


Orange During the Mellon Collie tour Billy has been seen using an Orange Head run though two 4 X 12 Marshall Cabs. In the studio Billy uses a Marshall MK II 100-watt head and live he uses two Mesa Strategy 500 power amps including the two Marshall 4 X 12 cabinates. Corgans sound originates from a 1984 JCM Marshall head with KT-88 tubes. Corgans trick is to plug into the low input of the head and turn the post gain all the way up, using the pre-amp gain as the master volume. All other settings are pretty much up. On the track "to forgive" Billy used a Fender Bassman (silver faced) And he and James also used a Fender Twin, which they used on some tracks for the cleaner tones.


On the left here is what Billy refers to as his "main bitch" This '57 reissue strat is fully equiped with three Fender Lace Sensor pick ups. One blue at the neck, one silver in the middle, and one red on the bridge. It also has a five-position pickup selector switch which he installed himself (WHAT A FUCK) The battered, stickered, '57 reissue strat became his number one guitar by default. His '74 Strat -Guitar Used For Recording of Gish- was stolen shortly after Gish was completed. He also used a wide variety of guitars on MC&IS. On WHere Boys Fear to Tread Billy used a Les Paul Junior Reissue, and on Tonight Tonight he used a '72 Gibson 335. He is also known to use a '74 Strat ( the "I love My MoM" guitar, that has since been painted baby blue. That guitar was used on the recordings for Bullet with Butterfly Wings and also Muzzle, becuase the heavier wood gave it the basic strat sound with a bit more bottom. And finally Billy used a Epiphone SG which he recorded "Fuck You" with.


Tubes Billy is a huge fan of KT-88's which he uses in his Marshall. The Gish/Siamese Dream guitar sound has a lot to do with KT-88's which add a round, fat bottom to his sound. When it comes to Strings, Billy uses DR Hi-beam nickel-plated strings -.009's-.042's


Eventide Billy uses a wide variety of Pre-amps. For the recording of Gish he used an ADA MP-1 and for soloing he turns towards the ADA-MP2. He also Uses the Marshall JMP-1 for rhythm and crunch and a Mesa/Boogie TriAxis. Seen on the left is the Alesis 3630 compressor which Billy uses plugged into a Mesa Boogie head.


Big We all know that the Pumpkins have a shit load of effects. So it would be fuckin impossible for me to list them all. But heres the basics. Corgans rack consists of the following: EVENTIDE H-3000SE Ultra Harmonzer. Don't even think about buying it unless you have 5 grand to spare. A digitech DHP-55 HArmony processor, Electro-Harmonix Micro-Synth, Korg SDD-2000 sampling digital delay, and a bunch of other overpriced BULLSHIT When it comes to effect pedals the Pumpkins are whores. The'll use anything and everything. They include Big Muff pedals as seen here, Univox and fuzz boxes, Mu-tron Bi-Phaser, Fenderblender, Digitech whammy pedals and about anything they can get there hands on.


When it comes to Splitting signals Corgan turns towars Flash noise-free 4 X 1 stereos swithcers, and a Flash Great Divide four-channel splitter. Billy also uses a "Lake Butler MIDIGator" for his MIDI switchboard


Samick Everyone knows that Billy's love for Samicks has grown over the years, the killer over drive tone described as follows "A Chicken choking on Grandmother Tits" has captured the hearts of guitarists all over the world! (joke)

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Pricing Guide of Billy's and James' equipment

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