Bullock Winamp Skin v2.0 (87.8 kB)

Unzip this file into your Skins\ directory of Winamp. Hit
Alt+S in Winamp to open the skins selection dialog.
Select "Sandra Bullock Winamp Skin" from the
list and enjoy!
This skin requires Winamp player v1.80 or higher. If you
do not have the player or have the older version of it click here to get the
recent one now.
Sandra Bullock Screensaver v1.1
(108 kB) 
Unzip this file into your Windows\ directory. To install
the screensaver open the file "ScreenSaverInstructions.txt"
and follow the installation instructions.
Demolition Man: Sandra Speaks
(214 kB) 
Listen to Sandra's uncommon question from the film "Demolition

Sandra Bullock Wallpaper #1
(61.7 kB) 
Open this file in your internet browser, right click on
the image and select "Set as Wallpaper" from
the menu.
Resolution: 800x600 High color
Sandra Bullock Wallpaper #2
(65.1 kB) 
Open this file in your internet browser, right click on
the image and select "Set as Wallpaper" from
the menu.
Resolution: 800x600 High color
Sandra Bullock Wallpaper #3
(138 kB) 
Open this file in your internet browser, right click on
the image and select "Set as Wallpaper" from
the menu.
Resolution: 800x600 High color
Sandra Bullock Wallpaper #4
(63.4 kB) 
Open this file in your internet browser, right click on
the image and select "Set as Wallpaper" from
the menu.
Resolution: 800x600 High color
Sandra Bullock Wallpaper #5
(75.0 kB) 
Open this file in your internet browser, right click on
the image and select "Set as Wallpaper" from
the menu.
Resolution: 800x600 High color
Sandra Bullock Wallpaper #6
(64.3 kB) 
Open this file in your internet browser, right click on
the image and select "Set as Wallpaper" from
the menu.
Resolution: 800x600 High color

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Page" © 1997-2000 Peter Brtko. All rights reserved.
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