Al Eugster's Photo Album

If you can make any additions or corrections to what you see here, please email Mark Mayerson

The Iwerks Studio, 1933-1934

Photo 1. Ub Iwerks, center, pitches horseshoes in 1933. That might be Dick Bickenbach at left. I don't know who the two guys are on the right.

Photo 2. Berny Wolf holds up the original model sheet he did with Grim Natwick for the Willie Whopper cartoon The Cave Man in 1934. The model sheet can be seen in Shamus Culhane's autobiography Talking Animals and Other People.

Photo 3. Earl Duvall gets some knives thrown at him in 1934.

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Go to The Disney Studio, 1935-1938
Go to The Fleischer Studio, 1939-1941
Go to Famous Studios Christmas Party 1954, Page 1
Go to Famous Studios Christmas Party 1954, Page 2
Go to New Year's Eve, Dec. 1954
Go to Famous Studios, 1956
Go to Gifford Animation, 1958
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