In the languages of GOR the word "Homestone" is of critical understanding. Indeed, without a firm understanding of the word and the concept, the visitor is in mortal danger.In Gorean, the term GOR means "Homestone." The planet itself is, quite literally, the Homestone of its people. Further, each and every Gorean who has not been outlawed has a "Homestone," with slaves taking the Homestone of their owners. If freed, slaves can again claim the Homestone of their birth. Although it is not unknown for a person to change Homestones, it is extremely rare. Since city warfare is common on Gor, those that change Homestones are often suspect and those who are newly arrived on Gor are cautioned that declaring the wrong "Homestone" might prove as fatal as not having one. Nevertheless, newcomers on Gor will need to find a City and declared for it. Outlaws, those without a Homestone, are not even welcome on Port Kar any more.
As Bluto of Treve has said "a HomeStone is the physical, spiritual, social and emotional anchor of a Gorean. It is a the place a FreePerson owes loyalty, fealty and honor.. for most it is the place of their birth.. for others it is an adopted home...for a
peasant it is no more than a rock in his hut, but each defends his HomeStone with his life."
Free Men
Free Women
Free Companion
The Gorean Free men fall in categories according to their skills and profession, otherwise known as castes.
Here is a listing of castes on Gor.
White caste.....: Caste of the Initiates (interpreters of the priests)
Blue caste........: Caste of the Scribes
Red caste.........: Caste of the Warriors
Yellow caste....: Caste of the Builders
Green caste.....: Caste of the Physicians
Assassin.................: Color Black
Wood Carriers.......: Color Brown & Black
Woodsmen..............: Color Brown & Black
Peasant..................: Color Brown
Charcoal Makers...: Color Black & Gray
Tarn Keepers.........: Color Gray & Green
Poets.......................: Color Aqua & Red
Minstrels.................: Color Aqua & Red
Pot Makers.............: Color Brown/Green
Saddle Makers.......: Color Tan (leather)
Metal Workers........: Color Steel Gray
Merchant.................: Color Gold & White
Slaver......................: Color Blue & Yellow
Lighter.....................: Color Striped Green White & Red
Free women are viewed by most Goreans as priceless. Slaves are not used for breeding, except to create additional slaves. Therefore only a free woman can bear children that create family.
If a slave gets pregnant, most Goreans would either enslave the child, or give it away. In rare cases, the slave was freed long enough to have the child. Even rarer is the case where the mother is allowed to remain free, some men becoming very sentimental about women that present them with children.
The rights of Free Women vary by city, caste and wealth as might be expected, with wealthy high caste women having a great deal of freedom of action. Free Women are often seen managing shops in the cities, since it is generally dangerous for
women to travel without an escort. In such cases, the men do the leg work and the women manage the business.
Many members of the Caste of Scribes are woman, and generally these women are as honored for their work as their male counterparts.
An unescorted Free Woman is in constant danger as it is not uncommon for young TarnsMen to rope women off the high bridges of a city just for sport and capture. Of course, with the Robes of Concealment hiding the features of a Free Woman as they do, slave girls make much better prey, if only because the tarnsman can see the value of what he is capturing. This is why the Robes of Concealment are so much a part of the Free Woman's life, including the veil.
On Gor a Free Woman would rather be totally stripped of the rest of her clothing than to lose her veil. A woman without a veil is naked, while those without clothing are merely undressed..Free companions are the closest thing to a "wife" that a Gorean has. A contract with another free person, usually of the opposite sex, for a period of one year.
If not re-avowed and renewed on it's anniversary, the contract is considered dissolved. Considering the life span of a Gorean is measured in centuries, not years, this is very practical.
Free Companionships are automatically dissolved if either partner is enslaved, captured, or killed.![]()