-A- -B-
-C- -D-
-E- -F- -G- -H-
-I- -J- -K- -L-
-N- -O-
-P- -Q- -R- -S-
-T- -U- -V- -W-
-X- -Y- -Z-
Most eastern languages do not insert the vowels, therefore in transliterations "ee" and i" are negotiable.
Likewise endings of "a" and "ah".
If you do not find your name as a woman's name,
try looking under men's name with an ending variation.
Inclusion of names does not necessarily indicate acceptability
as dancer names,
but every attempt was made to find appropriate ones.
Those which seemed to be purely religious were omitted.
Language codes used: A=Arabic, B=Biblical, E= Egyptian, F=African, G= Greek, H=Hebrew/Israeli, I=India, M=Muslim-generic,
NA-Native American, P=Persian, R= Romany/Gypsy, T=Turkish
M = lady of peace and harmony |
M = pious-hearted lady; good-natured |
M = 1) mansion with good foundation, 2) queen with a powerful dynasty |
M = slave girl, espc. A black slave girl |
G, H Noble, adorned (form of Adriana) |
M = "one who deals justly" |
H = mighty/strong |
French ver. Of Greek "girl from adira" |
P= tale/story |
H =beloved |
F-Swahili/A = 1) life, alive, 2) Muhammed's chief wife |
H = russian form of Helen |
F-swahili = most beautiful |
M-diamond |
F- 1) Abyssinian legend= "paradise", 2)Kiswahili=urgent news 3) G = eternally beautiful |
M = Trustworthy; faithful, honest; trustful, honest, 2) Mohammed's mother |
M = princess, ruler, H = speech, words |
A-nightingales |
M = nightingale |
M = companion, affectionate friend; name of a sahaabi |
F- Housa= Sweet face |
M = plural of najm. Stars |
G = flowery |
M = intelligent |
H = bronzed, also the month of "Adar" (Feb-March) |
H = angel, messenger |
H = lioness of God |
F- W. African= beautiful |
F- Somali=Mohammed's favorite wife |
H = wealthy |
M = beautiful |
M = of good fragrance; connoisseur of fragrances |
M = gift, present |
H = spring |
H = lilac |
F-Ethiopian= beautiful flower |
T= moon angel |
T= moon fairy |
T = moonlike |
H = strong, bright |
M = great, dignified |
A, F-Kiswahili= precious, Somali=gorgeous, H= strong M = dear, respected, esteemed; precous, rare, powerful |
A=Flowers |
M = joyful, delightful, happyBahirah
M = brilliant, splendidBasheera
M = good newsBasimah
M = smiling oneBenazir (bee-nah-zeer)
P= "the like of whom was never seen"Bilquees
M = Queen of Sheba (biblical)Binnaz (BEE-naz)
T= "a thousand blandishments", i.e. charming
H = Jewish variant of Catherine or CassandraCallista/Kallista
G = most beautifulCandace/Candide
G = white-hot fire, incandescentCarissa/Karissa
G = belovedCelina/Celeste
Jewish = from the latin "Heavenly"Charis (char-is)
G = grace, kindessCharo
H = form of CarolineCivia/Tzevi
H = a deerCoral
G = the precious stone coralCrystal/Chrystal
G = clear, brilliant gleam
T = alwaysDalia
H = 1)a branch, 2) to draw waterDana
Latin = bright as day, H = to judgeDaphne
G = laurel or bay treeDara/Dahra
H = compassionateDaria
G = feminine form of Dairus (G = wealthy)Daya/Dayeah
H = a birdDefne
T = laurelDeka (DEH-ka)
F-Somali= one who pleasesDelia
Latin = an inhabitant of Delow, birthplace of Artemis &
H = 1) poor, 2) hairDena/Dinah
H = judgementDeniz
T = seaDevra
H = var. Form of Deborah , 2) a beeDilber
T = beautiful, attractiveDilek
T = wish, desireDilshad (deel-shad)
P= "of happy heart"Dincer
T = lively, briskDione/Dionne
G = form of latin name "Diana"Ditza/Ditzah
H = joyDolunay
T = full moonDuha
M = forenoonDunya (duhn-yah)
M= world; T (Dnya)Durrdana (door-DAH-nah)
P= pearl or Durrah M = pearlDurrishahwar
M = royal pearlDurriyyah
M = brilliant, glittering
T = eternityEbru
T = marbling (as on paper decoration)Edibe
T = writerElectra
G = the shining oneElmas
T = diamondEmel
T = ambitionEmine
T = confidentEris
T (no special meaning)Esma/Esmer
T = brunetteEshe (AY-shay)
F-Swahili = lifeEtana
H = strongEve also Ive (EEV-ah)
F-Kiswahili= to ripen, also Chava (hah-vah) H=lifeEvona
H = var. Form of Yvonne or Evonne
M = tall, prettyFaghira
M = Jamine flowerFarhannah (fahr-HAH-nah)
M = glad, joyfulFahima
M =intelligent, disarmingFarah
M =joy, cheerfulFarida/Fareeda (fah-ree-dah)
P= incomparable beauty, M= unique, singular, preciousFatima/Faatimah (FAH-tee-mah)
M = "baby girl who is weaned", wife of AliFatin
M = fascinating, charmingFikriyyah
M = meditativeFiliz
T = bud, sproutFiruze
T = turquoise
H = pet form of Gabriela, "God is my strength", name of an angelGaliah
H = waveGeela (gee-lah)
H = joyful (fem. form of Gil)Ghazala/Ghazaalah (ghah-zah-lah)
P= gazelle, i.e. graceful; the sunGia
Jewish = pet form of Regina, "queen"Gulbadan (GOOL-bah-dan)
P= rose-bodyGulbahar (GOOL-ba-haar)
T= rose springGulbarg (GOOL-bargh)
P= rose-petalGuldali (GOOL-dah-lee)
T= rose twigGulfiliz (GOOL-feh-leez)
T= rose sproutGulgzel
T = Rose-beautyGul-i rana (GOOL-ee-rahna)
P= lovely roseGulnar
M = Pomegranate flowerGulperi (GOOL-peh-ree)
T= rose fairyGulrang (GOOL-rahng)
P= rose-colouredGulrukh (GOOL-rookh), also Gulru, Gul'adhar
P= rose faceGuls/Gls
T = laughGulseren (GOOL-seh-ren)
T= spreading rosesGulshan (GOOL-shan), Gulistan (GOOL-ees-tan)
P= rose garden
M = darling, belovedHadara/Hadarah (hah-dah-rah)
H = adorned with beauty, splendidHadassah (hah-das-sah)
H = myrtle tree, symbol of victoryHadiyah
M = gift, valuable personHafiza
T = memoryHafsa
M = cub, young lionessHalima/Haleemah (hah-LEE-mah)
M = lady of patience and perserveranceHana
M = happiness, peace of mindHanifah
M = true, uprightHanife
T = ladyHarika
T = marvelous, wonderfulHasina/Hasseenah (hah-SEE-nah)
F-Swahili= good, M = beautiful lady w/attractive faceHayal
T = dreamHazine
T = treasureHilal
T = crescentHulya/Hlya
T = daydreamHuraiva
M = kittenHuriye
P = "like a Houri", i.e. maiden of paradise
H = treeIhsan
M = charityInas
M = well-manneredInci
T = pearlIona
G = purple colored jewelIpek
T = silkIris
T = iris flower
H =1) mountain goat, 2) to descendJahan (jah-HAN)
P= world, Jahanara P= world adorningJale (jah-leh)
P= dew-dropJalilah
M = great, exaltedJamila/Jameelah (jah-MEE-lah)
M= beautiful, elegantJannah/Jannat
M = heaven, gardenJemina (jeh-meen-ah)
H = dove. Also Jonina, Jonita.Jessenia
A = flowerJewel
a jewelJini (JEE-nee)
F=Kiswahili= a genieJohari (joh-HAHR-ee)
F=Kiswahili= jewelJumanah
M = pearlJwahir (jeh-WAH-hair)
F-Somali= golden womanJawahir (jah-WAH-hair)/Jawharrah, also Jauhar/Gauhar
M= jewels
T = velvetKadri/Kadriya
T = Kader/destinyKanwal
M = water lilyKaela (kay-ehl-lah)
A, H short form of Kalila, KelilaKahina (kah-HEE-nah)
F-Berber leader, prophetess and warrior princess. Died in Tunisia AD.703Kahire (kah-heer-eh)
T = city of CairoKala/Cala
A = fortress, castle, also listed as a Buddhistsaint's name(if
pronounced cha-lah)Kardelen
T = snowdrop (flower)Kartane
T = snowflakeKasia/Kassia
Jewish/Polish = form of CatherineKayra
T (no special meaning)Kelia/Kayla
H = crown, laurelKhalida
M = immortal; surviving/aliveKhawala
M = servant, dancerKamila/Kaamilah (kah-MEE-lah)
M = complete, perfectKamaria (kah-mah-REE-ah)
F-Swahili, Somali= like the moonKamra (kam-rah)
M=MoonKarima/Kareemah (kah-ree-mah)
M = generous lady, bountiful; something invaluableKhadija OR Kadija (kah-dee-YAH)
M= Mohammed's first wife, means "born prematurely"Kirvi (keer-VEE)
R-Am Gypsy = godmotherKralice
T = queen
T = tulipLarisa/Larissa
Latin = cheerfulLateefah/Latifa (lah-TEE-fah)
F-N. Africa= pleasant, gentle, good humorLayla / Leyli
F=Swahili (ligh-LAH) A/P = (Leh-lah) Famous beauty in
Leyla & Majnun,
2) night. Also Leilah (leh-lah) P= having
dark hairLeda
G = mythology, a spartan queen, mother of Helen of TroyLeorah
H = light to meLevana (leh-vahn-ah)
H = moonLevona
H = spice, incense, usually white in colorLeylak
T = lilacLina/Liynaa
M = tenderLubina
M = flexibleLuuLuu
M = Jewel-like, pearl
Indian 1) var form of Arabic "Mahala", i.e. "Fat, bone or
marrow", 2) also var. Form of Mahola H = danceMahasin
M = "how beautiful"Mahin (mah-HEEN)
P= related to the moonMahirimah (mah-heer-eh-mah)
P= Sun-Moon, i.e. very beautifulMahliqa (mah-lee-kah)
P, Mehlika (meh-lee-kah) T, = moonlikeMahsati (mah-SAH-tee)
P= moon ladyMahasti (mah-HAS-tee)
P= "You are a moon"Mahira (mah-heer-ah)
H = energeticMahtab (mah-taab)
P= moonlightMaia
G = mythology: daughter of Atlas, Mother of HermesMajidah
M = powerful, nobleManolya
T = magnoliaMalha
H = queenMarika
Jewish = Slavic form of MaryMarilla
H = form of "Mary"Marinna/Marina/Rina/Marna/Marisa
Jewish = from the Latin "marius" the seaMarjanna
P = coralMarjani (mahr-JAH-nee)
F-Swahili= coral, Kiswahili=red coralMaisha (mah-EE-shah)
F-Kiswahili= lifeMalaika (mah-LAH-EE-kah)
F-Kiswahili= AngelMalkia (MAHL-kee-yah)
F-Kiswahili= Queen, also H- Malka (mal-kah), M-MalikaManishie
R-Scot/Eng Gypsy = woman, wifeManzuma
E = poem or songMariyah (maar-ee-YAH)
M = lady with fair complexionMaryam/Maryum (maar-ee-yam)
M = famous lady- mother of Sayyidona EsaaMavis
T = blondeMazana
H = an invented name from the Hebrew word for amazingMehira
H = from "mahir", speedy or energeticMehtap
T = moonlightMelanie
G = "from "Melas", i.e. blackMelani
T (no special meaning)Melek/Melik
T = angel (see also Malika)Melina
G = "melos" a songMelissa
G = a bee, from "meli" honeyMeltem
T = breezeMenekse
T = violet (flower)Mercan
T = coralMerhamet
T = mercyMerla/Merle
From Latin/French = a birdMersin
T = myrtleMeryem
T = form of Maryam/MiriamMia/Michaela
H = "who is like God?"Milena
from old High German/Jewish = "milo" mild, peacefulMine (mee-neh)
T = enamelMinnetar
T = gratefulMinnet
T = gratitudeMirit
H = sweet wineMeira (meh-eh-rah)
H = light, connotation of sharing one's light with othersMelantha
G = dark flowerMelita
G = honey bee (form of "Melissa)Meral (meh-rahl)
T= gazelleMira/Mirra
= short form of Miriam/Miranda, Latin = "strong, wonderful"Mirella/Mirabella
Latin = of great beautyMiriam (MAR-ee-um)
M, F-Ethiopian= the biblical "Mary"Moira/Moriae
G = mythology "goddess of destiny/fate"Molara
- Basque, form of "Mary"Morgan
Welsh = sea dwellerMoyna
Celtic = gentle, softMuneerah (moo-neer-ah)
M = brilliant, shining, something that reflects lightMusherrah
M = counselorMushtaree
M = Jupiter, planet
Naadirah/Nadira (nah-DEER-ah)
M = rare, choice, precious, fem. Of "nadir", lowest point in
G = to flow/i.e. waterNalani
Hawaiian = calmness of the heavensNawaar
M = blossom, flowerNabila/Nabeelah (nah-BEE-lah)
M-Egyptian= NobleNadhirrah (nahd-heer-ah)
M = bright face with lustre & noor; healthy & happyNadima (nah-DEE-mah)
M = companion, friendNadhiyah
M = lively, prettyNafeesah (nah-fee-sah)
M = refined, pure, exquisiteNageena
M = gem, pearlNahid
P = name for Venus, goddess of love in mythologyNa'ilah
M = one who obtains favorNagmah (nag-mah)
M = melody, songNa'imah
M = blessing, happinessNajah
M = safe, rescued, deliveredNajibah
M = high-born, excellentNajida/Naajidah (nah-jee-dah)
M = courageous; one who accomp. difficult tasksNajiyyah
M = friendly, affectionateNajla
M = "has beautiful, wide eyes"Naranj (nah-ranj)
P= orange/citrus fruitNaja (HAH-jah)
M, F-Somalia= successNajma/Najmah (NAJ-mah)
A= StarNane (nah-neh)
T = mintNara
Celtic = happyNargis
M = Narcissis FlowerNarin
T = delicateNaseelah (nah-SEE-lah)
M = zephry; fragrant or cool breezeNasirah (nah-seer-ah?)
M = helper; aide, assistantNasreen (nahs-REEN)
M = white rose, jerico rose; joniquilNasya
H = miracleNava/Navit
H = beautifulNayer
P/Jewish = sunshineNazima
M = poetess, matronNazirah
M = leader, vanguardNazmiye
T = poem (nazim)Navah
H = beautifulNayyirah
M = luminous, shining, brilliantNawal (nah-WAHL)
M, F-N. Africa= gift, attainmentNajlah
M = delicate feminineNazli (nahz-lee) or Nazi (nah-zee)
P= coquettishNeelam
M = blue gem, precious stoneNefes
T = breathNefsi/Nefis
T = wonderfulNehan/Neslihan
T = happy ladyNehayat
T = end, finalNeimah
H = pleasantNelofar
M = lotus, water lilyNena
M = motherlyNergis
T = daffodilNerita
G = sea snailNese
T = joyNila/Nyla
Egyptian = An ancient Egyptian princess/ the river Nile/EgyptianNilfer
T = water lilly/lotusNissa/Nyssa (NEE-sah)
H = sign, emblem G = beginningNisaa (nee-SAH)
M = women; "she that makes men forget"Nitzah/Nizah
H = flower budNoelani
Hawaiian = a princess, means "beautiful one from heaven"Nuha
M = wisdom, prudenceNura
M = flower, blossomNuray
T = moonlightNureen
A/Jewish = lightNurhan
T = bright ladyNysa/Nyssa
G = the goal
G = melody/songOfra (OH-frah)
F-Mandinka= moon, H = kid or young goatOhelah
H = tentOrah/Ora
H = lightOralee
H = my lightOriana/Oria
Jewish/ Latin = "oriens" meaning orient or the EastOrial
Old French/Latin = goldOrli
H = "light is mine"Ornah
H = pine
Parijan (par-ee-jahn)
P= fair soulParikhan (par-ee-khan)
P= fairy queenParvaneh/Parvane (pahr-van-EH)/Parvana
P = butterfly, T = night moth (regular butterfly is Kelebek)Parvin (par-veen)
P= cluster of stars, PleiadesPazia/Paz
H = goldenPenda (PEHN-dah)
F-Swahili= beloved, Kiswahili= "to love"Peninah
H = Pearl or coralPerizad (per-ee-ZAHD) also Perizada,
P=born of the fairiesPhedre
G = "the shining one"Phemia
G = voice, speechPhila
G = lovePhilana
G = lover of mankindPinar
T = fountain, springPisliskurja
R-Bosnian gypsy = "darling"
Qamar (kah-mahr)/Qamarah
M = the moon
T = goddessRabiyah
M = garden, springRafiqa
M = sweetheart, companionRafiyyah
M = high, lifting upRahibe
T = nunRajaa
M = hopeRakhshanda
M = shining, brilliantRanaa
M = to lookRa'naa (RAH-uh-nah?)
M = lovely, beautiful, graceful, delicateRadhiya (rahd-HEE-yah)
M F-Swahili= agreeable, contentedRadhiyyah (rahd-hee-YAH)
M = pleased, contented, delightedRa'eesah (rah-EE-sah)
M = leader, princess, noble, a wealthy ladyRafiqa
M = sweetheart, companionRaheemah (rahd-HEE-mah)
M = kind, affectionateRaihaanah (ra-ee-HAH-nah)
M = bouquet of flowers, sweet-smelling flowerRaisa/Raissa/Raizel/Rayzel/Razil
Jewish-Yiddish = roseRajeeyah
M = hoping, full of hopeRakhshanda
M = shining, brilliantRamah
H = highRamla (rahm-lah)
F-Swahili= fortuneteller or prophetRana (rah-nah)
F-Kiswahili= happiness, restRananah
H = freshRani/Rane
H = my joyRashida
M = intelligentRashieka/Rashiqa (ruh-SHIH-kah)
A = descended from RoyaltyRaushanah/Roshannah
M = skylight, brightRawnie
R-Gypsy = fine lady, i.e. non-gypsyRawiyah
M = narrator, storytellerRayah/Raya
H = friendRayyah
M = aroma, fragranceRazi
A = my secretRaziya (rah-ZEE-yah)
F-Swahili= sweet, agreeableRehena (reh-HAY-nah)
F-Swahili= compassion, Kiswahili= mercyRenana
H = joy, songReshmaan
M = silky, of silkRiesa
H = form of ThesesaRimona/ Rominah
H = pomegranateRina/Reena/Rinnah/Roni/ronit
H = song, joyRishona
H = firstRoni
H = my joyRukshana (Rook-SHAH-nah)
Russian variation of Roxanne, Sulieman's wife.Rya
T = dream
Saahirah/Sahira (sah-HEER-ah)
M = earth, moon, spring which flows constantlySaar-rah (sahr-RAH ) not "sarah"
M = lady who charming manner brings joySaba (SAH-bah)
F-Kiswahili= the # 7, pron . (sah-BAH) M=morningSabba
M = eastern wind, zephrSabbirah
M = patient, enduringSabeehah (sah-BEE-hah)
M = beautiful, handsome; lady w/fair complexionSabina/Savine/Savina
Latin "of the Sabines", an ancient tribeSabra
H = thorny cactus, 2) those born in modern IsraelSabreen
M = patientSadiqah
M = truthful, sincereSadira
P = lotus treeSadiya/Sadya/Sa'diyya
A = lucky, good fortuneSagheerah (sag-HEER-ah)
M = small, slender; tenderSa'diyah (SAH-dee-yah?)
M = good fortune, happiness, blessedSafi (sah-fee)/Safaa/Saffiyah
M, F-Kiswahili= clean, pureSafira/Saphira/Sephira
H = form of sapphireSakinah
M = tranquility, calmnessSalihah
M = virtuous, uprightSalima/Saleemah (sah-LEE-mah)
M= safe from harm; mild, healthy, without defectSalena/Salina
Latin = softSamaah
M = generousitySamara
Latin = seed of the elmSamia (sah-MEE-ah)
M= noble, loftySamina (sah-MEEN-ah)
M = healthy girl; fertile land without rock and stone; also fatty, or plumpSamira/Sameerah (sah-MEER-ah)
M = one who narrates stories in the night/ story
M = elevated, loftySanobar
M = pine treeSara
T = epilepsy; H = (Sarai/Sarah/Saretta/Sarina) = princess,
nobleSarafina (sehr-uh-FEE-nah)
H= ardent, like the angel who protects god's throneSaree/Sarita
H = form of SarahSauda
M = "black"Sefa
T = pleasureSegulah
H = treasureSeher
T = dawnSelma
T (no special meaning)Selvi
T = cypressSerap
T = mirageSevda
T = love, passionSevgi
T = loveSevgili
T = darlingSevinc
T = joy, delightSeyyal
T = travellerSezen
T = feeling, suspicionShabanna
M = belonging to night, 2) young ladyShabibah
M = youthfulShabnam
M = dewShadiyah
M = singerShaheena
M = falconessShana/Shaina (SHAY-nah)
Yiddish = beautifulSheena
Gaelic form of JaneShariykah
M = companion, partnerSelena/Celena
G = moon, like Selene the moon gooddessSelima (seh-LEE-mah)
M, H= PeaceShaia
R-Basque Gypsy = sister, also "tchaia"= young girlShaina/Shayna
H-Yiddish = beautifulShakarnaz (shah-kar-nahz)
P= sugarShakeelah (shah-KEE-lah)
M = comely, beautiful, well-formed, well-shapedShakira/Shaakirah (shah-KEER-ah)
M = grateful, contentedShakufa (shah-KOO-fah)
P=opening budShala/shahlaa (shah-LAH)
M = having grey eyes w/shade of red; species of Nacissis
flower; also Shahla - Afghani = beautiful eyesShamaamah (shah-mah-mah)
M = fragrance of sent of itr (perfume)Shameela/Shameelah
M = quality, character; young shoot, a budShameena/Shamina (shah-MEE-nah)
M = fragrant, sweet-smelling scent; sweet breezeShamoodah (sha-moo-dah)
M = diamond, i.e. brillance, lustreShamsa (SHAM-sah)
P= Sun, feminine ending. Shamsha I= SunShani (SHAH-nee)
F-Swahili= marvelous, Kiswahili = unusual thing/adventureShara/Sharna/Sharonda/Sharrona
H = form of SharonSharifa/Shareefah (shah-REE-fah)
M= noble, gentle, urbaneShazadi (shah-ZAH-dee)
P= princessShey
R-Am Gypsy = pre-puberty gypsy girlShebari
R-Am Gypsy = gypsy girl of marriageable age; brideShiri/Shirilee (sheer-ee-lee)
H = my songShirin (sheer-IN)
P=sweet, a legendary beautyShula/Shu'la
A = flaming, brightSiddiqah
M = "one who keeps her word"Sidona
H = enticingSidra
M = religious "lote-tree at the fartherest border of paradise"Sigliah
H = violetSivia/Sivya
H = a deerSongl
T = last roseSoraya, Suraya (Soh-rai-yah)
P= Star, Pleiades constellation; PrincessSurayyah
M = free of worry; happySouzan
P = burning, fireSuad
M = good fortuneSuhailah (soo-HAY-lah)
M = canopy, tent, marqueeSura
T (no special meaning)
G/Aramic = roe, a gazelleTahmina (tah-MEE-nah)
P=Rustam's wife in famous poemTahira/Tahirah (tah-HEER-ah)
M = pure, chaste, pious, cleanTahiyyah
M = greeting, cheerTajah
M = crownTalia
H = dewTaliah
H = lamkinTalibah
M = seeker of knowledgeTalor/Talora
H = dew of the morningTalya
T (no special meaning)Tamar/Tamara/Tamarah(H) Tamra (tam-rah)
P= date (fruit) yeilding palm treeTania
Russian = the fairy queenTaslimah
M = salutation, peaceTavi/Tavita
H = fem. form of David, i.e. "Beloved"Temirah
H = tall, erect, "like a palm"Tayyibah (tah-YEE-bah)
M = good, sweet, agreeable, pure, chaste; "halaal"Tarana
(tuh-rah-nuh) P= melodyThalia
G = to flourish, to bloomThurrayya
M = star; the PleiadesTimora
H = tall (as the palm tree)Tikvah
H = hopeTira
H = encampment/enclosureTirza/Tirzha/Tirsa
H = pleasantTomris
T (no special meaning)Tova/Tovah
H = goodTuhfah
M = present, giftTzafrirah (zah-freer-ah)
H = morning zephr
Uhuru (oo-HOO-ru)
F-Kiswahili= freedom
ve'ra (ve-Rah)
= from the Greek "Xenia", hospitality to a stranger
G = form of Yolanda (violet flower)
zena (Zee-na)
G-= derivation unknown