On this part of the page, you'll find awesome links to things like, Billys equipment (better then ansigods page I must admit) , a link to my equipment oh yeah, and some other crap too. Like pictures of Billy's pic, his autograph, and about the time we met Billy and Jimmy

Click here to get a peek at Corgans Equipment. Pictures Included

Click hereto get a look at my equipment. Pictures also included

Click here to check out James' gear

Well here it is. My teasured pick that Billy once owned. The FUCK YOU solo was actually played on this baby. It's a long story about how I got this so if your bored, keep reading. Well It was January 2nd and the Pumpkins were playing In Toronto, all night I was hounding this bouncer fucker to get me a pick if it fell on the ground. So he said "yeah sure" (lying asshole) So billy had just finished playing "fuck you" and he threw the pick into the crowd. It ended up landing on the ground and that bouncer twat picked it up. I was waiting for him to give it to me, but what does the asshole do instead, he hands it to Gina (trying to pick her up on the job) anyways she ended up giving it to me since I'm a guitarist (how nice) But if I ever see that bouncer again, I'm gunna kick his ass. If your reading this I know where you live! ASSHOLE. You know who you are E.C

Well. Heres another boring story for you losers without lives can read. It was July 2nd and the Pumpkins were set to play in Buffalo. After driving two hellish hours from Toronto, we finally entered Americas shithole. BUFFALO. Anyways we had only been driving in Buffalo for about 5 minutes when Gina yelled. "Billy Corgan!!!" I obviously shit myslef in awe. Anyways so we stuck out our heads out of the car window and yelled "BILLLAAAYY" "WOOOOOO" SO he turned around and started laughing. We dumped the car off to the side and got ready to go up to him. So Gina and I started walking towards him. I told her "fuck it, you ask him" then she said "no way, you" At that point I decided, " fuck it I'm juts gunna walk by him". Obviously we decided to talk to him. So we went up to him and he started laughing cause he recognized us from the car incident. I asked him to sign this piece of Paper on the left and he said "Sure whats you name?" So I told him and he did the same thing for Gina, he then asked us if we had any tickets for the show, and I said "yeah but shitty ones" hoping he'd give us backstage passes. He just laughed. The Gina said "thats ok, cause we saw you in Toronto front row. It was amazing, but we got crushed cause of all the fuckin moshers" He said "yeah we were a little rusty then, cause it was the first show of the Tour" Anyways we also talked a bit about the moshing shit, and how moshing has totally died, and we also talked about how it was cool that he had made the buffalo concert with no floor seats. To bad it didn't work, cause we still had fuckers throwing chairs, and moshing to Mayonaise. ANyways so we both shook his hand and left, It was a cool experience and Billy was really nice about it.

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Copyright 1996. If you have any questions, comments, additions, or if you think I'm incredibly sexy, mail me at yu108056@yorku.ca