Al Eugster's Filmography

Theatrical Cartoons

Pat Sullivan

Eugster worked at the Sullivan studio from April 1925 to April 1929. His job was to blacken in drawings of Felix and other characters. Most of the studio's animation was done on paper and not cels.


Eugster worked at the Fleischer studio from April 1929 to February 1932. From this point onwards, Eugster worked as an animator and sometimes as a head animator/director.

Finding His Voice (made for Western Electric)
Noah's Lark (Talkartoon)
Marriage Wows (Talkartoon; working title Wedding Belles)
Swing You Sinners (Talkartoon)
Fire Bugs (Talkartoon; working title Hungarian Rhapsody)
Strike Up the Band (Screen Song)
Dizzy Dishes (Talkartoon)
The Grand Uproar (Talkartoon)
Sky Scraping (Talkartoon; working title Skyscrapers)
One Sunday Afternoon (Screen Song)
In My Merry Oldsmobile (Theatrical commercial)
Please Go Way and Let Me Sleep (Screen Song)
The Ace of Spades (Talkartoon)
I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now (Screen Song)
The Bum Bandit (Talkartoon)
And the Green Grass Grew All Around (Screen Song)
The Herring Murder Case (Talkartoon)
Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Shean (Screen Song)
Minding the Baby (Talkartoon)
Mask-A-Raid (Talkartoon)
Russian Lullabye (Screen Song)
Jack and the Beanstalk (Talkartoon)
Boop-Oop-A-Doop (Talkartoon)
Crazy Town (Talkartoon)
A Hunting We Will Go (Talkartoon; working title What Fur)
You Try Somebody Else (Screen Song)
Stopping the Show (Betty Boop)


Eugster worked at the Mintz studio from March 1932 thru May 1933.

Lighthouse Keeping (Krazy Kat)
The Crystal Gazebo (Krazy Kat)
Prosperity Blues (Krazy Kat)
The Minstrel Show (Krazy Kat)
Wedding Bells (Krazy Kat)
Wooden Shoes (Krazy Kat)
Bunnies and Bonnets (Krazy Kat)
The Broadway Malady (Krazy Kat)
Russian Dressing (Krazy Kat)
House Cleaning (Krazy Kat)
Antique Antics (Krazy Kat)
Whacks Museum (Krazy Kat)


Eugster worked at Iwerks from May 1933 through May 1935.

Spite Flight (Willie Whopper)
Jack and the Beanstalk (Comicolor)
Davy Jones' Locker (Willie Whopper)
The Little Red Hen (Comicolor)
The Brave Tin Soldier (Comicolor)
Puss in Boots (Comicolor)
Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp (Comicolor)
The Headless Horseman (Comicolor)
Don Quixote (Comicolor)
Jack Frost (Comicolor)
The Queen of Hearts (Comicolor)
The Valiant Tailor (Comicolor)
Little Black Sambo (Comicolor)
Brementown Musicians (Comicolor)
Sinbad the Sailor (Comicolor)


Eugster worked at Disney from May 1935 to March 1939.

Orphan's Picnic (Mickey Mouse)
Elmer Elephant (Silly Symphony)
Moving Day (Mickey Mouse)
Mickey's Circus (Mickey Mouse)
Donald and Pluto (Mickey Mouse)
The Worm Turns (Mickey Mouse)
Don Donald (Mickey Mouse)
Mickey's Amateurs (Mickey Mouse; working title Mickey's Amateur Concert)
Hawaiian Holiday (Mickey Mouse)
Clock Cleaners (Mickey Mouse)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Polar Trappers (Mickey Mouse)
The Whalers (Mickey Mouse)
Donald's Golf Game (Donald Duck)
Donald's Lucky Day (Donald Duck)
Society Dog Show (Mickey Mouse)
Beach Picnic (Donald Duck)
Donald's Penguin (Donald Duck)
Officer Duck (Donald Duck)
The Riveter (Donald Duck)
Bill Posters (Donald Duck)


Eugster worked for Fleischer/Famous from April 1939 through September 1942.

Gulliver's Travels
A Kick in Time (Color Classic)
Way Back When a Razzbery was a Fruit (Stone Age; working title Bear Facts)
Popeye Meets William Tell (Popeye; working title Wee Willie Tell)
The Dandy Lion (Animated Antics; working title Injun Trouble)
Sneak, Snoop and Snitch (Animated Antics; working title Jail Break)
Two For the Zoo (Gabby; working title A to Zoo)
Gabby Goes Fishing (Gabby)
Mr. Bug Goes to Town
Fleets of Stren'th (Popeye)
Baby Wants a Bottleship (Popeye)


A Hull of a Mess (Popeye)
A Jolly Good Furlough (Popeye)
The Hungry Goat (Popeye)

Eugster was in the Signal Corps during World War II, in a unit that included many other animation personnel. After the war, Eugster returned to a staff position at Famous Studios in October 1945 and stayed there through January 1957.

When G.I. Johnny Comes Marching Home (Noveltoon)
House Tricks (Popeye)
Much Ado about Mutton (Noveltoon)
The Enchanted Square (Noveltoon)
The Wee Men (Noveltoon)
The Baby Sitter (Little Lulu)
Naughty But Mice (Noveltoon)
Life with Elsie (theatrical commercial for Bordens)
Winter Draws On (Screen Song)
Sing or Swim (Screen Song)
The Camptown Races (Screen Song)
Spinach Vs. Hamburgers (Popeye)
Readin', Ritin' and Rhythmetic (Screen Song)
Butterscotch and Soda (Little Audrey)
Borden (another theatrical commercial)
The Emerald Isle (Screen Song)
Hot Air Aces (Popeye)
Our Funny Finny Friends (Screen Song)
Blue Hawaii (Screen Song)
Farm Foolery (Screen Song)
The Stork Market (Screen Song)
Sunsweet Prune Juice (theatrical commercial)
Detouring Thru Maine (Screen Song)
Win, Place and Showboat (Screen Song)
Gobs of Fun (Screen Song)
Helter Swelter (Screen Song)
Baby Wants Spinach (Popeye)
Blue Hawaii (Screen Song)
Tweet Music (Screen Song)
Sing Again of Michigan (Screen Song)
Pilgrim Popeye (Popeye)
Snooze Reel (Kartune)
Lunch With a Punch (Popeye)
Fun at the Fair (Kartune)
Friend or Phoney (Popeye)
Mice Capades (Herman and Katnip)
The Awful Tooth (Noveltoon)
Shuteye Popeye (Popeye)
City Kitty (Noveltoon; Katnip)
Hysterical History (Kartune)
Ancient Fistory (Popeye)
Aero-Nutics (Kartune)
Invention Convention (Kartune)
Baby Wants a Battle (Popeye)
Popeye The Ace of Space (Popeye)
Northwest Mousie (Herman and Katnip)
No Place Like Rome (Kartune)
Crazy Town (Noveltoon)
Popeye's 20th Anniversary (Popeye)
Fright to the Finish (Popeye)
Fido Beta Kappa (Noveltoon)
Nurse to Meet Ya (Popeye)
News Hound (Noveltoon)
Mister and Mistletoe (Popeye)
A Job for a Gob (Popeye)
Mouseum (Herman and Katnip)
Assault and Flattery (Popeye)
Mousetro Herman (Herman and Katnip)
Parlez Vous Woo (Popeye)
Sir Irving and Jeames (Noveltoon)
A Haul in One (Popeye)
Lion in the Roar (Noveltoon)
The Crystal Brawl (Popeye)
Mr. Money Gags (Noveltoon)
Jolly the Clown (Noveltoon)
L'Amour the Merrier (Noveltoon)
Dante Dreamer (Noveltoon)
Okey Dokey Donkey (Noveltoon)
Chew Chew Baby (Noveltoon)


Eugster worked at Paramount from October 1964 to November 1967.

The Story of George Washington (Noveltoon)
Poor Little Witch Girl (Modern Madcap)
Shoeflies (Honey Halfwitch)
Baggin' the Dragon (Honey Halfwitch)
I Want my Mummy (Modern Madcap)
Potions and Notions (Honey Halfwitch)
A Balmy Knight (Modern Madcap)
The Defiant Giant (Honey Halfwitch)
A Wedding Knight (Modern Madcap)
Two by Two (Modern Madcap)
Black Sheep Blacksmith (Modern Madcap)
The Space Squid (Go-Go Toons)
Think or Sink (Merry Makers)
My Daddy the Astronaut (Fractured Fable)
Brother Bat (Honey Halfwitch)
Forget-Me-Nuts (Merry Makers)
The Squaw Path (Go-Go Toons)
Robin Hoodwinked (Noveltoon)
The Stuck-up Wolf (Fractured Fable)
The Stubborn Cowboy (Fractured Fable)
The Opera Caper (Go-Go Toons)
Marvin Digs (Go-Go Toons)
Mini-Squirts (Fractured Fable)
Mouse Trek (Fractured Fable)

These cartoons may have been unfinished at the time Paramount shut down in 1967 or they may be cartoons that were renamed before being released. Eugster worked on the first in July of '67 and the second in October and November of '67. The studio closed in November, so it's likely that the second film was unreleased.

Super Basher
The Fiendish Five

TV Cartoons

Years indicate when Eugster worked on the cartoons, not necessarily when they first aired on TV.

Felix the Cat

Joe Oriolo Productions
Titles may be working titles and not final titles.
The Banker (parts 1 & 2)
Strikes It Rich (parts 1 & 2)
Yukon Gold (parts 1 & 2)
The Genie's Debut (parts 1 & 2)
Loan Company (parts 1 & 2)
Walrus (parts 1 & 2)
Walrus Enroute (parts 1 & 2)
Liquid Light (parts 1 & 2)

Koko the Clown

Hal Seeger Productions
These names are not necessarily final titles. Where no cartoon with this name exists, I've
guessed at the final title in parenthesis.
Vanishing Ink (Now You See It Now You Don't)
Giant (Gigantical)
Whale (Whale of a Story)
Plane Stupid
Pony Express
Jungle Bungle
The Sleeping Beauty

Schoolhouse Rock / Science Rock

Kim & Gifford Productions
Women's Suffrage
Elbow Room
The Shot Heard 'Round the World
Pronouns (Rufus X. Sarsaparilla)
Mother Necessity
Great American Melting Pot
Victim of Gravity
Interplanet Janet
Telegraph Line
Software (Scooter Computer and Mr. Chips)
Hardware (Scooter Computer and Mr. Chips)
The Number Cruncher (Scooter Computer and Mr. Chips)

Drawing Power (NBC)

Kim & Gifford Productions
This Saturday morning show was set in an animation studio. Live actors portrayed animators
and the cartoons were supposed to be their work. Eugster did all the Professor Rutabaga
Show Opening
Bus Stop opening
Whata Ya Do opening
Great Wall (Wacky World)
Fireman's Toy (Wacky World)
Pea Power (Prof. Rutabaga)
Dirty Harry (Turkey of the Week)
Carrot (Prof. Rutabaga)
Vitamins (Prof. Rutabaga)
Fibre (Prof. Rutabaga)
Celery (Prof. Rutabaga)
Pass the Salt (Prof. Rutabaga)
Caterpillar (Prof. Rutabaga)
Vegetables (Prof. Rutabaga)
Bully (Prof. Rutabaga)
Pick Your Pocket (Prof. Rutabaga)
Fast Food (Prof. Rutabaga)
Hero (Prof. Rutabaga)
Go home
Go to The Pat Sullivan Studio, 1928
Go to The Fleischer Studio, 1929-1931
Go to The Mintz Studio, 1932
Go to The Iwerks Studio, 1933-1934
Go to The Disney Studio, 1935-1938
Go to The Fleischer Studio, 1939-1941
Go to Famous Studios Christmas Party 1954, Page 1
Go to Famous Studios Christmas Party 1954, Page 2
Go to New Year's Eve, Dec. 1954
Go to Famous Studios, 1956
Go to Gifford Animation, 1958
Go to Miscellaneous Photos
Go to Scenes Animated by Al Eugster
Go to Al's Comic Book Art
Go to Links relating to Al Eugster.
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