"Notes from our Mission Team, in Thailand since 1991."
Team History
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MEET THE TEAM[Russ & Tracy Pennington]
Walters' Family Page
From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another. John 1:16
Greetings from the Walters!Spring 2002
Summer in the Son 2002
Spring 2001
The Walter family continues to enjoy life on the mission field and the satisfaction that comes from being where God wants us to be. As we consider our life here we are filled with a deep thankfulness for:
God - who has loved us so much He has brought us to Bangkok so that we can be placed in a position to know and love Him more and more and deepen our relationship with Him. Our children - each one different and special; each adding their own unique flavor of joy to our family, each one set apart and gifted for a particular work in God's plan. Each other - and the comradeship that comes from shared purpose, shared goals, shared joys and heartaches, shared ministry. The Thai people - dearly beloved, chosen by God, called forth from darkness into light, chosen to declare His praises! Our team - and the comfort of being understood and supported and of having a place to belong and a shoulder to lean on. Co-workers and mentors. Visionaries. Believing God for the impossible. Our supporters -dependable, steadfast, with the vision that faithfulness is determined by obedience as opposed to numbers. If you were to drop in on our family during a typical day you'd probably notice...
Loud bangs and falling objects as soon as you walked in the door accompanied by shrieks that would shame a banshee! This would be Jonathan! A year old in February 2002 he delights in destruction - or perhaps I should say thoroughly exploring every nook and cranny of whatever he's not supposed to have particularly (but not limited to) the toilet, stairs, dog dishes, trashcans, and Daddy's office along with the infinite number of toys in our house that are not suitable for children under the age of three. In seeking him out be sure not to look for him in the places he has no interest in, including the safe cabinet set aside for his use in the kitchen, the toy basket in the living room, the shelf in the family room, or the "baby books" on the bottom shelves of the bookcase. He keeps things from getting stagnant! He loves music and dancing, balls and throwing, and whatever he isn't supposed to have.
Some places that would surprise you with their orderliness (as contrasted to the mess that marks baby Jon's trail through the house). These would be the places Ashlee has been "organizing" which is one of her chief activities and favorite things to do. One of Ashlee's many gifts is bringing a sense of beauty and order into places. At eight years old she loves to read, to pretend (dollhouse, clubhouse, dress up, etc.), to have friends over to play, and finds a great deal of happiness in mothering everyone from her baby brother to the snails in the backyard. The top thing on her wish list is a room of her own (PINK!) and she often surprises us with her sensitive heart and insightful thoughts.
If you stayed around long enough you'd hear the clash of plastic on plastic (swords, that is) and catch a glimpse of Joshua (or perhaps I should say Sir Joshua the Compassionate and Courageous as he was knighted at his birthday party) our 5 year old and resident protector, dragon slayer, jouster and jokester. He loves to keep us smiling and is perhaps the only big brother who has managed to teach his can't- walk- or -even- stand -alone- yet sibling to joust with him! Josh has a tender heart combined with a unique sense of humor. He is especially contrite when he has knocked his baby brother flat with one of his sword parries! Other favorite things include airplanes, and he loves music as well and often takes his guitar with him in the mornings when it is his turn to go to Daddy's office for "Bible time".
Tim can most often be found in his office at our house studying or counseling with people, up at the church building participating in prayer or teaching, or traveling around the vicinity where we live studying with and visiting people. On "Daddy Day" and in the evenings he presides over the microwave popcorn, is the master at hideand-seek, and tells one of his very own made up stories every Monday on family day. Staying prepared for all the teaching he does is a challenge for him, and includes leadership training classes, Sunday morning sermons, and studies with non-Christians or new Christians.
Sherry is usually running back and forth between our schoolroom and the kitchen with Jonathan in one arm and the other full of something else. Between homeschooling, homemaking, and ministering to the women in our church she finds free minutes few and far between. Having three children to care for and teach has been a joyful challenge. She will testify that having children and being a missionary have many things in common - two of the biggest being that they both make you realize how inadequate you are, and how much you have to depend on God if you want anything of eternal significance to take place during all of your running around.
Our family appreciates your interest in our work so much. Without people in the States who partner with us prayerfully and financially, and who encourage us and support us, our work here would be so much harder than it is. We thank God for you and your interest in Thailand!.
For the Kingdom,
Tim, Sherry, Joshua, Ashlee and Jonathan
Thanks for taking the time to read our web site. Take a moment to sign our guest book to let us know you have been here!
Tim and Sherry Walter
Russ and Tracy Pennington
Steve and Samantha Allen
Surface mail:
P.O. Box 111
Bangkok, Thailand 10160
'Arise, shine , for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your dawn.'
Isaiah 60:1-3
These pages constructed byTimothy M. Nall