Al Eugster's Photo Album

If you can make any additions or corrections to what you see here, please email Mark Mayerson

Miscellaneous Photos

My thanks to Fleischer/Famous animator Myron Waldman for helping to identify people on this page. My thanks to Stacie Gibbs for the probably identification of Tom Byrne, her uncle, in the 1932 photo with the stop sign in the background.

Photo 1. This 1932 photo has Al, lower left, with Shamus Culhane on his shoulders. Art Turkisher is on the upper right. Anybody know who the man on the lower right is?

Photo 2. Another 1932 photo. From left to right: Al, Rudy Zamora, probably Jack Bogle, probably Tom Byrne. This seems to be a Sullivan studio reunion in California.

Photo 3. Another 1932 photo. From left to right: Rudy Zamora, unknown, Al.

Photo 4. This photo is from 1939. Al, at left, is either saying goodbye to somebody in Los Angeles or hello to somebody in Miami. Anybody know who the person is or where the photo was taken?

Photo 5. Al and his wife Chick in their apartment, December 1956.

Photo 6. One of the last photos taken of Al. Christmas 1996.

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Go to The Pat Sullivan Studio, 1928
Go to The Fleischer Studio, 1929-1931
Go to The Mintz Studio, 1932
Go to The Iwerks Studio, 1933-1934
Go to The Disney Studio, 1935-1938
Go to The Fleischer Studio, 1939-1941
Go to Famous Studios Christmas Party 1954, Page 1
Go to Famous Studios Christmas Party 1954, Page 2
Go to New Year's Eve, Dec. 1954
Go to Famous Studios, 1956
Go to Gifford Animation, 1958
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