Al Eugster's Photo Album

Here are some photos of Al Eugster with various other people in the animation business. Many of these people are unidentified or I'm taking an educated guess as to who they are based on other photos I've seen. If you can make any additions or corrections to what you see here, please email Mark Mayerson

The Pat Sullivan Studio, August 1928

Photo 1. Some of the crew of the Pat Sullivan Studio on the roof of 47 West 63 St. in Manhattan. Standing left to right: Rudy Zamora, Jack Bogle, Tom Byrne, Otto Messmer, Dana Parker, Alfred Thurber. Crouching from left to right: Hal Walker, George Cannata, Al Eugster, Burt Gillett.
Photo 2. Standing left to right: Cannata, Bogle, Zamora, Byrne. Crouching left to right: Eugster, Walker.
Photo 3. Left to right: Zamora, Cannata, Walker, Eugster, Byrne.

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Go to The Disney Studio, 1935-1938
Go to The Fleischer Studio, 1939-1941
Go to Famous Studios Christmas Party 1954, Page 1
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Go to New Year's Eve, Dec. 1954
Go to Famous Studios, 1956
Go to Gifford Animation, 1958
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