The first
thing to remember about serving,
have it come from your devoted slave-heart.
take a
deep breath and remember to use adjectives,
allow the
Masters/Mistress's to"feel" your total devotion.
The simplest
way to do this is to clear your mind, actually "see" your serve.
Use many
descriptions and try NEVER to use the same
word twice in one stanza.
doing this it will help the Master/Mistress "watch"you as well.
Keep your
head is always lifted high,
this shows
the Master/Mistress that you are proud
that he/she
has selected you to please Him/Her,
an honor
for any kajira.
When you
are ready to serve, alwayskneel
at his/her feet;
and before
you offer the drink or food,
place it
over your devoted slave-heart for three beats
to show
your submission to Him/Her and your serve.
Lift the
goblet, bowl, glass, your warm lips,softly kiss the rim...
this ensures
there is no poision,
and also
ensures the perfect tempurature and taste
Master's/Mistress's flawless lips to touch.
leave this nadu position until the Master/Mistress dismisses you.
a kajiras
serve ALWAYS comes from her heart,
never a
popup, never copied and never the same serve as the one before.
The word
"Sa-Tassna" in the Gorean language literally means 'life mother'.
It is synonymous
with the word meat.
I page 43
Bosk may be served with slices of kalana and sprinkles of tospit fruit to garnish it. The meat may be served in a myriad of ways, such as roasted, broiled, stewed, dried or sliced as in steaks. On a side note, when found on a spit, the outside is very dark; inside is very pink, very juicy.Basically served rare. It is served with suls and sa-tarna bread.
~~*"The meat was a steak cut from the loin, a huge shaggy long horned bovine, meat is seared, as thick as the forearm of a Warrior on a small iron grill on a kindling of charcoal cylinders so that the thin margin on the outside was black, crisp and flaky sealed within by the touch of the fire-the blood rich flesh hot and fat with juice" Tarl Cabot ..
Scroll III page 45Gant~~
similar to the earthen duck. It is another staple of the rence girls.
Scroll VI page 4Tabuk~~The tabuk are vegetarian one horned antelope, eating primarily berries.
~~*Tabuk is known for its sweet meat that may be roasted or grilled.
Scroll II page 126Tarn~~
Tarn a rare delicacy eaten on the battlefield by Warriors after a battle.~~*The tarn is roasted, but into chunks and served with red (blood) gravy.
Tarsk is similar to the earthen pig. It is not a favored food due to its being a carrion eater. It is a staple in the diet of the rence growers.
~~*The meat is roasted, stuffed with suls and peppers from the city of Tor.
Tumits are a large carnivorous flightless bird of the southern plains.~~*This bird is roasted and eaten by the nomadic peoples.
The sport lies in the fact of who will eat supper..the bird or the nomads.Scroll IV page 331
Verr is similar to earthen goats. The meat is used in many ways;
~~*it is often wrapped in leaves, and cooked in the ground to prevent the meat from getting stringy.
Vulo is a pigeon raised for eggs and meat. The brains of the vulo are a delicacy as well.
They must be cooked in quantity because of the small size.
~~*It takes many eggs to satisfy an appetite, which are fried in a flat pan.~~*The bird itself is served roasted, stuffed with herbs, grains and spices, or it may be baked.
~~*"She had been carrying a wicker basket containing vulos, a domesticated pigeon raised for eggs and meat"
Tarl Cabot..Scroll IV page 1
~~*"It is the spiced brain of the Turian vulo," Saphrar explained. I shot the spiced brain into my mouth on the tip of a golden eating prong"
Tarl Cabot..Scroll IV page 83Celane Melon~~
A melon akin to Urth's honeydew.
A rinded fruit of the Tahari;
~~*served sliced with melted cheese and nutmegLarma~~
Larma is a sweet fruit, similar to the yellow Urth peach,
~~*It is served sliced with a honey-brown sauce over it, or just plain.
To serve this without the Free Person specifically asking for it, it to invite rape upon yourself!Ram-berries~~
Small, succulent berries.Redfruit~~
Similar in flesh and taste to apples of Urth.Tospit~~
A bitter, juicy fruit yellowish in color, somewhat similar to Urth's small tangerine. Long stemmed tospits contain an even number of seeds and are rare.Ta Grapes~~
Big, sweet and seedless grapes.
A tuberous starchy, golden-brown vegetable (similar to Urth's potato). Principal ingredient in sullage and sul-paga.
~~*Often served sliced and fried,or, bake it and stuff it with melted bosk cheese.Sullage~~
A soup made principally from suls, tur-pah, and kes, along with whatever else may be handy.Tur-pah~~
An edible tree parasite with curly, red, ovate leaves; grows on the tur tree; an ingredient in sullage.Turian Olives~~
Red olives, primarily from Turia.Rence~~
A water plant....the grain is eaten...the stems harvested and pressed into paper or woven into cloth.
~~*The grain may be boiled or ground into a paste and sweetened. This paste can also be fried into a type of pancake.Bosk cheese~~
Made from bosk milk, it is firm and it travels well due to its hard rind that resists molds. Usually a little sharper in taste than verr cheese.
~~*Bosk cheese is served sliced, melted on fried kort, and may be used on suls as well.Butter~~
May be made from either verr or bosk milk.
~~*Use as with earthen butter.Clotted creams~~
Similar to a whipped cream.
~~*Used in blackwine and chocolate drinks.Milk~~
May be from either bosk or verr.
~~*Use as in earthen milk.Verr cheese~~
Made from verr milk, it is adaptable to many recipes.
~~*It is soft and can be mixed with herbs, chopped vegetables, or sweetners may be added.Yoghurt and Ice Creams~~
are mentioned but not described
~~*Used the same as the earthen uses
A soft, full flavored heavy, dark bread made from Gorean grains.
~~*It is served on a platter with clotted Bosk cream and/or honey.Sa-Tarna~~
(Life-daughter): grain, specifically wheat.Sa-Tarna Bread~~
A round, flat 6 sectioned golden loaf made from the wheat-like sa-tarna grain.
~~*It is served on a platter, sliced or in chunks.It is a staple with every Gorean meal.
Scroll I page 43Sa-Tarna Gruel~~
Thick paste of boiled sa-tarna.
~~*Also referred to as Bond-maid gruel or slave porridge.Tuchuk Sourdough~~
A soft sourdough bread, very similar to that of Urth, originated with the Wagon People.
~~*Served piping hot or warmed, most often with butter or honey.
`Parsit~~ Serve on a platter.
Parsit is a slender striped flaky fish that is normally added to bond maid gruel.
~~*It may be roasted in a rence 'bag' topped with verr butter, herbs, and sliced red Tyros olives.Sorp~~
Sorp is a common shellfish in the Vosk River. It is similar to oysters as it manufactures pearls. It can be served steamed, raw, smoked or in a thick fish stew.
~~*The stew is served in the traditional footed clay bowls.
~~*To serve raw, place them on a bed of colored salts on the 1/2 shell.
~~*To serve steamed or smoked, served them on the same platter of colored salts or on a bed of greens.Wingfish~~
Tiny blue saltwater fish found in the waters off Port Kar. The livers are considered a delicacy in Turia, and commonly served in the cities of Cos, Port Kar, and Thassa.
~~*Served in fried nuggets or as a pate' with small squares of sa-tarna toast. Serve on a platter.
*Caution* must be taken during the preparation due to the 4 poisonous dorsal fins. Usually the fishmonger will have removed the livers.
`The only two colors of sugars are white and yellow. This is proven in the scrolls.The "redrocks" that so many are fond of using is actually one of the colored SALTS found native on Gor. There is a huge misconception on most of IRC Gor.
Kajirae are notorious for putting salt in Master's blackwine.
So girls, unless you are willing to risk a Master's wrath by putting salt in blackwine or any other drink...please use only the white and yellow sugars.
~~*The sugars are free flowing as earthen.~~~~~Where the 'sweetrock' myth came one knows.~~~~~
`Thank You To: Mistress Lady Fyree and nyx{DH} for all their help and information on this topic. And Thank you to a girl's Master ^Talion^ for guiding her with the information fot this site