Trying to get this part of the page together is a bit difficult, since its hard to find out a lot of james gear. Any help will be apreciated, and you will be reward accordingly. With DICK ALL. Most of the information on this page is courtesy of a few magazines, (guitar world, and all the other dozens of guitar magazines available) and what I've seen at concerts. A lot of what I saw at concerts are correct but little things like EQ's and preamps were hard to make out. But what I have written down here is guarunteed. I am positive that james uses it. And a special fuck you to the assholes at listessa who wouldn't bother helping me out. If theres anyone out there who has been to any recent pumpkin shows and noticed anything new thats not on this page please e-mail me. James also uses little things like an E-bow and it's to hard for me to know the exact model.


James is known to use Various different guitars but his main axe would have to be his Black Gibson Les Paul Custom. James' Black Gibson Les Paul Custom is equiped with gold hardware and ebony fingerboard with pearl block inlays. Assuming that James didn't install different pickups, customs usually come with 490R and 498T humbuckers. James has also been seen with an early 80's Les Paul Custom - a silver sunburst- When performing live James is also known to use a Rickenbacker for tonight tonight and/or 1979. He was also seen on the December 1995 Guitar World cover holding a Gibson Flying V.


It's well known that James and Billy both have effects coming out of their asses so I'm gunna restate the same things that are on Billys gear page with addition to some other stuff I saw on his rig when I was at concerts.
-Electro Harmonix Big Muff (original, not re-issue)
-Electro Harmonix Microsynth
-Electro Harmonix Small Stone Phaser (original, not re-issue)
-Mu-Tron Bi-Phase
-Eventide H-3000SE Ultra Harmonizer
-Korg SDD-2000
-Univox and fuzz boxes
-Fender Blender
-James little solo in "Zero" was run through a detuning patch on a Digitech DHP-55 Harmony Processor
-Digitech GSP2102 Effects Processor which is also a pre-amp

Strings & Pics

Both James and Billy use DR Hi-beam nickel-plated strings -.009's-.042's. And of course the customary Jim Dunlop 1.0-millimeter tortex pics.


Well this is another tough one to decide on. Well I'm certain that james uses Marshall Cabs, but I'm still unclear about what type of head he uses. Help would be apreciated. I also noticed on his last three shows that I last went to, that James had on his rack. TWO...not one, but two Marshall JMP-1 pre-amps beneath eachother. James most likely does this just incase one blows on him. And I also noticed a Digitech GSP 2101 Preamp/Effects Processor

Wells thats about all I got for now. Any help once again will be greatly appreciated. I'll update this page everytime I find out something new. If you have any questions on anything e-mail me here yu108056@yorku.ca

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Now that you've seen his gear. Check out the Prices.

Click here to go to my Pricing guide of James' and Billy's equipment.