On this page you'll be able to see all the rockin shit I own, and just what makes me such a better guitarist then that pussy Andy. You'll see pictures of My guitars, amp, effects and other bullshit!

Fuck....We got it!!! A fucken DIGITAL 8-track mixer/recorder! It fucken rocks. It records at 44 KHz (CD Quality). We can copy and paste parts of tracks without losing any quality at all! I recommend this machine for whoever wants to start up a band! Put it this way....Out of 10, its a 20 and I'm not exaggerating!

BRAND SPANKIN NEW!! A MU-TRON BI-PHASE HAS BEEN PURCHASED BY MOI! WOOOO!!! The Mu-tron ended up costing me a fuckin fortune, but nothing a little prostittuting won't cure :) And I also have a Marshall JMP-1 pre amp which I recently rented.

Well here she is. The one thing that makes my life worth it. My Fender Strat Deluxe Plus. She was worth all the prostituting I put myself through to make the $1700 she cost me. P.S DOn't tell my Parents about the prostituting thing. Well In the picture here it's kinda dark and in reality she actually a bit lighter in the middle and fades into a darker blue. It is loaded with Three Fender Lace Sensor pickups. (WHICH ARE FUCKIN WILD. I SUGGEST YOU BUY THEM). One blue at the neck area, One silver in the middle and One red at the bridge. Speaking about the bridge, it also has a Fender Floyd Rose Tremolo System. Its has a combination of locking and non-locking systems. Also it has the new Fender LSR roller nut, which is the most advanced low-friction guitar nut available. It has an alderbody, bolt-on maple neck, ash-veneered top and back, and a 22-fret maple neck. You can also buy it in Rosewood, but we all know rosewood licks :) Finally it also has Shaller tuning gears. Well, if anyone out there is looking to buy a new AXE, and you have the cash. I honestly recomend this guitar cause it truly is rockin. Other then the fact that it's a bitch to string (aren't all guitars) its flawless. It might seem kinda expensive but you pay for the Quality. And this IS a Quality guitar. Click here to see a beautiful picture of my Strat beside a nice Takamine Acoustic

Well its sorta hidden behind my guitar but as you can see Its a Marshall combo. This amp fuckin rocks, but I wouldn;t recomend buying it. Unless you've tried a few. Recently I have tried about 3 or 4 or the exact amp and I realized some of them are made shittier then others. I bought mine used and I was lucky that mine sounds FUCKIN awesome. It shows how much Marshall gives a shit about a $700 amp. I guess there to overproduced. Anyways, it's a Marshall Valvestate 8080. Its an 80-watt 1 X 12 combo with footswitchable dual channels (clean and boost), footswitchable reverb, effects loop with mix control, and line out. Also I recently rented Marshall's JMP-1 pre amp. Expecting a totally sick crunch, I was pretty much disapointed. The 2 clean channels are amazing, but the two OD's were pretty much shitty!
I don't have a shitload of effects right now, but by this winter I should be getting a rackmount effects processor. Somewhere bettween the price range of $1200 - $1500 If any of you know or have any good ones please e-mail me here yu108056@yorku.caany suggestions would be cool. Ok. So my effects basically consit of the following: A Boss FLanger BF-2. Its nothing special but it's decent. I also haev a Boss Digital Delay DD-3. Its cool and all but for the price its definately not worth it. Better use a delay from a effects processor. If you run it through a mic though you can make you voice sound like chubacca. >8^) I also have a Dunlop Cry Baby Wah, its cool but I've never really been a wah freak. But I recomend it. It gets the job done period. And finally a Sovtek Big Muff. The thing pretty much sucks and sounds like Crap. DO NOT BUY A SOVTEK BIG MUFF. They are fuckin rotted cheap imitations of the Original ELectro Harmonix Big Muffs. SO for all you fuckers who think your cool with your Sovtek Big Muffs.....SUCK ME SIDEWAYS! And for that fuckin ignoramus on the smashing pumpkins mailing list you said "Big Muffs are supposed to sound like shit" I wish you lived in toronto so I could make you suck my dick And finally the Mu-Tron Bi- Phase which I just purchased. I still haven't had a chance to really but it to the test, since I haven't even had i for a day, but from what I've heard so far, it kicks my ass
Ok. I know this isn't a pretty picture to look at, but believe it or not, I own these hunks of shit. Hmmmmm!! Lemme think about how to describe them. The Ibanez (black one) A FUCKIN TOASTER. A HUNK OF SHIT THAT WOULDN'T STAY IN TUNE IF YOU FUCKED IT UP THE INPUT JACK! A BRIDGE THAT IS WORTH SHIT, AND A TONE THAT SOUNDED LIKE SHIT WARMED OVER (to put it mildly). Now...The Samick, this guitar used to actually be red, but I actually ended up defacing it into the peice of crap it is today. Terry and I even made the pic guard oursleves. The Samick can only be described in one way. A JAPANESE IMPORTED, TESTI LICKIN, CHICKEN CHOKING, TIT SMELLING SHITBOX (again to put it mildly) Anyways, to tell the truth, the Samick is actually a decent guitar to start off on. (HA!! YEAH RIGHT, must be the heroin). Ok thats it, but this page should be updated every so often, or when I make a big purchase.

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E-mail me if you have any questions, comments, or if your suicidal and just want to talk. Copy Right 1996