforest area inland of Schendi.
~~*Serve with or without ice chips/shards and always in a goblet. Prepared/poured in servery.
Ta-Wine--Served in a Goblet
Ta-Wine is a wine created from ta grapes from the vineyards of The Isle of Cos. It is a dry wine, redish in color.
~~*normally served at room temperature in a goblet. It is stored in bottles. Prepared/poured in servery.
Turian Liquor--Served in tiny glasses
Turian liquors are said to be the best. Turian Liquor thick sweet liquors,
~~*served in tiny glasses, rather like the dessert liquors of Earth.
Turian Wine--Served in a Goblet
Turian Wine is a thick syrupy wine, flavored and sugared to the point where one could almost leave their fingerprint upon the surface of the drink. An acquired taste.
~~*served in a goblet, found in bottles, usually at room temperature, Prepared/poured in serveryWine--
There are many types of wines available on Gor. Though not many are specifically mentioned there are several passing references to the varieties of wine served at dinners and such.
Thanks To:
LadyFyree and nyx{DH}
for all their help on this information